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Kanthas And Their Importance

1 Comments4 min Read

What is a Kantha

The word Kantha is derived from the Sanskrit word Kantha meaning throat. Kantha is a mala (a string of Rudraksha beads) which is traditionally strung together in wool. Nowadays it is common to strung beads of Kantha in silk thread or pure silver and gold.

Significance of Kantha Mala

This divine mala of Rudraksha beads helps an individual to get closer to the divine and connects him to the inner Guru (consciousness). These Rudraksha beads comprise of the same mukhis (Faces), so we have 3 mukhi Kantha mala, 5 mukhi Kantha mala, 7 mukhi Kantha mala, 9 mukhi Kantha mala and so on. The most common one is the 5 mukhi kantha mala. The most sought after is the Gauri Shankar Kantha mala. Gauri Shankar beads represent the divine union of Shiva and Shakti and is worn for spiritual elevation. Usually large beads of Nepal origin are used to prepare a Kantha mala. The Kanthas hold the divine vibrations of the ruling deity and the positive energy is circulated through each Rudraksha bead which reaches the Sumeru bead and from there it is passed on to the body of the person wearing it.

How to string the Rudraksha beads for making a Kantha:

Kanthas have always played an integral role in Hinduism. They hold immense powers. Kantha is a very special and most powerful Mala made of 32 beads of large Rudraksha beads and one extra bead called Sumeru. These beads are strung so that all of them face the same direction and the Sumeru bead faces outwards away from the mala.

Chakra Healing:

A human body comprises of various chakras amongst which, there are seven pivotal chakras. These chakras determine our overall wellbeing. Proper flow of energy to all our body parts and the vital organs is dependent on the appropriate functioning of these seven chakras. Different mukhi beads work on different chakras. So 9 mukhi is a bead of the Sahasrara chakra, 5 mukhi works on Vishudha chakra, while 3 mukhi is the bead of the manipura chakra. Kantha malas of these mukhis is very effective to open these chakras and provide emotional and physical healing.

Benefits of Kantha Mala:

Kantha malas are very powerful in comparison to wearing a single bead of the same mukhi. Different mukhi Kantha malas offer amplified properties of those mukhis.Thus Kantha malas:

  • Uplift spiritually
  • Work on the chakras
  • Help in enlightenment
  • Offer physical health and emotional balance
  • Bring harmony and peace

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  • Vanita


    May 2, 2024

    Hi i have about 8 paanch mukhi rudraaksh from Nepal. How can i get a Kantha Mala made of the same?

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