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Emerald faceted bead Necklace - I

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Emerald Faceted Bead Necklace (I)

INR 11,750 - 16,275

Product Code: EM15

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Origin: Zambia 

Made of 100% natural, faceted, deep green, large size, rondelle shape Emerald beads. The beads are graduating in size. 

Emerald is precious gemstone which blesses the wearer with power, strength & mental energy to make the most of a difficult & challenging situation. It makes one so creative, imaginative, bold, intelligent & enterprising that one is flooded with bright mind-boggling ideas and can form strategies and operations for the most prestigious project of organization. Emerald heals the heart chakra and helps one form harmonious relations with others. 

Design: Made in silk thread and silver clasp. 

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