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INR 250

Dimension of Book: 7.25 (H) x 4.75 (L) inches
Width: 0.9 inches 
Format: Paperback 
Number of Pages: 484 
Weight: 410 gms

Product Code: BKG29


INR 250

Authored by: C. Rajagopalachari 
Published by: Bhavan Books 

The Mahabharata is one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India, the other being the Ramayana. The epic is part of itihasa. Besides its epic narrative of the Kurukshetra War and the fates of the Kauravas and the Pandavas, the Mahabharata contains much philosophical and devotional material, such as a discussion of the four "goals of life" or purusharthas. The latter are enumerated as dharma (right action), artha (purpose), kama (pleasure), and moksha (liberation). Among the principal works and stories that are a part of the Mahabharata are the Bhagavad Gita, the story of Damayanti, an abbreviated version of the Ramayana, and the Rishyasringa, often considered as works in their own right. 

Dimension of Book: 7.25 (H) x 4.75 (L) inches
Width: 0.9 inches 
Format: Paperback 
Number of Pages: 484 
Weight: 410 gms


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