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Designer Iron Dhoop Aarti Lamp - II

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Designer Iron Dhoop Aarti Lamp (Ii)

INR 1,025

Dimension: 2 (H) x 8.5 (L) x 8.5 (B) inches 
Weight: approx. 535 gms 

Product Code: PDM207


INR 1,025

This iron Dhoop burner with antique copper plating made in traditional style makes an auspicious puja item. The Dhoop burner comes with a sturdy handle for comfortably carrying it around the home with the purifying fumes of loban/gugal or herbal dhoop in it. The lid is attached to the dhoop plate making it easy to place the Dhoop. The Droop burner can also be used for burning and diffusing dhoop sticks and camphor. With ancient design patterns and neat cutwork in flower patterns add to the antique allure of the burner - a must-have puja essential for those in love with elegant home décor items.

Dimension: 2 (H) x 8.5 (L) x 8.5 (B) inches 
Weight: approx. 535 gms 

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