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Amber Gemstone

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Amber is generally referred to as a fossilized tree resin formed after millions of years of being under the Earth. The resin has to undergo and survive through various forces such as extremely high or low temperature, rain, exposure to sunlight, bacteria, and more to turn into Amber. The beautiful lustre of Amber stone makes it look incredibly stunning, when worn as a ring, pendant, or bracelet. The warm amber color of this stone illuminates elegance and splendor.

Amber Stone




Amber (Kaharua stone) is a semi-precious stone growing organically, and the older it is, the more powerful it is. This warm-hued stone radiates like the sun and carries tremendous energies. Its name is derived from the Lower Saxon word 'Börnen,' meaning 'burning'. Since it stays underground for years, tiny insects and creatures get trapped in the resin during its process of solidifying or fossilizing. Amber is categorised as an organic gemstone. The most interesting thing about this stone is that it develops magical properties and imbues Earth's energy during its formation.


Amber gemstone is known as a protective talisman that dispels negativity and heals the wearer. Natural Amber has the potential to generate positive energies that uplift the mood. It is said to carry the wisdom of Earth and bestow the wearer with enhanced concentration to meditate. This excellent stone can be worn to detoxify your mind, body, and soul. It helps heal the energy of the wearer and connects an individual with his/her higher self.

Amber Stone Chakra

Amber stone is suitable for Swadhisthana Chakra or Sacral Chakra, located 2 inches below the lower belly's navel. This Chakra is responsible for the urinary system functioning, sexual organs, and the lower digestive system and lower back. If the Sacral Chakra is blocked, it can cause physical ailments like lower back pain, muscle pain, PCOS, etc. Individuals having imbalanced Sacral Chakra can also have fertility issues and Endometriosis. It also makes the person emotionally unstable and depressed.

On the other hand, having a balanced Swadhisthana Chakra removes the lack of trust and gives a strong sense of sexuality. The person becomes courageous and more creative. Wearing an Amber stone is beneficial for cleansing and balancing the Sacral Chakra. It enables the wearer to experience pleasure and be comfortable with his/her own sexuality. Apart from this, it heals disorders related to the reproductive system and muscles.


  • It helps in relieving stress and eliminates negativity from the atmosphere.
  • It aids to heal diseases and cleanses the body.
  • It is a beautiful stone that purifies the soul and mind.
  • It instils confidence in the wearer and enables self-expression.
  • Relief from joint-related problems is one of the significant Amber stone health benefits.
  • It is powerful enough to heal the nervous system.
  • Amber stone is said to usher good luck.

Amber Metaphysical Properties

  • This vibrant stone is thought to harness the sun's power and bless the wearer with beauty.
  • Since it has insects or sort of little creatures trapped during fossilization, it holds the essence of life within.
  • It is deeply associated with sensuality, persistence, creativity, healing, cleansing, and protection.
  • It blesses the wearer with mental power and a clear mind.
  • It makes your desires come true and bestows intelligence.

Amber Magical Properties

Being under the Earth for a time, natural Amber stone is saturated with magical qualities that bless the wearer in various ways, some of which are:

  • It safeguards from negative energy and even protects from black magic.
  • It helps in increasing the power of magical acts and makes them successful.
  • Amber is a favourable stone for those who are creative, as it can help create something unique.
  • It heals physical ailments and Swadhisthana Chakra as well.
  • It is known to be a stone of creativity and instils optimism in the wearer, and is also said to alleviate depression.
  • Many believe that it is a healing stone used in alternative therapies. Amber is said to support during convalescence period.


The fiery Amber stone has slight colour variations, and it comes in different shades of yellow to orange. One variant is in light yellow with a golden sheen, while some stones have an orange hue. Amber is commonly found in the Baltic Amber stone formed from conifer resin, and there are more varieties like genadite, stantanite, and beckerite. Genadite is light yellow & shiny, Stantanite comes in dull black & is opaque, and Beckerite is brown. Apart from the colour, the significant difference in these other variants of Amber is that they have a lesser amount of succinic acid.

What is Amber used for?

Amber crystal or stone is used to make jewelry, decorative pieces, and as a healing stone. It can be worn in several different accessory options like bracelets, rings, necklaces, and pendants. Sometimes, it is also used as a healing stone as per the ancient methods of curing.

Who can wear Amber stone?

  • The brilliant Amber can be worn by adults as well as kids to imbibe the healing benefits.
  • Usually, it is believed that children can get relief during teething by wearing an Amber stone.
  • Individuals having muscular pain can also wear this stone.
  • Those with inflammatory pain can wear Amber as it releases succinic acid that soothes the skin.
  • People with anxiety issues are advised to wear Amber gemstones.
  • Those with dehydrated skin and hyperpigmentation can also adorn an accessory with Amber.


Q: Is Amber a mineral?

A: No, Amber stone is not a mineral as it is formed naturally, whereas minerals come from an inorganic source. It comes into existence after fossilization and is entirely organic.

Q: How to polish Amber?

A: A small drop of olive oil should be enough to polish an Amber stone. It has to be wiped with a dry cloth quickly after polishing with the oil. You can restore the lustre of your beautiful Amber stone by following this method.

Q: How to test if Amber is authentic?

A: There are different kinds of tests to check if your Amber stone is natural. One of the best ways is to do the Salt Water Test. Make a mixture of two cups of water and a quarter cup of salt. Stir it until it's fully dissolved and put the Amber stone in this solution. If it floats, then it's genuine, and if it sinks, it is a fake one. Another way to check is the Hot Needle Test, where you push a heated needle against the stone. On doing this, a natural Amber stone will emit the smell of an old punged tree, and the needle will hardly go in. If the needle goes in easily, the stone is fake. It also emits a plastic smell in the case of an artificial Amber stone.

Q: How to clean an Amber stone?

A: Dampen a soft cloth with warm water and clean the Amber stone nicely. Make sure you wipe the stone with a dry cloth immediately and remove the dust.

Q: What does Amber stone do?

A: Amber possesses healing and magical properties that benefit the wearer in many different ways. It aids in healing various physical ailments like inflammatory pain, muscle pain and also purifies the mind & spirit.

Q: What is the Amber stone good for?

A: It protects the wearer and brings good luck as well. It is suitable for both adults and kids and has been believed to be a healing stone since primitive times.

Q: How much is Amber stone worth?

A: Amber stone price varies depending on how old or young it is. Its effectiveness is determined by its age. Thus, the older the stone, the higher the price and vice-versa.

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