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Only Love is Real

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Only Love is Real

INR 375

Dimension of Book: 8.15 (H) x 5.12 (L) inches
Width: 20 mm
Format: Paperback
No. of Pages: 326

Product Code: BK268


INR 375

Another beautiful book by Weiss is Only Love is Real, that tells the story of two patients that he cured contemporaneously and that ended up having shared many past lives together - first as daughter and father, then as a married couple, etc. This book is about soul mates, souls that meet in many lives to help each other and grow together.

The most common idea on soul mates is that there is just one person in our life that will be our other- romantic half. As Brian Weiss explains, we can actually have several soul mates, that we don't necessarily meet in each incarnation, but that we will eventually meet again - and again. A soul mate is not only a romantic partner but also a mother, a father, a brother or sister, a best friend, someone extremely significant.

Dimension of Book: 8.15 (H) x 5.12 (L) inches
Width: 20 mm
Format: Paperback
No. of Pages: 326
Weight175 gms

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