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German Silver Yoni Base with Blue Sunstone Lingam

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German Silver Yoni Base with Blue Sunstone Lingam

INR 7,335

Dimension of Lingam:
Height: 1.8 inches 
Centre diameter: 0.7 inch 
Weight: 30 gms 

Dimension of Yoni base:
Height: Approx. 3.6 inches (top of snake till bottom)
Length of Yonibase: Approx 4.8 inches 
Width of the yonibase: Approx 3.2 inches 
Base Diameter: Approx 2.1 inches
Diameter of Lingam holder: Approx 0.7 inch
Weight: Approx 96 gms 

Total Height of set: Approx. 3.6 inches 
Total weight of set: Approx. 126 gms



Product Code: GYN27


INR 7,335

Blue Sunstone Lingam sits on a beautifully crafted German silver Yoni base. 

This glistening Blue Sunstone Lingam radiates Divine power. The Lingam (also called the Linga) is symbolical of the generative power of Lord Shiva. It is like an egg and represents the Brahmanda (the cosmic egg). Lingam signifies the formless and timeless feature of the Universe, where all beings were created and would eventually dissolve. It helps with bringing in peace, harmony, balance, spiritual growth.

This Blue Sunstone Lingam is rare to find. It has a smooth shiny finish and is the Blue colour of the night sky, with glistening and sparkling specks like the stars, which is a characteristic of the Blue Sunstone.

The Blue Sunstone is beneficial for ambition, courage, positivity, it helps to lighten up the mood. It helps to connect with the Divine and provides one with wisdom, energy and courage. Assisting with learning and communication, it teaches one to see the light at the end of the darkness, making it a good stone to meditate with. It is said to be an apt stone for people in the acting profession for bigger breaks and opportunities.

This Blue Sunstone Lingam is a most desirable spiritual acquisition. The combined effect of the Lingam and Blue Sunstone gives a power-packed beneficial outcome. The ideal place to keep this Blue Sunstone Lingam is the puja alter at home or workspace.

Dimension of Lingam:
Height: 1.8 inches 
Centre diameter: 0.7 inch 
Weight: 30 gms 

Dimension of Yoni base:

Height: Approx. 3.6 inches (top of snake till bottom)
Length of Yonibase: Approx 4.8 inches 
Width of the yonibase: Approx 3.2 inches 
Base Diameter: Approx 2.1 inches
Diameter of Lingam holder: Approx 0.7 inch
Weight: Approx 96 gms 

Total Height of set: Approx. 3.6 inches 
Total weight of set: Approx. 126 gms



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