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Kusha Grass for Ketu Puja

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Kusha Grass for Ketu Puja

INR 110

Number of sticks: 12
Weight: 40 gms (Approx)

Note: We are currently unable to ship this item (plant/leaf/flower/fruits) to the USA due to import restrictions.

Product Code: HIS10


INR 110

Kusha also known as Darbha grass is the planetary herb of the planet Ketu and serves in many religious purposes. An offering of these into the sacred fire of Yajnas or Homams helps pacify the malefic of planet Ketu. The ash of Yagnas when applied on forehead can cause favourable stimulations of spiritual knowledge and power of discrimination, the defining qualities of Ketu. The rings made of Kusha grass is worn on the ring finger of the right hand while chanting mantras and doing homam. The mats made of Kusha form an ideal seat for priests who perform the rituals.

Number of sticks: 12 
Weight: 40 gms (Approx) 

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