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White Topaz Gemstones Meaning, Benefits, Metaphysical / Healing Properties

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White Topaz Gemstones Meaning, Benefits, Metaphysical / Healing Properties


The dazzling White Topaz stone is a variant of the Topaz gemstone. The brilliant shine and lustre make it a popular choice worldwide for White Topaz jewellery. This gemstone is the closest in appearance to a diamond and is widely worn and used as a substitute for diamonds and White Topaz value or cost is much lesser than a diamond. It is not surprising that White Topaz engagement rings are popular among people all over the world because it appears like Diamond and is affordable. This beautiful stone is also known as Silver Topaz or Clear Topaz. Its healing properties and metaphysical properties bring benevolent benefits. This mystic gemstone, when worn, gives clarity in the mind, of thoughts and intentions. Raw White Topaz properties include bringing the truth about self into the wearer's awareness and aids in manifesting desires. It is said that the authentic White Topaz stone is connected to Moon energies and aids in enhancing Clairvoyant powers, intuition and connection with the Divine world. In Hindi, it is called Safed Pukhraj.

The White Topaz stone is an Aluminium Silicate that additionally has fluoride and hydroxide ions. The perfect Topaz Gems are colourless but are usually available in numerous colours. White Topaz is the most popular and most affordable of all known White gemstones. In the raw form, it is usually unearthed within granite and pegmatite deposits. It can be artificially enhanced to improve its quality, surface colour and texture. In hardness, it measures a good 8 on the Mohs scale but is not tough, contradictory to what it may seem. So care should be taken while handling this authentic gemstone because it may chip or crack.


The main source of raw White Topaz stone is in Brazil, where in the state of Minas Gerais, the high-grade quality is mined. The other countries which produce Safed Topaz gemstones are Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Madagascar, Namibia, Myanmar, the United States, Sri Lanka, and Russian mines. Interestingly, this stone was originally first mined in the Russian Ural Mountains and in Brazil. At that time, only the Russian Czars wore this gemstone. Sri Lanka, Brazil and Nigeria have been the topmost sellers of raw White Topaz stones.

The name Topaz comes from the Greek word Topazios, which was the name of the island in the Egyptian Red Sea. However, it was not discovered on the island; rather it was Peridot gemstone which was mined in the Topazo island (now called Zabargad or St. John's Island) which was initially called Topaz and later renamed Peridot. Another belief is that Topaz might also be connected to the Sanskrit word 'tapas', meaning fire.

Natural White Topaz stone has its respected place in history. It has been mentioned in Biblical and Hebrew texts. The ancient Greeks believed that the genuine White Topaz could bring the power to be invisible to the wearer. It has been used by travellers to be protected and safe in the journey. The power of this stone was used as medicine as the healing power of it was known even then.

White Topaz Gemstone had long been lost in a plethora of white stones, being mixed and matched with Gems like Zircon, feldspar and quartz, but in the last 50 years, it has specifically caught the eyes of designers and jewellers. Other than diamonds, this gemstone is surely the most popular Whitestone in contemporary Gemology, which is a White Topaz meaning.


As per Vedic Astrology, Neptune is the ruling planet for the white Topaz stone. It is related to the Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra , located at the central point of the crown of the head. This chakra is supposed to decide the awareness of our existence. Natural White Topaz is used as a gemstone for jewellery. Its Rings, Pendants or Bracelets can be used to unblock Sahasrara Chakra. When blocked, it leads to a lack of enthusiasm in life and feelings of hopelessness, depression and discontentment. Genuine White Topaz stones help to enhance the wearer's memory and outlook towards life and prevent headaches, Migraine and mental wearing due to old age.

Rudra Centre is happy to offer our customers the option of buying high-quality genuine, untreated, unheated, eye-clean White Topaz gemstones pieces which are flawless to be made into rings, bracelets, and pendants for astrological and other purposes. When you buy this gemstone online, we assure delivery safely and quickly.


Anyone who is feeling too confused or not able to make decisions can wear Raw White Topaz jewellery to get clarity in life. People who suffer from Migraine can wear it for relief. Anyone who desires to connect with the spiritual realm and enhance their intuitive powers, Clairvoyance qualities can wear this stone. In its raw form, it is excellent for skin, hair, nails problems, so anyone suffering from these symptoms can wear this healing gemstone.

For centuries, White Topaz includes its used in making White Topaz jewellery such as attractive White Topaz Rings, White Gold Topaz Rings, Bracelets, Earrings, stud Earrings, Necklaces, White Gold Topaz Necklace. White Topaz Engagement Rings hold the special White Topaz stone, because of the gemstone's similarity in look with Diamond. The White Topaz Emerald cut is much in demand because of the brilliant and beautiful look, especially in rings. Raw White Topaz gemstone is generally made in Silver or Gold.

White Topaz which finger?

Wear genuine White Topaz Rings, and you may take guidance from our RRCT consultants to identify the correct finger for the best results. Alternatively, wear this as Batu White Topaz Bracelets and Pendants.


Gemstones have natural healing powers , as does the genuine White Topaz Stone. It can heal mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Wearing this in glittering jewellery brings many important benefits for the wearer.

  • It embodies the spirit and helps the wearer to open up and accept the truth of his/her genuine self.
  • It gives clarity of thought and understanding. It also helps to organize the random thought process and helps to get life organized.
  • The genuine White Topaz stone helps to heal physical ailments like Migraine, headaches, skin, hair and nails problems.
  • Batu stone helps to manifest desires swiftly and easily. So one should be aware of the thoughts one thinks when wearing the gemstone.
  • Natural White Topaz rough stone is excellent for relieving stress, anxiety, restlessness, and depression by calming the mind and bringing positive energies of love for self and others and is a White Topaz healing property.
  • Being a gemstone which acts on the Sahasrara Chakra (Crown Chakra), Safed Topaz aids in moving stagnant energy and allows a smooth flow of energies bringing ease in all aspects.
  • White Mystic Topaz is a desirable stone for those who want to hone their clairvoyant powers, intuition and psychic abilities.
  • This stone, if genuine, helps the wearer to connect and align with the Divine world bringing and being acceptable to the Divine will and order.
  • It encourages them to utilize inner knowledge and urges them to advance with creative and spiritual endeavours.

Before you buy your White Topaz Gemstones

  • Planet: Neptune
  • Cosmic Color: White
  • Chakra: Sahashara Chakra

How to care for your White Topaz Gems

It is recommended to clean the Natural White Topaz gemstone periodically. To detoxify the Raw White Topaz gemstone, keep it dipped in water overnight.

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