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13 Mukhi Kamadeva Wrist Java Bracelet

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13 Mukhi Kamadeva Wrist Java Bracelet

INR 14,000 - 24,800

Product Code: DR20

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For: awakening Kamadeva within. 

This mala is used to activate the sensuality and sexuality of the wearer. 13 mukhi Rudraksha is a form of Kamadeva, the God of love. It is considered to be the provider of all kind of desires, Bhoga and attainments. Activates the sensual and sexual desires and makes the wearer hypnotically desirable by the opposite sex. The energy generated by the power of this bead, may be used for awakening Kundalini, and hence this bead is also worn by Rishis and Yogis on spiritual path. Read more about 13 mukhi 

Design: Made of 13 mukhi java rudraksha.  
Bead size: approx. 16 mm 
Length: 8 inches 

Description: Kamadeva is the god of love. He carries a bow made of sugarcane and strung with a line of humming bees. He shoots with his bow the five flower-tipped shafts of desire. 13 mukhi Rudraksha represents Lord Kamadeva and planet Venus. When invoked, showers all possible comforts of life one can ever desire. It gives riches and honor and fulfills all the earthly desires and gives eight accomplishments (Siddhies) and is very useful for researchers in chemical science. Lord Kamadeva (Cupid , God of Love) pleases with the man who wears it and fulfills all wordly desires. Gives hypnotic power of attraction (Vashikaran) to the wearer. It is also helpful for meditation, spiritual attainments and gives the wearer material gains. 

Ruling deity: Kamadeva and Indra 

Beej Mantra: Om Hreem Namah  
Deity Mantra: Om Lakeem lakeem Sarva mum Vashyam Kuru Kuru Swaha 

Bracelet strung according to Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapyâ„¢


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