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INR 250

Dimension of Book: 8.25 (H) x 5.5 (W) inches 
Width: 15 mm
Format: Paperback
Total Number of Pages: 282
Weight: approx. 380 gms

Product Code: B93


INR 250

Authored by: Raj Kumar
Published by: Sagar Publications

Details: Longevity - A Vedic Approach

The correct judgement of longevity is highly complex, but is equally important and sought after. “Knowing logevity is difficult even for gods” said sage Parashar. Any prediction made without considering it may make the prediction a laughing stock of both the astrologer and astrology. The time span between birth and death of a native is called his longevity. Longevity and death are not the same but are closely related. However it is not yet clear what death is.

An attempt is made in this book to address all such issues. The book is a study of about 225 natives who had lived and died in different countries at different time, at different age and of different causes, applying known tools of astrology. The book is an attempt to help clear some mist and enable to have a better judgement of longevity.

Dimension of Book: 8.25 (H) x 5.5 (W) inches
Width: 15 mm
Format: Paperback
Total Number of Pages: 282
Weight: approx. 380 gms

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