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INR 8,840 - 13,960
Product Code: BR132
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Devi Sita, lies untouched in Her pristine beauty behind the Ten headed Ravana. Sita is one of the principal characters in The Ramayana, the great epic of India. Her entire life constitutes an example of idealism. Sita is a perfect example of loyalty and morality. Goddess Sita leaves the palace charms and amenities, in order to stay in exile with her husband. During the period of exile, Sita was abducted by the demon-king Ravana and imprisoned for months, in Lanka. When Sita got freed from the clutches of Ravana, she proved her sanctity to Lord Rama by giving Agni - Pariksha (Fire Ordeal). Sita is regarded as the role model of wifely love and adherence to duty.
In this Idol, finely carved in brass, the ten headed Ravana is shown on one side and behind his head, Sita Ma is shown lying in a shell, pure as a pearl.
Mantra : Aum Janaknandiniye Vidmahe Bhumijayai Dheemahi Tanno Sita Prachodayat
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