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Brass Abhishek Tray with Navgraha Idols

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Brass Abhishek Tray With Navgraha Idols

INR 55,850

Dimension of Navagraha Idol Set
Average Height: 3 inches 
Total Weight: 3 kgs 

Dimension of Brass Abhishek Tray 
Length of Yoni: 15 inches 
Centre Diameter of Yoni: 9 inches 
Height of Yoni: 5 inches 
Weight: 5 kgs 

Product Code: AT05


INR 55,850

This Heavy Brass Tray holds fine Idols of all nine planets. Performing abhishek of the Navgraha Idols of Lord Surya, Chandra, Mangal, Budha, Guru, Shukra, Shani, Rahu and Ketu is one of the best ways to worship and revere all nine planets. Navgraha Abhishek is done to pacify all planets and to remove their malefic effects. The Abhishek is done using sacred items such as Milk, Water, Honey, Sesame / Mustard Oil, Navdhanya, Flowers, Fruits, Clothes, Coconut along with chanting of Navgraha Mantra or individual planet\'s beej mantras. Benefits of Navgraha Abhishek is that it provides relief from miseries and removes obstacles and blesses devotees with good health, wealth, success, prosperity and abundance. 

Dimension of Navagraha Idol Set
Average Height: 3 inches 
Total Weight: 3 kgs 

Dimension of Brass Abhishek Tray 
Length of Yoni: 15 inches 
Centre Diameter of Yoni: 9 inches 
Height of Yoni: 5 inches 
Weight: 5 kgs 


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