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Akshardham Swaminarayan Temple Prasadam (Delhi)

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Akshardham Swaminarayan Temple Prasadam (Delhi)

INR 501

Product Code: PY59


INR 501

Akshardham Temple is a marvel of architecture that is unfolding the cultural legacy of 10,000 years. The construction of this grand structure took around 5 laborious years. The term "Akshardham" is derived from two words "Akshar" and "Dham", where "Akshar" means the eternal and "dham" means "abode". Consequently, Akshardham means the abode of the divine, the eternal. It is actually the abode of eternal values, principles and virtues that are mentioned in the scriptures (Vedas, Puranas) of the Hindu mythology. Within the temple, the 11 feet high gilded image of Bhagwan Swami Narayan appears mesmerizing to the beholder. The image is encircled by the preachers (gurus) of the cult.

Location: Delhi
Built in: During 2000-05
Dedicated to: Swaminarayan

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