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Serpentine Gemstone Meaning, Uses, Benefits & Healing Properties

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What is Serpentine Rock?

The attractive Serpentine Rock is a Gemstone that mostly is found in various shades of Green, Yellowish-Green, Brownish-Green and is sought after as a meditation stone. The name Serpentine is derived from the Latin word 'Serpens' which translates to Serpent or Snake because the Green color of the Serpentine gemstone looks similar to the Green color of Snakes which is Serpentine rock meaning. Also the translucent to opaque, waxy, slippery, spotted Serpentine stone looks like the scaled slippery Snakeskin, another reason justifying its name.

This beautiful Green gemstone has been popularly used for Serpentine jewelry, down the centuries. Natural Green Serpentine stone healing properties and metaphysical properties are well known, contributing to one of the major uses of Serpentine stone in holistic healing.

Serpentine  Rock


Serpentine Ring



The metamorphic Serpentine Rock is Magnesium Silicate and can contain Iron and other elements like Chromium, Cobalt, and Nickel in small quantities. White or Black veining, spotting, or marbling are common, caused by inclusions. There are two aggregate structures of the gemstone: Leafy Antigorite or Leafy Serpentine and Fibrous Chrysotile or Fibrous Serpentine. However, the properties of the Serpentine stone remain the same. One important Serpentine Rock fact points out that the Fibrous Chrysotile variety might be hazardous to health, so only Antigorite Serpentine is used for jewelry, decoration pieces, etc. With a hardness of 2.5 to 5.5, it takes polish easily giving a silky or greasy luster.

Besides the various shades of Green Serpentine stone, Yellow Serpentine stone, the gemstone is also found in hues of White to Gray, Brown, and Black Serpentine stone.

Serpentine Necklace Mala

Serpentine Necklace Mala

Serpentine Necklace Mala made of faceted beads of the natural Serpentine gemstone. The lovely green color of the necklace makes it attractive to wear. Secured with Silver clasps that hold the necklace in place. This Mala can also be used as a rosary or Japa Mala. Serpentine gemstones have metaphysical powers to cleanse the heart, the Chakras of the body, are excellent to meditate with, bringing prosperity and abundance. This Mala is an excellent spiritual jewelry that brings many benefits.


Serpentine Stone

Serpentine Stone

Serpentine Stones of different carats can be made into lovely Pendants, Bracelets, or can just be used as a stone for meditation, for which the gemstone is famous, as it opens the Crown Chakra and establishes a connection with the Divine realms. It helps to heal the heart, aids to activate and raise the Kundalini, cleanses the meridians and chakras of the body, helps to manifest desires, it bestows an abundance of love, prosperity, and all good things in life.


Serpentine Bracelets

Serpentine Bracelets

Serpentine Bracelets made of faceted natural Serpentine gemstone strung on stretch elastic to fit all wrist sizes. These Bracelets when worn aids in meditation which soothes the mind, releases nervousness, draws energies of prosperity and abundance. The Bracelet helps to detoxify the blood and the body supports in treating Diabetes and other physical ailments. Serpentine Bracelet can be worn daily for the many metaphysical and spiritual benefits it brings and is an excellent gift for loved ones.


The Serpent Power

The Serpent Power

The Serpent Power, authored by Sir John Woodroffe is a popular book that is a translation of two important Indian texts which provide in-depth knowledge about the Chakras of the body, practices to activate them, and meditations. The chapters written by the author himself are about Shakta metaphysics, Tantric practice, etc. which aid in raising Kundalini energy. The book is an important reference for those who seek to understand and practice the Serpent like Kundalini activation and higher spiritual awareness.


Where is Serpentine Stone Found?

Serpentine stone is found in Afghanistan, The Ural Mountains of Russia, Britain, China, France, Austria, United States, Myanmar (Burma), Italy, Norway, Greece, New Zealand, Canada, India, Korea, and Cyprus. Serpentine rock is the state rock of California, found in the Klamath Mountains, Sierra Nevada foothills, and Coastal ranges.

What is Serpentine Stone History?

History says Georgius Agricola, gave the name 'Serpentine' to this gemstone, in 1564 because of its similar appearance and feel to that of Snakeskin. Natural Green Serpentine stone can often be mistaken for Green Jade, which gives Serpentine rock the name 'new Jade'.

The ancient Egyptians, Persians used to wear the Serpentine stone to protect from Snakebites, other poisonous stings of insects/animals, and from evil spirits. Till date, many wear the stone to protect themselves from a Snakebite. The stone was used to make lustrous Serpentine jewelry, make gifts for Gods, and also household items as it is easy to carve.

In the olden Punjab region, the stone was used to make handles of weapons.


The Green Serpentine stone is commonly used for crafting into jewelry, like, Necklaces, Earrings, Bracelets, though because the stone is soft and scratches easily, it is not a suitable stone for Rings. It is crafted into beautiful pieces for adorning your home. The Serpentine rock is used for holistic healing and higher spiritual exploration. The fibrous Chrysotile structure of Serpentine is used as a source of asbestos and has been used as a heat insulator for centuries because of its heat-resistant property.


One of the most important attributes of the Natural Green Serpentine stone is its metaphysical properties. The stone has potent power which helps in raising the Kundalini energies which are desired by many seekers of spirituality and spiritual attainments. The Kundalini is dormant energy that is said to rest, like a Snake, coiled at the base of the spine, till aroused. It is not an easy achievement to raise the Kundalini energies to the Crown Chakra . Many spiritual pursuers spend years to get the Serpent like Kundalini energies to rise by following various physical and other practices. The Serpentine rock aids in activating and raising the Kundalini energies, which when it ultimately reaches the Crown Chakra gives awareness, experiences of the spiritual kind which is indescribable, an out-of-the-world experience. There are different methods in which the stone is used as a tool to do this. However, more detailed studies and research about the Kundalini energy should be made by the user to be able to use the Serpentine stone effectively and correctly for this purpose.

Natural Green Serpentine rough stone is effective in clearing the energy centers or Chakras of the body and the Meridians too. If there are blockages in the Chakras, the energy flow through the body is hindered, causing several physicals, mental, emotional problems. The Serpentine gemstone is said to clear blockages from the Chakras, when worn or when meditated upon by holding in hand or even merely keeping the stone near you while meditating. Serpentine stone Chakra stimulation is for the Crown Chakra, which brings psychic abilities, spiritual connection, and communication with the Divine realms.

The serpentine gemstone is said to act on the Heart, helping in emotional healing. Often it is advised by holistic healers to wear Serpentine Necklace or Pendant which touches the Heart Chakra to aid in this. It clears the heart of hurtful, painful emotions, healing the heart with forgiveness and compassion, which indeed is an important Serpentine stone spiritual meaning and healing.

The Serpentine Stone's popularity as a meditation stone is commendable as it draws out all negative thoughts and feelings, aiding in focusing on the positive light of things. Even if you keep the stone near you, it helps in mediation. It can even calm down the atmosphere of tension, like, you can keep it on your office desk to calm down such situations.

The Serpentine rock has some marvelous properties. It is connected to Mother Earth and can unlock the knowledge of nature and Earth, its history, evolution, and future. As the Earth goes through its transformation, this stone is useful for understanding and healing Mother EarthIt is often used by the healers of Earth to help them in their work. Therefore, this stone is a tool that helps to ground yourself. The Earth association of Serpentine rock also brings connection with elemental energies like Fairies, other Nature Devic energies, the Animal kingdom, etc.


The easily available Serpentine Stone has some extraordinary powers. The Serpentine stone healing properties have been utilized down the ages, till date. The metaphysical and spiritual attributes of the natural Green Serpentine stone has been admired by the ones who have experienced these qualities of the stone. Its capability of healing on physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental levels are admirable when worn or carried on self:

  • Serpentine is very helpful in removing fear and shed the old skin or old self, just like a snake sheds its skin. It supports transforming into a news self.
  • Manifesting and attracting your desire becomes easy using Serpentine gemstone.
  • Wearing or using the Serpentine rock attracts an abundance of prosperity, love, and all good things in life.
  • It is a great stone that clears negative thinking, attitude, and energies, fears of the unknown or future, urging to focus on the positive for the best outcome, and also balances mood swings.
  • Serpentine rock is said to alleviate pains of the stomach cramps and tension, heals irregular Heartbeats, ailments connected to the Kidney lungs.
  • It is said Hypoglycemia and Diabetes can be treated with Serpentine quartz, it detoxifies the blood with its highly cleansing property.
  • The serpentine stone helps in absorption of Calcium and Magnesium, gets rid of Parasites, helps to strengthen weak muscle conditions, and soothes eczema, inflammation of skin, varicose vein.
  • Serpentine healing stone heals the heart of emotional pain, hurt, regret, etc.
  • Serpentine Chakra healing properties of cleansing all Chakras of the body makes it a favored stone for Chakra cleansing.
  • Seekers of spiritual attainment may use Serpentine energy which aids in activating the latent Kundalini energies, which if aroused can bring spiritual awakening, understanding, and for the seeker, is a significant achievement.
  • It brings psychic abilities by activating the Crown Chakra allowing spiritual connection and understanding.
  • The Serpentine energy forms a shield around your body protecting you from lower energies.
  • Serpentine is a stone of independence. It helps you to confidently move forward with a positive attitude, be more social, and embrace new people in life.
  • It calms down nervous and tensed energies. Makes you less sensitive and reactive to what people say or do against you.
  • Ground yourself with the help of Serpentine stone as it is deeply connected to Mother Earth.


Crystals require regular energy cleansing and there are many methods. You may place the Serpentine rock or jewelry under the running water of the tap and intend that the universal energies cleanse the stone. once done pat it dry with a soft cloth. Keeping the Serpentine stone under Full Moonlight helps to cleanse the stone energetically.

How to Activate Serpentine Stone

When you buy a Serpentine gemstone, first cleanse it by using any cleansing method and then charge it under Moonlight. Once that is done, you can hold it in your dominant palm and pray Divine energies and the Universe to bless the stone. Pre decides how you want the Serpentine stone to work for you. Holding the stone in your hand specifies the intention of using, wearing the Serpentine stone. Your Serpentine stone is now activated for giving the best outcome of your intention.

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