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Gomatha Glittering Photo

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Gomatha Glittering Photo

INR 45 - 210

Product Code: DPS30

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GOMATHA exquisitely portrayed in glittering photo paper. 

Cows are the foremost of all living things. Themselves sacred, they are the best of cleansers and sanctifiers. People should cherish cows for obtaining prosperity and even peace. Cows are said to represent the highest energy both in this world and the world that is above. There is nothing that is more sacred or sanctifying than cows. 

'COW' worshipped as Kamadhenu by Hindus, symbolizes prosperity and wealth. People worship Goddess Lakshmi in the form of a cow. Cow is no doubt a Mother aptly referred as "GOMATHA" GO means COW, MATHA means MOTHER as she nurtures so many lives. A human mother nurtures only her infant whereas Gomatha , irrespective of classifications nurtures not only her calf but all the living beings in the earth. She can also be referred too has JAGAN MATHA (Mother of Universe) because such is her generosity. 

This glittering photo can be put in temple after framing or can be kept in wallet/purse.

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