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Red Garnet Gemstones

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A Garnet is a pseudo-silicate, Si O4 compound with various combinations of metals within it. Red is the most common colour, though many colours of this mineral exist, including green, purple, black and blue. Both almandine (aluminium-iron) and pyrope (magnesium-aluminium) minerals can be called Red Garnet Gemstones. Both of them are isometric crystal systems. Some huge specimens of Red Garnet Gemstone found in Australia have measured tens of feet across. The stone is also a popular product of East Africa.


Red Garnet was a highly used gemstone in Europe, both during Antiquity and the Middle Ages. It was used during the baptism of Constantine to convert him to Christianity. Garnets are also extremely durable. Some Red Garnets have been discovered from tombstones dating back to thousands of years. As suggested, they were throughout history for good luck and to ensure a peaceful journey into the afterlife. Red Garnet Gems has always been associated with 'journeys'. The stone was carried by travellers, traders and businessmen. Today South India and Australia are the biggest producers of this stone, though it is abundantly found throughout the world.

In Astrology

In Vedic astrology, Red Garnet is ruled by Mars. Mars is the god of war and energy and is the commander-in-chief of the assembly of the nine planets. His red colour is the symbol of blood and perseverance in human life. The planet rules qualities such as courage, valor, endurance, self-confidence, leadership abilities and governs energy, passion and drive. It is the driving force of learning new skills and achievement in life. A person with a malefic Mars may exhibit a short temper, brutality, aggression, quarrelsome nature and infidelity. Wearing Red Garnet nullifies the malefic effects of Mars.


Mars is the ruling planet of the Red Garnet Gemstones. The Red Garnet Gemstone has been used as jewellery for thousands of years. It can be worn as a ring or as bracelets, necklaces or pendants.

  • The stone helps remove feelings of insecurity and problems in physical and mental health.
  • Wearing this stone may help prevent prostrate and weight issues.
  • It may also strengthen the wearer's bone structure.


Wearing a combination of Gemstones and Rudraksha is the best way to make the most of it. Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy® (RRCT®)devised by Neeta Singhal, uses both Red Garnet gemstone and Rudraksha beads. It is a holistic healing therapy that uses the curative and healing properties of Rudraksha and Gemstones to balance and energize chakras. In RRCT, we deal only with natural and untreated gemstones. The reason Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy is widely acclaimed by many is that it works on chakras, the very basis of life and is a holistic therapy that heals from deep within with absolutely no side effects. In the RRCT setting of a gemstone, as a ring or as a pendent, the bhasm made of the planetary herb is kept inside one tube, and the metal that improves the planetary effects is kept in another tube. In case of Red Garnet, Khadira Bhasm and metal Copper are used to attract the cosmic power of Mars. The gemstone is then energized with its precise seed mantra on a specific day to empower it to eliminate all the malefic effects of the planet and reinforce its beneficial effects. Thus the gemstone becomes a powerful talisman suitable to be worn by any person irrespective of his birth chart.


During the consultation, the blocked chakras that are causing the mental, emotional and physical issues are identified and limiting beliefs are addressed. Chakras become imbalanced when your thoughts and attitudes tend towards fears and negativity when facing challenging situations in life. Blocked Chakras manifest emotional disorders and physical ailments. It is only after blocked Chakras are balanced and activated that you can transform your life of suffering, obstacles, and confusion into love, success, and happiness. As per the chakra status and concerns of the client, a suitable combination of Gemstones and Rudraksha beads is recommended. As per the cosmic colour they emit, the gemstones work on specific chakras. So Red Garnet works on Muladhara (Root) Chakra, and the RRCT Consultant identifies the correct finger position for drawing maximum energy from the stone. Rudraksha and Gems are powerful agents of energy and work on releasing the negative energy stored in the form of stress in the blocked chakras, thereby activating them and tuning them to their natural state.


Situated near the tailbone or at the base of the coccyx, Muladhara Chakra is the first chakra among the other six. It lies between animal instinct and human consciousness. It is a four-petal Chakra and these four petals denote Mind (Manas), Intellect (Buddhi), Consciousness (Chitta) and Ego (Ahamkara). It denotes our innermost connection to Mother Earth, emotions, reality, existence, physical strength and energy. All the aspects of a stable life, harmonious family and survival emanate from this Chakra. It is known as the foundation of our personality. Its corresponding Mantra is LAM. A stronger and balanced Muladhara Chakra brings in more vitality; vigour, and growth, whereas an imbalanced one attracts negative qualities are laziness, inertia, self-centredness and domination.

When or Which Day To Wear

It can be worn on Tuesday morning after a bath. If need be, one may additionally chant the seed mantra “LAM” 108 times before wearing it.

How to care for your Red Garnet Gemstones

Warm soapy water is ideal for cleaning your Red Garnet Gemstones. It shouldn't be cleaned or exposed to chemicals or exposed to scratches and abrasions. Your Red Garnet Gemstones might routinely carry negative energies, and the stone or ring can be detoxified by dipping it in water overnight.

Who Can Wear Red Garnet

  • Best for those with an inferiority complex, insecurity and problems keeping emotional stability.
  • It may also strengthen the wearer's bone structure.
  • Since it is ruled by Mars, a person trying to control short-temper, aggression or quarrelsome nature may wear this stone.

Method /procedure of wearing

At Rudra Centre, all the gemstones are pre-energized as per Vedic rituals and can be worn immediately, on the suggested specific right/left-hand finger.

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    December 16, 2023

    Can I wear garnet

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