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5 Mukhi Nepal Rudraksha Silk Thread Kantha

INR 1,350 - 25,000

Product Code: NKM03

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This 5 Mukhi Nepal Rudraksha Kantha Mala is skillfully crafted using well-formed, healthy Rudraksha beads sourced from Nepal, known for their exceptional energy and authenticity. Each bead is carefully chosen to ensure quality, and they are elegantly strung together with durable silk thread, adding a refined touch to the design while ensuring comfort for daily or prolonged wear. Designed to sit close to the heart, this Kantha Mala enhances its spiritual benefits and connection to the wearer.

Significance of 5 Mukhi Rudraksha

The 5 Mukhi Rudraksha represents Kaalagni Rudra, a transformative form of Lord Shiva. It is known for its power to purify the mind and body, balance the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and space), and instill peace and harmony in the wearer.

Benefits of the 5 Mukhi Silk Thread Kantha Mala:

  • Promotes mental calmness by reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Enhances focus and concentration, making it ideal for meditation and chanting.
  • Balances the body’s energy, supporting spiritual and emotional well-being.
  • Regulates blood pressure and encourages physical wellness.
  • Clears negativity and promotes inner peace.


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