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Black Agate lingam - 64 gms

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Black Agate lingam 64 gms

INR 975

Height: 1.9 inches
Centre Diameter: 1.1 inches
Weight: 64 gms

Product Code: BAS19

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The attractive and impeccable Black Agate Lingam is made from Black Agate gemstone. It can be mounted on a Yoni base and worshipped in puja altar at home and office. Lord Shiva is worshipped in the abstract form of Lingam or Shivalingam since time immemorial, by offering the sacred bath or Abhishekam to the Lingam.

Black Agate amplifies energies, heals physically and has its healing effects on an emotional level that increases one's grounding energies, provides strength and ability to succeed. Worship the Black Agate Lingam to bring Lord Shiva's blessings of harmony, peace, and spiritual growth along with the qualities of the gemstone.

Height: 1.9 inches
Centre Diameter: 1.1 inches
Weight: 64 gms

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