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Natural Peacock Feathers Deity Garland Andal

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Natural Peacock Feathers Deity Garland Andal

INR 5,000

Length: 30 inches
Weight: 330 gms

Product Code: PFG01


INR 5,000

This Natural Peacock Feathers Deity Garland (Andal) is carefully handcrafted with vibrant, natural peacock feathers arranged in a neat, layered design. The open-ended style makes it easy to drape around the idol of Shri Krishna, enhancing His appearance with the symbolism of beauty, creativity and charm that peacock feathers represent. The decorative ends of the mala add a touch of intricacy, making it suitable for rituals, temple ceremonies, and special occasions. Known for its association with Shri Krishna, peacock feathers are believed to attract positive energy, protection and devotion, making this garland ideal for worship and offering.

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