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Since ages, the yogis have been using their spiritual power with Parad, with supreme powers and spirituality can elevate the intensity and power of mercury. You will find Siddh Parad available only at Rudra Centre. This is complete with 8 Samskaras i.e. 8 stages of Purification as per Parad Samhita. Mercury when purified through several stages, loses all its toxicity and becomes solidified. It is then used to make Parad Gutikas & Beads which can be worn on the body & Idols like Shivalingam which are worshipped.
Parad is solidified Mercury, which is important in Hinduism and traditional healing and spiritual practices. Because of its divine properties, Parad, in its solidified form, is highly sacred and commonly used to create idols, yantras, and malas. Mercury is a natural element found in the earth's crust. Mercury is a pure liquid metal that exists in nature. Vedic rituals widely use Parad, regarded as one of the purest and most divine metals. In spiritual traditions, Parad symbolizes purity, alchemy, and transformation, representing the ability to convert negative energies into positive ones. It is believed to balance mind, body, and soul, enhance meditation, and connect individuals to higher consciousness by activating the higher chakras. Parad purify energies, eliminate toxins, and enhance mental clarity, emotional stability, and physical rejuvenation.
In Ayurveda and alternative healing, Parad has long been used to enhance mental clarity, physical vitality, and overall health and well-being when incorporated into specific rituals or personal meditation practices. Its reflective properties mirror inner consciousness, supporting self-awareness and profound transformation through the purification of the aura and environment.
Ruiling Deity: Shiva
Ruiling Planets: All
Favourable Day: Monday
The Ruling deity of Parad (Mercury or Solidified Mercury) is Lord Shiva. In Hinduism, Parad is revered as a sacred metal, believed to embody the essence of "Shiva Tatva" or the divine consciousness of Lord Shiva. It is said to hold the vibrations of creation, preservation, and destruction—energies that align with the ultimate spiritual power of the universe.
In ancient scriptures and tantric practices, Parad is often referred to as the "Seed" or "Semen (Shiva Bindu or Shiva Veerya)" of Lord Shiva. This metaphor symbolizes the origin of life and creation itself, as Shiva's energy is believed to give birth to all forms of existence. Parad represents the raw, unmanifested potential of the universe, just as a seed holds within it the promise of life.
Astrologically, Parad rules all planets, harmonizing their energies and neutralizing malefic effects.
Some scriptures further highlight that Parad possesses the properties of all Navratnas (nine sacred gems), which correspond to the Navgrahas (nine planets). This unique quality makes Parad a powerful spiritual and astrological remedy, offering protection, prosperity, and balance across all aspects of life influenced by planetary energies.
Rudra Centre energizes the Parad before shipping hence it can be worn on any day however since it is ruled by Lord Shiva, Mondays are auspicious to start wearing or worshipping Parad
It is always advisable to source Parad from a Trusted Source like Rudra Centre because it is difficult to ascertain whether Parad has been made as per Vedic Alchemical process or no. Here are a few quick tips
Although these are not conclusive still they provide some insight into identifying authentic Parad
Since the period of the Indo-Saraswati civilization, India has had knowledge of the science of mercury solidification for more than 7,000 years. It has been long held in Indian tradition and Vedic scriptures that the worship of Parad destroys one's sins, even those carried out from past lives. Worshipping Parad with Bhagwan Shiva's tapa (sacrifice and devotion) directs the flow of rasa (essential elements) inwards until there is nothing left to rotate the wheel of samsara (continuous cycle of birth and rebirth). This, eventually leads to liberation from the fetters of karma.
Parad represents alchemical purity and spiritual strength, transforming lower energies into higher consciousness. Parad idols, particularly the Parad Shiva Lingam, are praised in rituals for purification, dispelling negativity, and fostering spiritual growth, prosperity, and healing. Parad offers meditation, spiritual awareness, and divine blessings for health, wealth, and peace, as stated by worshippers. In alchemy and Tantrism, Parad represents the union of opposites (masculine and feminine or material and spiritual) highlighting its transformative essence beyond Hinduism. Parad is a unique tool for personal and energetic transformation, focusing on spiritual enlightenment and divine unity.
People value Parad products such as beads, idols, and yantras for their spiritual and material benefits in daily life. They energize homes and workplaces, enhancing positivity, peace, and abundance. Keeping a Parad Shiva Lingam or yantra at home promotes prosperity, health, and protection from negativity. Parad malas or bracelets can promote a balanced life by improving mental clarity, emotional stability, and overall well-being. Using Parad daily helps maintain a purified, energized space and reminds us of our spiritual goals.
Installing Parad Pyramids, Parad Shivlingam, and Parad deity idols in the Puja altar of a dwelling or office invites positive energies and corrects vastu defects. It fosters harmonious relationships among couples and household members. Worshipping a Parad Shivling is believed to remove all blockages from past and present lives. Abhishekam on the Parad Shivling enhances connection to Supreme Consciousness and awakens Kundalini energy. Praying over the Parad Shivlinga or wearing a Parad Gutika or ring wards off fears and calms the mind. It provides sharp memory, intuitiveness, and accurate judgment. Wearing Parad serves as a talisman, offering protection from accidents.
Ultimately, the presence of Parad brings peace and contentment in the dwelling. Siddh Parad when prepared as per ancient knowledge of Parad Bandhan contains miraculous properties of healing and protection.
Parad balances physical and mental energies, enhancing vitality, relieving stress, and stabilizing emotions by neutralizing negative forces. Its purifying properties cleanse toxins from the body, boosting health and longevity. Parad emit positive vibrations that purify and uplift environments, fostering a protective and harmonious space devoid of negative energies.
It accelerates spiritual growth, promotes inner peace, supports transformation, and strengthens connection with higher selves. Parad enhances meditation by activating the Sahasrara chakra, promoting clarity, intuition, and divine connection.
Meditating with parad-based objects such as Shiva Lingams or malas accelerates spiritual growth, enhancing self-awareness, the process of meditation itself, and the ability to transcend worldly distractions. Similarly, Parad is essential in purification rituals because of its link to alchemical transformation and divine purity. It absorbs and transforms negative energies into positive vibrations, serving as a powerful tool for purging physical and spiritual realms.
Parad is used in sacred idols and yantras for rituals to purify spaces, cleanse the aura, and enhance spiritual protection. Rituals with Parad, particularly Shiva Lingams or yantras, attract prosperity, eliminate obstacles, and offer divine blessings. Parad in these rituals purifies both the surroundings and the participants, aiding in achieving a balanced and harmonious state.
It has long been held that when Parad touches the skin, it is activated and it helps to bring about positive changes in the life of the wearer. When it comes in contact with the human skin it bestows 24 Ras and 5 Tattvas which helps to cure all the diseases one is suffering from and gifts the wearer a healthy life.
According to the Vedic Scriptures, Parad is one of a kind nature. The ancient Vedas states that Parad is the purest and the most fortunate metal, with both religious and medical significance. In the Rigveda, there are about 117 hymns (shlokas) which talk about Soma which also mentions about Mercury and other metals. It is stated in ancient Vedic scriptures that worshipping a Parad Shivling is a million times more fruitful than worshipping a thousand Shivlings. Just looking at a Parad Shivling is also stated to neutralize the effect of sin of killing a thousand Brahmins and cows. And touching a Parad Shivling without doubt makes one free of all problems and quickens one's spiritual progress. As well as it is asserted that these are the words of none other than Bhagwan Shiva.
Ancient sages wrote about the significance, properties and benefits of Parad in many ancient scientific scriptures such as Parad Samhita, Ras Ratnakar, Ras Chandasu, Rasendara Chudamani and many more. Siddh Parad is also known as Shiva dhatu or Bhagwan Shiva's metal, it is believed to have supernatural mystic and healing powers.
Rasashastra, a branch of Ayurveda, focuses on alchemy and the healing properties of minerals and metals, with extensive references to Parad. The Rasaratna Samuccaya and Rasendra Chudamani detail methods for purifying mercury and transforming it into a medicinal and spiritually potent substance.
The Parad Samhita mentions that, milk when kept in a vessel made of Parad overnight and then consumed the next day helps to offer relief from many illnesses and keeps diseases at bay.
The Shiva Purana describes mercury as the semen of Bhagwan Shiva, embodying his divine energy. Worshiping a Parad Shiva Lingam is auspicious and brings spiritual merit, prosperity, and fulfillment of desires. The text highlights Parad's spiritual and transformative powers, emphasizing its importance in spiritual practices.
As per Rudra Samhita (Shiv Purana) the great Sadhak Ravan (also known as Ravana) who was also an adept in this science and was called a Ras Siddh Yogi not only acquired extraordinary powers through this science but also converted his capital Lanka into a city of gold. Even the great demon king Bannasur was able to fulfill his wish by performing the divine worship of such on a Parad Shivling. Besides Ravana and Bannasur it is known that other ruling dynasties secretly worshipped Parad Shivlingam.
Also, in Shiva Purana it is stated that Maha Lakshmi will always reside where Parad Idols are worshipped. It has long been held that worshipping a Parad Shivling brings abundance and prosperity. Likewise, Rasarnav Tantra assures that longevity, good health, success and all desired achievements can be attained through the worship of Parad Shivling. In the Vaayveeya Samhita of the Shiva Purana, Bhagwan Shiva says to Goddess Parvati that anyone who worships the Linga made out of solid mercury will face no disease or death.
According to the Brahmaveivart Purana, offering, worshipping, contemplating, holding, and consuming Parad can purify a person of even the most heinous sins. As a result, all past karmas are obliterated.
As per Brahma Purana, offering prayers and worship to the deity idols made of Parad, helps to liberate the devotee from all bondages of the past and helps one to elevate spiritually.
In Vedic astrology, the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra explores Parad, planetary metals, and their astrological significance. Parad is associated with Mercury (Budh), governing intellect, communication, and spiritual growth. The spiritual power of Parad aligns planetary energies for ultimate well-being.
The Rasarnava Tantra emphasizes alchemical and spiritual practices, underscoring the significance of mercury in Tantra. It provides instructions on purifying and solidifying mercury, as well as its use in rituals and meditation for spiritual transformation.
One of the folklores that is quite popular in Vedic legends is that of the yogis. According to these folktales, yogis and individuals seeking truth journey to a strange place known as "Siddhashrama," located in the Himalayas. After a certain period of meditation, these Yogis consume mercury to enter a deep state of meditation and reduce the number of breaths they inhale. Yogis cannot consume mercury in its original form because it is lethal. Hence, the yogis, before consuming the Parad, performed some tantra and mantra vidya on it so that it became potable. We call this potable form of mercury the "Gauri-Chintamani."
The Ras Maartand from the Vedic Rasashastra text says:
Ling Koti Sahastrasya Yatfalam Samya garchanaat.
Tatfal Kotigunnit Raslin gaarchanaad Bhavet,
Brahma hatyaa Sahas traanni Gohatyaa Shataani Cha.
Tatshan naadwilayam Yaanti Raslingasya Darshanaat,
Sparshnaapraapyate Muktiriti Satyam Shivoditam.
Which in English means the following:
Worshiping a Parad Shivaling is a million times more beneficial than worshiping a thousand Shivalings. Just looking at a Parad Shivaling neutralizes the effect of sin of killing a thousand Brahmins and cows. Touching a Parad Shivaling, without a doubt, relieves one of all troubles and accelerates one's spiritual development. These are the words of Bhagwan Shiva himself.
Parad: A Sanskrit term for purified mercury, particularly in religious and spiritual settings.
Rasalingam (रसलिंगम्): A significant form of Parad, typically shaped into the Shiva Lingam and revered in Hinduism.
Shuddha Parad (शुद्ध पारद): Purified mercury used in Rasashastra, Ayurveda, and spiritual practices.
Rasasindura is an Ayurvedic medicine that contains mercury.
Ngulchu: In Tibetan alchemy, mercury serves spiritual and medicinal roles, similar to Rasashastra. "Ngulchu" means mercury in Tibetan and is utilized in their traditional medicine.
Shuiyin (水银): In Chinese, mercury is referred to as "Shuiyin." In Taoist alchemy, mercury served as a key transformative substance.
Dan (丹): Mercury was essential in Taoist immortality elixirs, known as "Dan."
In Persian, Mercury is called "Ziba" (زیبا). Historically, it was used during early Islamic alchemy for medicinal and spiritual practices.
Az-Zibaq (الزئبق): Mercury in Arabic alchemy, used for practical and mystical purposes.
In Western alchemy, mercury is one of the three primary substances: Sulfur, Mercury, and Salt. It represents fluidity, change, and transformation.
Quicksilver: Mercury is referred to as quicksilver in English because of its liquid, flowing nature.
Philosopher's Mercury is viewed in Western alchemy as a mystical substance, essential for creating the Philosopher's Stone. In Greco-Roman mythology, Mercury is linked to Hermes (Greek) and Mercurius (Roman), deities of communication, alchemy, and transformation.
A Siddh Parad is prepared through the secret Vedic rituals and several samskara processes passed on from generations of Vaidyas and Siddhas. In accordance with the scriptures, such as Ayurveda science, only Parad is an element that can remain mixed with other ingredients without actually losing its own identity. Naturally occurring mercury is a poison but after treating it to various processes like Svedan, Mardan, Murcchhan, Utthapan or Patan. It can be cleansed of all toxic properties. Such purified Parad becomes an equivalent of a life-giving elixir.
In its original state, Parad has certain impurities, namely, Naag (lead), Vang (Tin), Guru (overly heaviness), Bhushail (water impurities), Bhumij (stone, mud, gravel), Girij (minerals), Chapal (instability), Mala (endogenous, exogenous waste), Agni (intolerance to heat), Vish (poison).
According to Parad Samhita (Vedic treatise on mercury), Parad should be put through the eight stages of purification called Eight Samskaras. Then removal of Saptakanchucki is made for Parad to be 100% medicinal and hygienic.
The purpose of purification is to eliminate Mercury pollutants. Parad is naturally produced from the earth's crust; it is combined with specific undesirable physical and chemical contaminants. As a result, a certain precaution must be taken before using mercury first time. Mercury must be purified before it can be used for any purpose. The resultant mercury, following appropriate purifying procedures, is brilliant and sparkling white in color. According to conventional wisdom, this refined mercury may be utilized as a component in a variety of compositions.
At Rudra Centre, we follow the Vedic procedure of purification and process the mercury in order to purify it. As per Rasashastra (a Vedic treatise on chemicals), purified Parad has a blue touch internally and dazzling whiteness externally. The Parad undergoes eight samskaras which are churned with Neem leaves, turmeric, lemon, and another 24 different exotic herbs in order to add to its auspiciousness. The resulting Siddha Parad (Mercury mouth closed with Aghor Vidhja) is molded to make Murthi-Baddha/Agnibadha (sustain the heat) Parad sacred items. This Parad items gives 24 Ras and 5 Tavta which removes diseases in the body.
After purification, Parad can be shaped into sacred items such as Shiva Lingams, malas, and idols. The procedure is carried out with reverence and strict alchemical guidelines, emphasizing the transformation of Parad from a toxic substance to a divine material. Sacred objects from Parad are thought to have great spiritual power, representing the union of Shiva (consciousness) and Shakti (energy), and are used for worship, meditation, and healing.
Preparation of Parad at Rudra Centre
At Rudra Centre, we produce mercury according to the procedures outlined by Acharya Nagarjuna in the Parad Samhita. In this procedure, we subject mercury to 8 samskaras, which include the use of turmeric, lemon, salt, neem, and many other plants, before hardening and neutralizing it with sulfur and mica, and bonding it by singing Shiva mantras. Once the procedure is complete, we thoroughly wash away the sulfur and mica, revealing the silvery soft mercury mass, which we then set to create Lingam, Siddh, Gutika, and Parad ring beads. This procedure not only makes the mercury safe but also helpful.
The resulting product is Pure Mercury & Copper Amalgam. This type of Mercury Copper Amalagam is as solid as any metal. Mercury loses all of its poisonous characteristics and has no effect on other metals such as gold or silver. As a result, we decided on silver for the Siddh Gutika. We also cover the Parad Gutika and Shiva lingam in silver to provide them with a gleaming appearance. If the lingam tarnishes overtime, one may easily clean it using lemon or any deoxidization powder or liquid (used for cleaning silver utensils). This processed mercury has several beneficial properties.
Parad from Rudra Centre is primarily prepared by Pandit Deenanathji’s technique who hails from Jaipur and is the only family lineage in India who know the Vedic Alchemical technique to solidify Mercury. Sakhashree Neeta (Founder of Rudra Centre) has learnt this ancient alchemical technique from him and to cope with the increasing demand for Parad items, we have started preparing Parad on our own premises also. We make the Mercury Shivling according to the Rasashastra, which is a Vedic procedure that has been mentioned in the holy texts.
Since an early age (born in 1938 in Rajasthan), he was highly inclined to learn the secrets of Ayurveda. To fulfill his keen desire to learn the science of Ayurveda and especially the Parad (Mercury), he went to the ashram of Saint Shree Nirmalandji Chaitanya Brahmachai in the year 1971 to study more about mercury science.
Later, he did his own research and developed mercury at many holy places all across India. 40 years ago, he opened an Ayurvedic medical research center in Dosa district near Jaipur. Now he has been in Jaipur for the last 20 years, running a medical center that provides facilities for the treatment of many diseases.
Purifying Parad before trading is crucial for ensuring its safety and enhancing its spiritual power to align with the cosmic energies needed for sacred objects like Parad Shivlingas. Toxic elements like arsenic and lead from raw mercury are removed to avoid health risks. Purification stabilizes mercury's volatility, enabling it to retain solid forms for rituals and medicinal use. Marketing unpurified Parad is inauspicious and unsafe, breaching ethical and regulatory standards. The purification processes (Samskaras) makes Parad safe and spiritually charged, providing healing and divine benefits.
The 8 Samskaras are purification processes in ancient Indian alchemical science, Rasashastra, used to purify Parad and enhance its spiritual and medicinal properties. Each Samkara represents a step in purifying and energizing the Parad for use in spiritual and medicinal practices, including the creation of Parad Shivlingas, beads, idols, yantras, and other accessories.
Here is a brief overview of each Samskara and its significance.
1. Svedana: In this initial Samskara, mercury is heated using steam. It is contained in a vessel, typically copper or brass, with certain herbs and mineral compounds. Heat softens mercury, enhancing its receptiveness to purification steps.
Significance: Svedana removes outer impurities in mercury, including dust, unwanted moisture, and chemical residues. It detoxifies mercury, readying it for further purification. This step initiates deeper transformations in mercury.
2. Mardana: Grind Parad with herbal juices and powders. This process is repeated over time to break down the mercury into finer particles, allowing it to absorb the qualities of the herbs. Common herbs are neem, ginger, and tulsi.
Significance: Mardana boosts mercury's potency by improving its absorption and aligning it with the energies of medicinal herbs. This step is essential for giving Parad therapeutic and spiritual qualities for healing.
3. Murchana: Mercury is treated with sulfur and specific acids, leading to a “fainting” or revitalization process. The Parad becomes more solid like clay after this process.
Significance: Murchana removes subtle impurities from mercury and enhances it with new energetic properties. It binds mercury with sulfur, crucial for solidification and stability. This step awakens mercury's inner potential, preparing it for elevated spiritual purposes.
4. Utthapana: Parad undergoes specific alchemical processes to enhance its inherent energy. This step typically includes treating mercury with salts and heat to elevate its spiritual vibration.
Significance: Utthapana signifies the transformation of mercury from an inert, toxic state to a purified, spiritually potent form. The mercury stabilizes and refines, enabling interaction with higher spiritual frequencies, essential for creating Parad items for worship and healing.
5. Patana: Mercury is separated from other substances used in earlier processes. Heat the mercury to a specific temperature to enable the evaporation or settling of unwanted compounds.
Significance: Patana purifies Parad by eliminating residual physical and chemical contaminants. This process purifies mercury and separates it from impurities, ensuring its safety for sacred and medicinal use.
6. Rodhana: Mercury is immersed in acidic solutions derived from fruits or herbal sources. It is soaked in this solution for several days to remove its toxic properties
Significance: Rodhana is essential for detoxifying mercury by removing heavy metals and toxins. This step confirms that Parad is safe for human use, particularly in products like Parad Shivlingas or items designed for extended skin contact.
7. Niyamana: Parad is treated to manage its volatile and mobile nature. Special binders and stabilizing agents like lime or specific minerals regulate mercury's liquid state, making it more solid and controllable.
Significance: Niyamana is essential for stabilizing Parad, enabling its transformation into solid forms such as Parad beads, Shivlingas, and idols. It locks in the spiritual energy from earlier purification steps, ensuring the Parad remains potent and beneficial for spiritual practice.
8. Dipalana: The final Samskara enhances the brightness and strength of Parad. It is polished and treated with substances that improve its shine and energy. At this stage, gold and silver amalgams are be added.
Significance: Dipalana enhances the spiritual power and visual appeal of the Parad. It symbolizes the complete transformation of mercury from a toxic material into a radiant and powerful sacred substance. This purified Parad is now ready for personal use and spiritual practices.
The 8 Samskaras align Parad with elements and cosmic energies to purify and strengthen it spiritually and medicinally. Parad helps spiritual seekers meditate, heal, and connect with higher consciousness. After purification, parad is safe and effective, making it a renowned substance in alchemical traditions.
Rudra Centre is a reliable source for Parad products, recognized for its expertise, authentic sourcing, and commitment to ancient purification methods. We exclusively offer 100% alchemical Parad that undergoes the full 8-stage purification (Ashtasanskar) as detailed in the Parad Samhita. The Parad we supply is Saptakanchuki, fully medicated and hygienic; Siddha, with the Mercury mouth sealed using Aghor Vidhya; and Agnibadha, capable of withstanding heat. We manufacture Parad Gutika, which offers 24 Ras and 5 Tatva, recognized for their disease-removing properties and promotion of overall well-being. Customers from all over the world have written many testimonials about how these sacred items changed their physical and spiritual lives. Our Parad products improve mental clarity, health, and energy, according to users. Customers' stories of healing and spiritual growth enhance Rudra Centre's trustworthiness. You can trust Rudra Centre for high-quality, spiritually powerful Parad products.
The most revered form of Parad, especially among devotees of Bhagwan Shiva. It is used on home or temple altars for daily worship to seek Bhagwan Shiva's blessings. Vedic traditions state that worshipping a Parad Shivling aids in connecting with higher consciousness and purifying the soul. It fosters spiritual growth and bring material success to the worshipper. The Parad Shivling removes negative energies and obstacles, fostering harmony in homes and workplaces.
A string of Parad beads used by spiritual seekers for meditation and personal growth. Mala beads made of Parad possess divine energy, which makes them perfect for meditation. The Parad Mala balances energies, clears the mind, and enhances concentration during spiritual practices. It protects against negativity, stabilizes emotions, and enhances spirituality. The Parad Mala links the mind to higher consciousness, fostering calm and peace.
Exquisitely crafted deities such as Bhagwan Ganesha and Lakshmi Devi are made from pure Parad. Idols in homes, offices, and places of worship embody the divine essence of their deities, offering blessings, protection, and prosperity. Parad Idols of Ganesha or Lakshmi are thought to attract wealth and safeguard the environment. Parad Idols energize spaces and provide spiritual and material fulfillment.
A small, spherical bead of pure Parad, used for healing and spiritual benefits. A Parad Gutika balances energy flow and enhances health and vitality. It boosts health, vitality, and longevity. The Parad Gutika enhances focus, inner strength, and shields against negative influences. It is worn to balance mind, body, and soul for overall harmony.
Indispensable for Vastu Shastra correction and improving space energy. It balances energies, harmonizes the environment, and removes negative influences in homes or offices. A Parad Pyramid enhances energy, peace, and prosperity in targeted areas. The pyramid's shape and Parad's power generate a strong energy field that fosters harmony and success. It enhances energy flow in homes and offices according to Vastu principles.
Versatile product used in spiritual practices and Vastu corrections. It helps to clear the place from negativity by protecting the space it occupies. The Parad Plate enhances spiritual benefits in puja offerings through its purifying and balancing properties. It brings positive energy and prosperity to homes and offices.
These rings balance energy, shield from negativity, and improve well-being. Parad Rings improve mental clarity, increase confidence, and lower stress, helping to balance personal and professional life. Parad Rings regulate energy flow, improving mental and physical wellness and promoting peace and vitality.
Business professionals and entrepreneurs seeking financial stability can benefit from Parad Pyramids or Idols in their homes or offices. Parad is associated with wealth, prosperity, and positivity. Parad products eliminate energy blockages that impede financial growth, ensuring abundance. At the same time, wearing Parad malas or rings can help people with stress, anxiety, or mental clarity. Parad helps users balance their emotions, make better decisions, and handle challenges.
Vastu correction makes use of Parad. The Parad Pyramid fosters peace, prosperity, and positive energy in homes and offices. Realigning energies in a space minimizes Vastu doshas, as per Vastu Shastra. It's perfect for balanced living and working. Parad aids spiritual awakening and personal growth by aligning individuals with universal energies, enabling them to rise above material concerns and connect with higher consciousness.
Parad supports individuals of all ages in addressing personal or professional challenges to restore balance and achieve positive change. Parad improves life by shielding against negativity, fostering spiritual growth, and promoting prosperity. Parad balances energies, detoxifies the system, and enhances vitality promoting longevity for those who are sick. Parad's inherent power to balance the chakras is crucial for spiritual development, success, and harmony.
Step-by-step guide for using Parad products in meditation, puja, and healing:
Using Parad Mala for Meditation:
Parad malas enhance spiritual growth and meditation practices.
Step 1: Find a quiet, clean space to sit, either on the floor or a cushion, free from distractions.
Step 2: Hold the Parad mala in your right hand, resting the beads between your thumb and ring finger.
Step 3: Recite your chosen mantra, prayer, or affirmation while moving each bead of the mala between your fingers, starting from the bead next to the guru bead (the larger central bead).
Step 4: Chant while focusing on your breath to achieve a calm and peaceful mind. Parad beads balance energies and enhance meditation.
Step 5: Complete one round of the mala, typically with 108 beads. Afterward, sit quietly for a few minutes to absorb the energy.
Positioning Parad Shivling in the Puja Room:
The Parad Shivling is a perfect tool for worshipping Bhagwan Shiva, offering spiritual and material blessings.
Step 1: Select a clean, sacred space in your home, ideally the puja room or a personal altar, for the Parad Shivling.
Step 2: Keep the space clutter-free and clean the altar. Prepare it with incense, fresh flowers, and a diya (lamp).
Step 3: Position the Parad Shivling on a raised platform or stand, oriented East or North to enhance its positive energy.
Step 4: Start the puja by offering fresh water or milk to the Shivling as abhishek, while chanting "Om Namah Shivaya" or other Shiva mantras.
Step 5: Offer flowers, sandalwood paste, incense, and light the diya to invoke divine blessings.
Step 6: Meditate or pray after the puja to connect with Bhagwan Shiva’s energy for spiritual growth and material prosperity.
The Parad Gutika is a small bead used for healing and protection, balancing energy and enhancing vitality.
Step 1: Choose a day, preferably Monday, to start wearing your Parad Gutika for maximum benefits.
Step 2: Cleanse the Gutika by washing it in clean water or milk to remove impurities and energize it.
Step 3: Hold the Parad Gutika in your hand, close your eyes, and offer a brief prayer or mantra, like "Om Namah Shivaya," to invoke blessings and set your intention for healing or protection.
Step 4: Wear the Parad Gutika as a pendant, bracelet, or keep it in your pocket, keeping it close to your body.
Step 5: The Gutika balances internal energy, enhances physical health, and shields against negative influences over time.
Parad Pyramids harmonize space energy, promoting positivity and peace.
Step 1: Identify areas in your home or office with heavy or imbalanced energy, like the entrance, living room, or workspace.
Step 2: Position the Parad Pyramid in designated areas to enhance positive energy and rectify Vastu doshas.
Step 3: Place the Pyramid in an open, clutter-free area with good airflow and light.
Step 4: Once the Pyramid is placed, sit quietly in the room to sense the energy shift. Meditate for a few minutes to boost the healing effect on your environment.
Step 5: Regularly cleanse the Parad Pyramid with water and a cloth to keep it energized and effective.
Parad rings help maintain personal energy balance, provide protection, and enhance mental clarity.
Step 1: Choose a Parad ring that fits well on your finger, ideally the right hand's ring finger.
Step 2: On a Monday, clean the ring with water or milk before wearing it to purify it.
Step 3: Hold the ring and chant a prayer or mantra like "Om Namah Shivaya" to energize it and set your intention for protection, clarity, and healing.
Step 4: Wear the ring on your ring finger to maintain contact with your skin for optimal energy flow.
Step 5: The Parad ring balances your mental and emotional state, offering clarity and protection from negative energies.
These simple guidelines help individuals in maximizing their Parad products for meditation, puja rituals, healing, Vastu corrections, or personal protection. Using Parad intentionally and respectfully enhances its spiritual, mental, and physical benefits.
Ancient texts such as the Parad Samhita and Rasashastra view Parad (Mercury) as a sacred and spiritually potent substance. Proper care and handling are essential for maintaining its energy and effectiveness.
Key guidelines from ancient texts for managing Parad products:
1. Purification Before Use: Ancient scriptures emphasize the importance of Ashtasanskar (8 stages of purification) to cleanse Parad prior to making products such as Shivlings, malas, or idols. Ensure new Parad items have undergone the purification rituals in the Parad Samhita to remove impurities and enhance spiritual energy.
2. Ritualistic Cleansing: Scriptures advise regular cleansing of Parad items with Ganga water, raw milk, or cow’s milk to maintain their purity and spiritual potency. Natural substances can enhance the divine qualities of Parad and eradicate negative energies.
3. Settlement in Sacred Spaces: Ancient texts state that Parad items, especially Shivlings or idols, should be placed in clean, sacred areas like a puja room or altar. Avoid placing them on the ground or in impure locations such as kitchens or bathrooms. Parad Shivlings should face east or north for optimal energy flow.
4. Mantra Chanting: Scriptures recommend chanting specific mantras when using Parad for spiritual purposes, such as worshipping a Parad Shivling or wearing a Parad mala. Chanting “Om Namah Shivaya” during the abhishek of the Parad Shivling enhances its spiritual power and connects it with divine energy.
5. Respect and Reverence: Parad represents Bhagwan Shiva, and ancient texts stress the importance of treating it with utmost respect and reverence. Use clean hands to handle Parad items. Do not use them if you are physically or mentally unwell, such as during grief, anger, or illness. This maintains the Parad's energy as pure and untainted.
6. Avoid Exposure to Impure Materials: Scriptures warn against exposing Parad to impure substances like alcohol, meat, or toxins, as these can diminish its spiritual potency. Parad should only be used in clean, sacred spaces and must not come into contact with anything impure.
7. Avoid Sharing Parad: Ancient scriptures advise against sharing personal Parad items, such as mala beads or rings, because they absorb the wearer's energy. Sharing them may disrupt spiritual alignment and reduce the ability to promote balance and protection.
8. Auspicious Timings: Scriptures suggest using Parad products, especially Shivlings and malas, during auspicious times like Brahma Muhurta (pre-dawn hours) or on specific days like Mondays (dedicated to Bhagwan Shiva). Parad now increases its ability to channel divine energy and improve spiritual benefits.
9. Energizing Parad: Ancient texts indicate that Parad products can be re-energized through specific rituals or by exposure to natural elements such as sunlight or moonlight on auspicious days. Fire, water, and mantra chanting rituals can enhance the spiritual power of Parad items.
10. Proper Disposal: Scriptures indicate that damaged or unused Parad items should not be discarded carelessly. It should be immersed in a sacred river like the Ganges or buried in a clean, sacred location to respectfully return its energy to the earth.
Adhering to these ancient rules keeps your Parad products powerful and effective, allowing you to reap the full range of spiritual, healing, and protective benefits. Proper care and handling connects the user to Parad's divine energies, preserving its sacred transformative power.
Parad (Mercury) is a sacred substance in Vedic traditions, recognized for its spiritual and healing attributes. It embodies Bhagwan Shiva and serves for spiritual growth, protection, and attracting prosperity.
Yes, anyone can wear Parad products. They balance energy, provide protection, and enhance spiritual and mental clarity
Parad mala improves meditation, balances energy, and aids spiritual growth by linking the wearer to higher consciousness and providing protection from negativity.
Plain Parad touches your skin and gives more effectiveness but it dulls quickly. Silver-layered Parad works through the silver coating producing the same effect but it looks better in terms of appearance.
Yes. Parad Shivling can be kept at home. Performing Abhishekam daily is not obligatory. The presence of this divine Shivling in your home itself invites positive cosmic energies.
A Parad Shivling at home fosters spiritual growth, prosperity, and protection. It removes obstacles, attracts positive energy, and provides blessings from Bhagwan Shiva.
Wear Parad Gutika, rings, or malas for health benefits. They balance energy, promote vitality, and support healing.
You may wear it as a ring or as a bead on your neck or on your wrist. It cleans and purifies, giving you good health and spiritual upliftment.
Although our Parad products are alchemical and made with Ayurvedic procedures, we do not recommend consumption. The Parad Gutika will give you ample benefits by wearing as stated (as a pendant on the right hand or close to the throat or as a ring on the right index finger).
A Parad Pyramid corrects Vastu dosh of home or office and it also brings in prosperity, good luck and cleanses the aura of the place. This should be placed in the North East of your home or office.
Genuine Parad must be heavy, smooth, and pure. The eight-stage purification process (Ashtasanskar) outlined in the scriptures is required. It is always advisable to source Parad from a Trusted Source like Rudra Centre because it is difficult to ascertain whether Parad has been made as per Vedic Alchemical process or no. Here are a few quick tips 1. Purified Parad doesn’t react with other Metals like Silver or Gold 2. If the Parad doesn’t have Silver Coating it will overtime develop a Tarnish of Golden Yellow Coating 3. If you do an elemental analysis the Parad should have Mercury, Copper & Trace Amounts of Gold & Silver 4. Parad should not have Black Residue when rubbed on Paper or Cotton Although these are not conclusive still they provide some insight into identifying authentic Parad
Yes, we do provide a Certificate of Authenticity with all our Parad Products.
V M Rao
I ordered 3 mukhi, 4 mukhi & 6 mukhi from Rudra Centre. I have bought rudraksha from many places before, however the beads I have received from Rudra Centre are of the most superior quality. They smell wonderful, the packaging is excellent, and the beads are also very big with deep clear Mukhi lines. From now on I will purchase Rudraksha & other spiritual items only from Rudra Centre.
V M Rao
I ordered 3 mukhi, 4 mukhi & 6 mukhi from Rudra Centre. I have bought rudraksha from many places before, however the beads I have received from Rudra Centre are of the most superior quality. They smell wonderful, the packaging is excellent, and the beads are also very big with deep clear Mukhi lines. From now on I will purchase Rudraksha & other spiritual items only from Rudra Centre.
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