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Mariyam Pyramid II

INR 825 - 1,190

Product Code: MP52

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This Pyramid made entirely of Mariyam stone. This gemstone aids the gentle release of karma or trauma from the past, helping you to move forward into the future. 

The Pyramid corners are the symbols of peacefulness, seriousness, wisdom and truth. Its conical part is the symbol of tri-level spiritual power. The northern part of the pyramid represents heat, southern represents cold, and eastern is for light whereas the western part stands for darkness. 

Uses of Pyramid:

  • When kept in the Northeast corner a sense of well being is felt by family members.
  • When kept in the Southwest corner in bedroom to ensures sound sleep.
  • House wives feeling tired and restless should keep one in the Southeast corner of the kitchen to become energetic.
  • Use it in study rooms of kids to have more concentration in their studies.
  • Keep it in your office cabin in the Southwest corner for smooth running of the business.
  • To get rid off black magic, bury four pyramids in the four corners of the house.





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