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5 Mukhi Rudraksha: Benefits, Powers And Significance

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The 5 mukhi rudraksha is available in different varieties and of these the most authentic and powerful are the Nepal and Java Indonesian varieties. Nepali beads are in larger in size, with deeply etched mukhi(face) lines and are more developed and powerful than Java beads. Five mukhi rudraksha of Java variety is comparatively smaller in size with a smoother surface and mukhi lines. Since the surface area of 5 mukhi rudraksha Nepal is more than five face Rudraksha from Java, the intensity of the healing frequency of the Nepal variety is more and its results are seen faster. However 5 mukhi Rudraksha benefits of both varieties over the course of time are same. If someone is looking for therapeutic benefits then the 5 mukhi Rudraksha from Nepal will be a better choice because it works faster and is not very highly priced. Due to smaller size and lesser price of Java Indonesian beads, most of our clients generally opt for this variety as they can be made into pretty jewelry designs, sample images are below

5 Mukhi Rudraksha



The five Mukhi Rudraksha beads are most popular and easily available Rudraksha beads . Since ancient times, these Rudraksha beads have been worn by mankind for religious fulfillment through chanting mantra/ japa and for good health. The paanch Mukhi Rudraksha symbolizes the 5 forms of Lord Shiva , representing Lord Rudra Kalagni. This divine Rudaksha helps in awakening the wearer's Upa Guru meaning one’s higher self and through that to God. Hence, these rare 5 mukhi beads are most widely worn beads by sages and students since ancient times.

5 Mukhi Rudraksha Ruling Planet & Benefits

Planet Jupiter rules the Paanch mukhi rudraksha It is thus related with developing one's own uniqueness and learning. Optimism and growth including mental and spiritual growth are two powerful qualities that are associated with this Rudraksha.

Chakra associated with 5 Mukhi Rudraksha:

The Vishuddha Chakra or the Throat Chakra is the fifth chakra which is associated with the 5 Mukhi Rudraksha.

Importance of five Mukhi Rudraksha:

  • It removes the malefic effects of planet Jupiter
  • It enhances one's intellect and self-awareness
  • It is extensively used for wearing and chanting mantras
  • It cultivates Wisdom and intellect.

5 Mukhi Rudraksha Benefits:

  • It helps to remove intellectual dullness and obtain spiritual faith and insight
  • It is highly beneficial for students, scholars, teachers, writers, journalists and researchers.
  • It is highly recommended for those preparing for competitive examinations
  • It helps singers and public speakers achieve greater success in their respective fields.

Therapeutic Benefits:

  • It helps those with timid, shy or suppressed predispositions and enables them to attain a growing sense of uniqueness, self-worth and creativity
  • Gives relief in Asthma and other respiratory disorders
  • Helps cure diseases related to the thyroid gland .

Additional Paanch Mukhi Rudraksha benefits:

Men and women who have blood pressure and cholesterol-related problems must buy 5 mukhi Rudraksha. These 5 Mukhi Rudraksha beads are also effective in digestive disorders.
Lowers cholesterol, maintains blood pressure. Good for health. Three beads have to be soaked in a glass of water every night and water is consumed first thing in the morning. Beads are then kept in a bowl and left to dry and preferably kept in the refrigerator.

Five Mukhi Rudraksha Mantra:


Different Design Options for 5 Mukhi Rudraksha

5 Mukhi from Nepal in 22ct Gold Capping

5 Mukhi from Nepal in 22ct Gold Capping


5 Mukhi from Java Indonesia in Silver Capping

5 Mukhi from Java Indonesia in Silver Capping


Within these two varieties again you would find different sizes. As the size of the 5 face Rudraksha increases, its effects also become powerful and shows quicker results but at the same time the 5 mukhi Rudraksha price also increases. We have arranged them into small, regular, large and collector sizes.

5 Mukhi Nepal
Small (in mm) - 15
Regular (in mm) - 20
Large (in mm) - 22
Collector (in mm) - 27

5 Mukhi Java
Small (in mm) - 10
Regular (in mm) - 12
Large (in mm) - 13
Collector (in mm) - NIL

Collector beads are the most sought-after Rudraksha beads which are largest, lustrous, heavy and well-developed with matured seeds and good symmetry. Being rare and best pick of the season, they are the most exclusive beads in our range of any particular mukhi of Rudraksha. They emit high energy and when it comes to 5 face Rudraksha benefits, the collector beads give the fastest results. Since we pay the farmer well in advance of the season and are the largest collector of collector beads from Nepal, you get the choicest beads of season at the most reasonable prices from us.


How to wear 5 Mukhi Rudraksha

Before wearing a Rudraksha ensure you energize it. The best day to wear a paanch Mukhi Rudraksha is on a Thursday. Wake up early on a Thursday morning. Cleanse yourself by bathing and wearing clean clothes. Sit facing the North direction chant the Mantra 'Om Hreem Namah' 108 times and wear the Rudraksha. The best way to wear this auspicious bead is to wear it in a silk/wool thread or get it capped in silver or gold. You can wear this Rudraksha bead around your neck or get it enclosed in a silver or golden basket and wear it as a bracelet or as a mala of 27+1 or 32+1 or 54+1 or 108+1 beads on neck. The bead should be close to the skin to create resonance with the respective chakra. Touching skin is not important though for the bead to show full effects. It is recommended to wear as per RRCT to get full effects.

How to wear multiple beads of 5 Mukhi Rudraksha?

There is a science where the multiple beads of a particular mukhi of the Rudraksha need to be strung for it to work properly. Neeta Singhal, the Director of Rudra Centre has identified and pioneered the best orientation and stringing methodology of Rudraksha to derive the optimum benefits of 5 mukhi rudraksha beads. The methodology developed after study on Rudraksha in ancient scriptures and two decades of research on effects of Rudraksha and various combinations has till date has proven to show positive results within a very short time. The Rudraksha recommendation is done after consultation where the 5 mukhi Rudraksha astrology and person’s aura analysis is considered to understand the root cause of the issue and resolve it.

When multiple beads of 5 mukhi Rudraksha are strung together to be worn around neck, special care needs to be taken so that the circuit of energy of Rudraksha is maintained while it flows through each bead. Rudraksha work as capacitors and have polarities making it necessary to arrange the beads in a particular manner to help maintain the flow of energy. The Guru bead again plays an important role when the strung beads are worn around neck, because it acts as the medium through which the Rudraksha energy flow gets transmitted to the body. This stringing of multiple beads in particular fashion when made using Nepal Rudraksha beads is called a Kantha mala or Kantha bracelet. And when multiple beads of Java Rudraksha beads are strung together in form of mala or bracelet, then they are called Kanthi. Multiple beads of 5 mukhi of Nepal variety and Java variety is referred as Guru Mala or Bracelet.

Multiple beads of 5 mukhi of Nepal Variety is also referred as Guru Kantha Mala or bracelet

Guru Bracelet

Guru Bracelet


Guru Mala

Guru Mala

Multiple beads of 5 mukhi from Java is known as Guru Mala or Brahma Bracelet.

5 Mukhi Guru Mala

5 Mukhi Guru Mala

5 Mukhi Guru Bracelets

Guru Bracelet


5 mukhi Rudraksha when combined with other mukhi Rudrakshas can work to uplift particular aspects of life.

Wisdom Pendant

This pendant combining the power of 4, 5 and 11 mukhi Rudraksha beads makes a powerful combination for knowledge and communication. It makes the wearer intelligent, knowledgeable, creative, expressive and bold while releasing his shyness. It helps the wearer discover his own uniqueness and self-worth. It provides relief from sore throat, insomnia and neck and shoulder pain.

Wisdom Pendant

Healing bracelet

This bracelet is made of 3, 5,7,11 and 9 mukhi Rudraksha beads to empower and heal the wearer. It clears disease energy in the Chakras and protects from unwanted elements entering the body. It burns past karmas, gives knowledge, wisdom, inner power, peace and heals the mind and body of the wearer. It improves digestion, boost the immune system and gives relief from weakness and dizziness.

Healing bracelet



This divine combination helps in desire fulfillment by blessing the wearer with power and charisma. Combining power of 3, 5, 7,9,11 and 17 mukhi Rudraksha beads, it opens the door for divine manifestation of desires, immense wealth and abundance in all spheres. It attracts the power to make the wish into reality. As healing bead, it provides relief from headaches, sinus, insomnia, brain and throat-related ailments.



Study Success

This combination is highly recommended for students as it highly effective in enhancing knowledge, grasping power, focus and willpower of the wearer. Made of 4, 5, 2, 6, 8, 10 and 11 mukhi Rudraksha, it brings awareness, high intellect, wisdom, peace, harmony, perfectionism and grounding. It removes all obstacles and malefic of all planets. It helps overcome lethargy and cure ailments related to throat, bones and muscles.

Study Success


How to Identify an Original 5 Mukhi Rudraksha?

  • In order to check the authenticity of the paanch Mukhi Rudraksha bead perform this simple test
  • Hold the Rudraksha in your hand and check whether the lines on it run from one end to the other without breaking.
  • Check whether the bead is tempered or not.
  • Put the Rudraksha bead inside a glass of warm water for some time, remove the bead and check whether the water is clean and does not have any germs.
  • Examine any discolored lines which could be due to presence of glue.
  • Look closely if the bead has any tiny holes or damage. If the bead is original allow it to dry and later wear it according to the process mentioned above.

Before you buy 5 Mukhi Rudraksha online:

  • Search for authentic 5 mukhi rudraksha dealers
  • Compare the 5 mukhi round rudraksha price from the shortlisted dealers list
  • Select what size of the bead you want and of which origin
  • Purchase it from the dealer that offers supreme Quality 5 mukhi Rudraksha at the best price

Significance of 5 mukhi Rudraksha:

  • It removes malefic effects of planet Jupiter
  • It enhances one's intellect and self-awareness
  • It is extensively used for wearing and chanting mantras
  • It cultivates Wisdom and intellect.

5 Mukhi Rudraksha Puja:

Before wearing a Rudraksha ensure you energize it. The best day to wear Original paanch Mukhi Rudraksha is on a Thursday. Wake up early on a Thursday morning. Clean the place where the puja would be conducted. Bathe and wear clean clothes. Now sit facing the northwest direction of your house. Take a copper vessel mix water and holy ‘Gangajal’ in it. Now place the five mukhi Rudraksha in it and wash it gently. Now take 9 leaves of peepal tree, place them on a copper plate. Place the five mukhi Rudraksha on the leaves. Now with the help of a fresh flower sprinkle plain water and gangajal mixture on the Rudraksha bead. Now apply some sandalwood paste on the Rudraksha, offer fresh flowers. Now light a diya besides the vessel in which the Rudraksha is kept. Light dhoop sticks and offer fumes to the Rudraksha. Now with a pure and focused mind chant the Mantra 'Om Hreem Namah' 108 times. Wear the Rudraksha. The five Mukhi Rudraksha may be worn in silk/wool thread or capped in silver or gold. You can wear this bead around your neck or wear it as a bracelet. The bead should touch your skin so that it activates and works upon particular areas.

5 Mukhi Rudraksha Experience:

The 5 mukhi Rudraksha is one of the most worn and revered Rudrakshas. This divine Rudraksha bead offers relief from various ailments relating to the throat. The wearer of the four mukhi Rudraksha beads have experienced positivity and benefitted a lot. Many singers, students and speakers and political leaders have benefitted from this Rudraksha tremendously.

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