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Lakshmi Narayan In Lead Temple

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Lakshmi Narayan In Lead Temple

INR 850

Height: 6.4 inches
Base Dimension: 3.7 (L) x 2.5 (B) inches
Weight: 307 gms

Product Code: GPT01


INR 850

A beautiful idol of Lord Lakshmi Narayana nestled in an elegantly designed temple made in lead with gold finish.

Srimad Bhagvatam (6.19.9) recommends that one who seeks to have riches and opulence should worship Lord Vishnu and Her divine consort, Lakshmi, in the form of Lakshmi Narayana. They can bestow anything desirable.

This temple idol can be placed at the altar in your home or office or your work desk or even on the dash board of your car. Also, you can gift it to your near and dear ones.

Lakshmi Narayana Idol Placement:

The ideal place to keep a god idol is on a dedicated altar for prominence and respect, in a peaceful corner of the living room for daily worship and contemplation, or on a work desk or near the entrance of home/office for spiritual inspiration.

Height: 6.4 inches
Base Dimension: 3.7 (L) x 2.5 (B) inches
Weight: 307 gms inches

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