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Chakra Cleansing Meditation With Sakhashree

Chakra System
Chakra Cleansing Meditation With Sakhashree

Discover the transformative power of meditation to release trauma, anxiety, and negative beliefs. Embrace peace, tranquility, and empowerment.

Get Freedom From

Obsessive Thoughts
Limiting Beliefs Pattern
Self Doubt
Low Confidence
Poor Self Worth
Dynamic Chakra Cleansing Meditation

What is Chakra Marjan Kriya (Dynamic Chakra Cleansing Meditation)?

Chakra Marjan Kriya is a dynamic fear-releasing process developed by globally renowned Chakra Healer Sakhashree Neeta. The guided session involves being witnesses to fear and emotions in an aware state and willingly driving them away forever.

In this meditation, you will focus on your fears and negativity, which can be relationship discord, financial troubles, or adverse situations in personal, social, or professional life. After which, the meditation technique will be used to remove any deep-rooted fear and belief. With the release of deep-rooted fears, one is empowered to transform his or her life and overcome obstacles, problems, and sufferings.

Uncover your deep-seated fears and negative beliefs and transform your life by connecting to the now, which is true wisdom and peace. Release these fears from their roots to experience positivity and self-power.

Balance your chakras and heal naturally from low immunity and various diseases and ailments. Handle challenges and problems in personal, professional, and social life with ease. Find reasons for your problems and sufferings and find solutions to them by understanding the lessons of the chakras and being in tune with your true self.

What is the procedure of Chakra Marjan Kriya?

  • Book a Dynamic Chakra Cleansing Session with Sakhashree online on the website.
  • Your order will be acknowledged, and your session will be scheduled within the next 24 to 48 hours.
  • A link to the Aura Chakra software application will be sent to you, in which you will be filling in your details, details of any issues you may be facing, and a questionnaire related to the 7 chakras.
  • A typical Chakra The Marjan Kriya session begins with a one-on-one counseling session with Sakhashree in which blockages of specific chakras are identified.
  • The session is followed by positive affirmations and relevant chakra activation. Beej mantra music to enliven the chakra session will also be played.
  • Finally, Sakhashree will help you identify the path you need to take to cleanse them, either with Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy solutions or through chakra cleansing sessions.

Changes Experienced After the Consultation

  • Your thought processes will become streamlined and clear.
  • You will see your obstacles as opportunities for growth and learning.
  • You will be able to set clear, well-defined goals and achieve them.
  • You will prevent and experience relief from any health condition.
  • You will improve your relationships, both personal and professional.
  • You will experience harmony with your family, friends, and surroundings.
  • You will be able to self-diagnose your issues and chakra imbalances and remove the negative thought process(s) or belief system(s) with the meditation technique taught to you in the consultation.
Experience Relief from Health Issues

There is a 100% money-back guarantee with no questions asked if you are not satisfied with the consultation.

About Sakhashree Neeta

Respected internationally, Sakhashree Neeta specializes in the healing of chakras, Rudraksha, and gemstones. She has promoted the success and empowerment of individuals from diverse backgrounds through her more than two decades of experience in counseling making use of chakra therapy. She has over 500 videos with over 5 million views on YouTube that discuss chakras, spirituality, empowerment, and rudrakshas. She has undertaken substantial research throughout the years regarding the chakras, ancient Hindu healing sciences, astrology, and the Vastu Shastra. The individual has linked the concept of dwelling energy with the seven Chakras of the Vastu Purush, which are present in each dwelling and have an impact on the energy levels of its occupants. She developed the Chakra Vastu, an architectural system that seeks to harmonize the diverse colors, directions, chakras, cuts, and extensions of a dwelling. By doing so, its residents may attain a state of complete harmony and well-being across every aspect of their lives.

Sakhashree Neeta
Chakra Properties

What are Chakras? Benefits of Chakra Balancing

Chakras are the most important parts of the energy system of the human body. Chakras are primary energy centers or nodes; one may visualize them as a rotating spiral vortex of energies. They rotate, absorb, and emit universal energies for the optimal working of the human energy system. The mention of chakras is available in old Vedic texts like the Rig Veda, Yog Sutras of Patanjali, Jabala Darshan Upanishad, and Shandilya Upanishad. Later, these texts were interpreted and contextualized for many modern alternative healing modalities. Although there are 114 chakras, the 7 major chakras, which lie along the spinal cord of the human body from the base of the spine until the crown of the head, are the most important. These 7 primary chakras are Muladhara (Root), Swadhisthana (Sacral), Manipura (Solar Plexus), Anahata (Heart), Vishuddha (Throat), Ajna (3rd Eye), and Sahasrara (Crown). They govern different aspects of our mental, emotional, and financial, material wellbeing.

How do Chakras affect our Health?

The 7 Chakras align with endocrine glands, which produce important hormones and regulate various bodily systems. Balanced chakras are vital for optimal functioning of organs and systems. Imbalances or blockages in the Chakra system can lead to health issues and diseases. The images below depict the 7 Chakras, each responsible for governing specific endocrine glands and systems in the body.

Chakara with Glands
Chakara with Systems

How do Chakras affect our Career or Business?

The Chakras govern our emotions, aspirations, and energy levels. An empowered Chakra attracts suitable situations and people for our material growth. It fosters commitment and inspires innovative approaches to career advancement. Each chakra bestows unique skills that aid personal and professional growth.


Security, Stability, Sense of Belonging.


Self-Identity. Emotional Balance.


Leadership Skills. Life Purpose.

Heart Chakra

Networking, Trust & Relationships.

Throat Chakra

Expression, Communication & Problem Solving.

3rd Eye Chakra

Foresight, Intuition, Strategic Planning.

Crown Chakra

Manifestation, Abundance, Collective Consciousness, Innovative Ideas.

All of these qualities contribute to exponential career growth and the manifestation of prosperity and expansion, which are intrinsic qualities of every individual.
Consult today to establish a connection with your TRUE NATURE.

How do Chakras affect our relationships?

The Chakras govern emotions, insecurities, and fears. By aligning with their lessons, we can form more holistic, healthy, and harmonious relationships. While you cannot control others' behavior, you have the power to control your response. By doing so, you can protect your interests and maintain your boundaries. When your Chakras are empowered and balanced, you can respond instead of react to others, promoting better relationships.

When the 7 chakras are imbalanced One May Experience:


Insecurity, Lack of Stability, Many Fears, Stressed Parental Relationships.


Feeling Being Taken Advantage of. Blurry Sense of Who you are.


Co-Dependency, Victimization, Lack of Motivation & Vitality.

Heart Chakra

Mistrust, Grief, Loneliness, Unforgiveness.

Throat Chakra

Lack of Clarity and Communication, Negativity.

3rd Eye Chakra

Non-Acceptance, Rigidity, Stubbornness.

Crown Chakra

Feeling Unlucky, Discontentment, Hopelessness.

By receiving guidance from Sakhashree Neeta, you can evolve as a being and experience more joy in your relationships with others through learning the lessons of the 7 chakras.


After the consultation is booked, Sakhashree will contact you at a mutually convenient time. Normally, the consultation slots are between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. (IST) from Monday to Sunday.

Sakhashree Neeta Ji will dive deep into your issues and resolve all your concerns. To date, we have a track record of 100% satisfaction. However, in case you don’t feel satisfied with the consultation, we have a no-questions-asked 100% money-back guarantee.

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