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4 Tier Brass Ganga Aarti 21 Diyas Lamp with Handle

INR 2,250

Height: 11 inches 
Width: 10 inches 
Weight: 1.3 kgs 

Product Code: POL01


INR 2,250

A beautiful Oil Lamp made in superior quality, heavy Brass is designed and carved perfectly with 21 petal shaped Oil Lamps on a vertical stand and one Lamp at the top. The Oil Lamps are placed in circular formation around the central stand, with maximum number of Lamps in the bottom level, reducing in number with each level, ending at top with one single Lamp. The strong and sturdy handle of the Lamp helps to hold the lamp steadily in hand. The 21 petals Brass Lamp looks gorgeous when lit during Puja, while performing Aarti and is a must have. 

Lighting the Oil Lamp is an integral part of Puja rituals and also used for performing Aarti. Lighting the Lamp has many symbolic meanings. It denotes removal of ignorance and replacing with the light of knowledge and wisdom. The flame signifies the soul and fire element has the power to transmute negative energies.

Lighting the 21 petals Brass Oil Lamp during your daily Puja, Aarti or during festivals and special religious occasions, enhances the Divinity of the experience and brings spiritual satisfaction.

Buy the 21 petals Brass Oil Lamp and gift it to loved ones.

Height: 11 inches 
Width: 10 inches 
Weight: 1.3 kgs 


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