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Nirjala Ekadashi (Gyaras) 2025

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As per Vedic scriptures, every Ekadashi is significantly an auspicious day that celebrates the eternal greatness and power of the Supreme the Sustaining force of the entire Universe - Lord Vishnu. Ekadashi falls twice a month, which is the two lunar cycles in a month as per the Hindu Lunar calendar; the first part of the month is the bright fortnight of the waxing moon phase called Shukla Paksha, and the second part of the month is the dark fortnight of the waning moon phase called Krishna Paksha.


Among the 24 Ekadashis that fall in a year (2 in each month as per Hindu Lunar Calendar), Nirjala Ekadashi fasting and rituals as per scriptures is an extremely special and meritorious day to receive Bhagwaan Vishnu’s grace and blessings that can wash away many sins and fulfill desires.

What is Nirjala Ekadashi? Nirjala Ekadashi Meaning

The meaning of the word Nirjala; Nir means No and Jala means water, combined it means no water or without water. As all Ekadashis involve observing a fast, Nirjala Ekadashi Vrat (fasting) involves observing fast not only without food but also without drinking water for the duration of 24 hours. It is the sternest and hence the most sacred of all 24 Ekadashi.

What is Nirjala Ekadashi

The Nirjala Ekadashi/Nirjala Gyaras vrat (fast) begins on Ekadashi sunrise and ends on the next day (Dwadashi) Sunrise. Observing the Nirjala Ekadashi ka vrat (fast) maybe tough for devotees as the month of Jyeshtha or May and June see varying climatic conditions (specially hot) in India, however, the importance of Nirjala Ekadashi and the benefits of Nirjala Ekadashi is so extensive that Sadhak’s (Worshipper’s) and ardent devotees of Bhagwan Vishnu wholeheartedly give up one day to gratify their senses, and, religiously observe Nirjala Ekadashi Vrat (fast). One must know that Nirjala Fast (Vrat) or dry-fast is even scientifically very good as it cleanses and detoxifies the body. So even though staying without consuming water or food on Nirjala Ekadashi is a religious observance but this Nirjala Ekadashi fasting benefits the physical body too.

When is Nirjala Ekadashi 2025? Nirjala Ekadashi Tithi & Muhurat (Date & Time)

Nirjala Ekadashi on Friday, June 6, 2025
On 7th Jun, Parana Time - 01:02 PM to 03:44 PM
On Parana Day Hari Vasara End Moment - 11:25 AM
Ekadashi Tithi Begins - 02:15 AM on Jun 06, 2025
Ekadashi Tithi Ends - 04:47 AM on Jun 07, 2025
Nirjala Ekadashi Parana
Vaishnava Nirjala Ekadashi on Saturday, June 7, 2025
On 8th Jun, Parana Time for Vaishnava Ekadashi - 04:54 AM to 07:17 AM
On Parana Day Dwadashi End Moment - 07:17 AM
Ekadashi Tithi Begins - 02:15 AM on Jun 06, 2025
Ekadashi Tithi Ends - 04:47 AM on Jun 07, 2025

Significance (Importance) of Nirjala Ekadashi:

Significance mportance of Nirjala Ekadashi

Nirjala Ekadashi is also known as Bhimaseni Ekadashi or Bhimaseni Nirjala Ekadashi and Pandava Nirjala Ekadashi. The Nirjala Ekadashi is said to be the most important of all the 24 Ekadashis. Even if any of the other 23 Ekadashis have not been observed, just by observing the Nirjala Ekadashi, Sadhak and ardent devotees gain all the fruits, which would have been achieved by observing fast and rituals all the other Ekadashis. Some have quoted that even hearing the names of the 24 Ekadashis in the year can remove most of the sins and troubles of Sadhaks and Devotees. Ancient texts speak highly about the many benefits of observing all Ekadashi Vrats and predominantly Nirjala Ekadashi Vrat. Along with Hinduism, Jainism too considers Ekadashis to be holy, which has spiritual connotations.

Shri Krishna explaining to Yudhisthira

Nirjala Ekadashi - the holiest Vedic celebration of the greatness of Bhagwan Vishnu is rewarding on every level; as Bhagwan Vishnu is an eternal giver and sustainer once he is pleased with the sincere intentions and purity of his devotees. The ancient text has a mention of Shri Krishna explaining to Yudhisthira (Pandava's brother from Mahabharata) about the importance of Nirjala Ekadashi where Bhagwan Krishna has quoted; “Nirjala Ekadashi is greater than all sacrifices or charity to the needy or the sacrifice of horses (Ashvamedha) or even seeing Bhagwan Vishnu Himself”.

Rishi Vyasa (Compiler of Vedas & Writer of other Scriptures & Puranas) has said that observing Nirjala Ekadashi Vrat (fast) has the power of ensuring that the individual after death will never go to hell and Vasu-Dutas (messengers of Vishnu) will come to receive the soul to escort the soul to Vaikuntha, the eternal abode of Bhagwan Vishnu. All worshippers’ and ardent devotees of Narayan on Nirjala Ekadashi must follow the Nirjala Ekadashi Vrat Vidhi, and must read and listen to the Nirjala Ekadashi Vrat Katha.

Click Here to Book Ekadashi Puja

Nirjala Ekadashi Vrat Katha | Nirjala Ekadashi Story

The Nirjala Ekadashi Vrat Katha or Nirjala Ekadashi story is from the Brahma-Vaivarta Purana. Nirjala Ekadashi Vrat ki Katha comes through in a conversation between Bhimasena, better known as Bhima, one of the Pandava brothers from Mahabharata, and the grandson of great Sage Vyasadeva or Sage Veda Vyasa (Grandfather of the Pandavas). Bimasena asks Vyasadeva whether it is possible for his soul to transcend to the spiritual realm even if all the rules of the Ekadashi Vrat (Fast) are not followed strictly.

Nirjala Ekadashi Story

Bhimasena or Bhima was extremely fond of eating, and it is said he could eat huge quantities of food. So, in the Nirjala Ekadashi’s story, Bhima tells Vyasadeva that his mother Kunti, his wife Draupadi and his other brothers, i.e. King Yudhistira, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahadeva observe the Ekadashi fasts meticulously and have many times suggested to him to observe the Ekadashi vrats. But it was impossible for him to think of fasting for 24hrs; Bhima says that the mere thought of abstaining from eating food is scary and makes him shiver, as he was not able to control his hunger. Bhima says that he can easily do any amount of charity and worship Lord Vishnu with lavish offerings but fasting (Vrat) was unthinkable for him. Bhimasena pleads to his grandfather to tell him of another way to earn the merits of Ekadashi in the easiest way without fasting.

On hearing his grandson's request, Sage Vyasasena tells Bhima about the many merits one can earn on observing Ekadashi fasts strictly and above all get abundantly blessed by Bhagwan Vasudeva. But understanding the plight of his grandson, Sage Vyasasena said that observing only the Nirjala Ekadashi Vrat/Fast by maintaining a Nirjala Vrat (Waterless Fast), along with not eating any food would make it possible to earn all the merits equivalent to that earned by observing fast on all the other Ekadashis. He further specifies in the Nirjala Ekadashi Katha that if anyone observes the Nirjala Ekadasi by following all the specified rules and by being completely immersed in chanting the name of Vishnu/Krishna and sings praises of the supreme consciousness on the day and throughout the night of Nirjala Ekadashi, that devotee is sure to be liberated and secures a place at the Lotus feet of Lord Vishnu at his eternal abode Vaikuntha.

Hearing the Nirjala Ekadashi kahani (story) and benefits of Nirjala fasting from the great Sage Vyasasena, the Pandava Prince Bhima was satisfied and agreed to observe at least the Nirjala Ekadashi Vrat on the auspicious Nirjala Ekadashi.

Benefits Of Nirjala Gyaras Vrat Katha:

  • Most Sadhaks experience spiritual growth, find solutions to long-standing problems and receive support to grow materially as well as spiritually.
  • Blessings of Bhagwan Vishnu
  • Material & Spiritual Abundance
  • Good Health
  • Protection from Diseases, Accidents & Negativity

Nirjala Ekadashi Puja Vidhi:

There is no fixed Puja Procedure to be followed on Nirjala Ekadashi you can follow your own method. Below we have described a simple Nirjala Ekadashi Puja Vidhi (Procedure) which can be done at home.

  • On Nirjala Ekadashi, wake up early in the morning before sunrise. Take a bath and wear clean clothes. Set up a clean space for your puja with a mat or cloth.
  • Begin the puja by invoking Bhagwan Vishnu's blessings. Light a lamp and some incense sticks.
  • Offer flowers, water, and Tulsi leaves at Bhagwan Vishnu's idol or picture. You can also offer fruits, sweets, and other favorite items of Lord Vishnu.
  • Recite Vishnu Sahasranama or other Vishnu mantras with devotion. You can also chant the mantra 'Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya' or any other prayers dedicated to Lord Vishnu.
    You can read or recite Vishnu Sahasranama (A thousand names of Vishnu).

Book Now Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam Paath

You can watch the video below

  • After the puja, offer prayers to Tulsi plant, considered sacred on Ekadashi.
  • Observing a fast on Nirjala Ekadashi is important. It is a complete fast without water, so make sure to avoid any food or drink throughout the day and night.
  • Spend the day in prayers, meditation, and reading sacred texts.
  • In the evening, perform aarti to conclude the puja.
  • After sunset on the next day (Dwadashi), break your fast by consuming a simple meal. It's customary to first offer the food to Lord Vishnu and then partake in it as prasad.
  • May your Nirjala Ekadashi puja be filled with devotion and blessings from Lord Vishnu!

Nirjala Ekadashi Mantra for Puja & Japa

'Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya'
Meaning: I offer my obeisance to or bow down to Lord Vasudeva or Lord Krishna.
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare

(Note: Those with family should observe fasting on the first day only. The two-day (Dwadashi) Ekadashi fasting is only suggested for sanyasis, widows, and those who want moksha (liberation).

Those who observe the fast must break it after sunrise the next day of Ekadashi. Note that one should break the fast (Parana) within Dwadashi Tithi. Another important consideration is that one must not break the fast during Hari Vasara, which is the fourth duration of Dwadashi. The best time to break the fast is pratah kala (early morning).)

Nirjala Ekadashi

Click Here to Book Ekadashi Puja

We at Rudra Centre; our Karmkandi pundits follow Nirjala Ekadashi Puja Vidhi and Nirjala Ekadashi Vrat Katha for our yajmans. We advise and prescribe the entire process and procedure and work towards assisting our yajmans to gain maximum benefits from the Nirjala Ekadashi Puja Vidhi and Nirjala Ekadashi Katha. It is said that on this day if one performs this puja vidhi and katha, most of their misgivings or sins are washed off. This Nirjala Ekadashi puja vidhi and katha begins with Shree Ganpati devta invocation mantra followed by the invocation mantras of all major deities, Dhyaan, Katha of Lord Vishnu (and His various avatars), Aarti, Pushpaanjali and Prasada distribution.

Nirjala Ekadashi Vrat Vidhi (Fasting Rules)

The Nirjala Ekadashi ki vidhi is specified in the ancient Hindu texts and have been specified by Lord Sri Krishna while answering King Yudhishthira's (the eldest Pandava brothers from Mahabharata) query. The Nirjala Ekadashi benefits are actually innumerable if the nirjala fast/upvas is observed sincerely and with pure intention.

The Nirjala Ekadashi Vrat Vidhi:

Apara Ekadashi Puja and Vrat Vidhi
  • Observe a waterless fast or Upavas. The fast begins on Ekadasi sunrise and ends on the next day (Dwadasi) Sunrise. However, fasting for two days is not possible for everyone.
  • Early morning of Nirjala Ekadashi, the devotee should have a bath and should intent on keeping the fast meticulously.
  • Perform Achamana but be careful not to put more than just one drop of water to sprinkle in the mouth during Achamana as then the purpose of observing Nirjala Ekadashi is not going to be served.
  • You should visit Bhagwan Vishnu/Krishna temple and offer prayers. If a temple is not around, you can worship him at your home in the early morning. The idols of Lord Vishnu should be worshipped with sandalwood, flowers, fruits, lighting pure Cow’s ghee Lamp, and light a dhoop as well. You can worship Lord Vishnu by using energized Vishnu Yantras. Offering delicious Bhog to the Supreme God Vishnu is a part of the Nirjala Gyaras/Ekadashi vrat vidhi.
  • You can simply meditate on Bhagwan Vishnu and chant his mantra: 'Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya'. Sage Narada gave this powerful mantra to Dhruva Maharaja as described in the Bhagavata Purana (4.8.54). You can also chant the Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra on the Tulsi bead.
  • You should offer flowers and chant Vishnu Sahasranamam (Thousands name of Lord Vishnu). Chanting a thousand names of Vishnu or Vishnu Stotram has a purifying effect on the mind and the body. You can also play it in the morning while you engage in daily work.
  • You can consider wearing a Ten Mukhi and a Nineteen Mukhi Rudraksha beads, as Shri Krishna and Narayana rule them. Wearing these Rudraksha beads on this day always purifies your inner self and strengthens your willpower. They work like a shield on one's body, and the wearer gets immense protection from negative energies, evil eyes, and psychic attacks, and the wearer can attract luck and abundance.
  • Sleeping at night on Nirjala Ekadasi is not recommended (unless there is a medical condition), also against the Nirjala Ekadashi fast and puja vidhi rules, hence people perform Jagratas to perform night vigil. Chanting of Shri Vishnu's name should be done through the day and night.
  • Next morning, after the bath, donate food, clothes, fruits, sherbet, and milk, etc. to the needy. Donating is an important part of all Ekadashi. As per ancient Hindu texts, donate clothes, food grains, umbrellas, and hand-fans, pitchers filled with water, and any other items to Brahmins. The devotees can have breakfast with drinking water.

Nirjala Ekadashi Fasting Rules

Nirjala Ekadashi Fasting Rules

As per specifications in the ancient texts, to get the maximum benefits of fasting on Nirjala Ekadashi devotees should adhere to the rules strictly. But, some devotees may not be able to observe waterless Nirjala Ekadashi due to health conditions or other reasons; therefore, such devotees must at least know and practice some Do’s and Don’t of Ekadashi fasting rules, which applies to all Ekadashis as well.

  • Usually on every Ekadashi, beans and grains are prohibited to eat.
  • Hurting any animal is prohibited. Killing animals is out of the question.
  • Sleeping during the day is not recommended at all on Nirjala Gyaras/Ekadashi and the even next day that is on Dwadashi.
    The devotee keeping fast should not indulge in fights or arguments and should not meet or interact with any cheats, frauds, or people involved in any nefarious activity. The scriptures even say that if by chance the devotee comes into the proximity with such a person should purify him/herself by standing under the sun and looking directly at it
  • Ensure complete abstinence from sex, gambling and drinking alcohol on Ekadashi and Dwadashi.
  • On Dwadashi (the day after Ekadashi), devotees should not eat in another person's house. Also, they have only one meal which excludes honey and urad-dal (black lentil), eat on bell metal plate or cutlery, and should not massage oil on the body.
  • If due to any reason, the devotee is not able to break the fast on the next day, then he/she should have water to signify the completion of the fast and later have food when convenient
  • As per the ancient text/usually, one has to keep purifying themselves by eating tulsi leaves or an amalaki fruit

Nirjala Kashi - In Kashi or Varanasi, the Nirjala Ekadashi is celebrated with a special ceremony, which includes Kalash Yatra from the Ganga Ghat to Kashi Vishwanath temple.

Nirjala Ekadashi Iskcon - The Iskcon temples around the world have special puja and ceremonies on Nirjala Ekadashi/Gyaras and devotee’s throng to participate in the puja.

Nirjala Ekadashi “Daan” (Donation)

Nirjala Ekadashi Daan Donation

What to donate on Nirjala Ekadashi:

Donation on Nirjala Ekadashi is considered highly auspicious and commendable. Here are some suggested items to donate on this sacred day:

Food items:

  • Rice, wheat, and other grains.
  • Fruits and vegetables.
  • Cooked meals to the needy and hungry.

Click Here to Book Food Donation (Ann Daan)


  • New clothes for the poor and underprivileged.
  • Warm clothes, blankets, and shawls, especially in cold areas or winter seasons.

Click Here to Book Clothes Donation (Vastra Daan)

Money and benefaction:

  • Financial donations to temples, charitable organisations, or directly to those in need.
  • Supporting the education of underprivileged children by donating to schools or educational charities.

Religious Items:

  • Books on spirituality and religious scriptures.
  • Items used in worship like incense sticks, diyas (lamps).

Shelter and Support:

  • Donating to shelters for the homeless or animal shelters.
  • Contributing to the construction of schools, hospitals, and community centres.

Cows and Animal Care:

  • Donating to goshala (cow shelters) or animal welfare organisations.
  • Providing food & fodder and other essentials for animals.

Click Here to Book Cow Donation (Gau Daan)

While making donations, it's important to do so with a pure heart and the intent to help and uplift others. This selfless act of charity not only benefits the recipients but also brings spiritual merit to the donor. Observing these practices on Nirjala Ekadashi is believed to cleanse one's soul, remove past sins, and attract divine blessings.

We wish all the devotees Happy Nirjala Ekadashi 2024.

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