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Parvati Idol in Rose Quartz - 146 gms - I

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Parvati Idol in Rose Quartz - 146 gms - I

INR 2,200

Height: 3.0 inches
Base Dimension: 1.2 (L) x 1.9 (B) inches
Weight: 146 gms

Product Code: RQP20


INR 2,200

A lovely Goddess Parvati idol carved in natural Rose Quartz Gemstone, depicts Her sitting on a Lotus in Padmasana, in a meditative mode, with hands joined in Namaskar and a Halo behind Her head. The idol is crafted neatly in detail. This idol represents Goddess Parvati as the Tapaswini. Divine Mother, Goddess Parvati is the consort of Lord Shiva, who had chosen to do severe austerity, penance, Tapasya , for thousands of years to appease Lord Shiva and get Him as Her husband. Her determination could not be deterred by anyone or any circumstance. This idol represents Goddess Parvati as the Tapaswini. The gentle energies of the Rose Quartz compliments the powers of the Parvati idol.

The Rose Quartz Gemstone is a stone of love and compassion. It helps to forgive self and others, let go of hurt, pain, grief and attracts love, romance. The Rose Quartz is associated with the Heart (Anahata)Chakra, cleanses, opens and balances it and heals it with gentleness.

The combination of Rose Quartz Gemstone and the loving, nurturing energies of Goddess Parvati makes this idol powerful. It is beneficial for those who are in spiritual Sadhana, as well as for householders. Worshipping this idol helps to draw a loving life partner.

Bring home the Parvati idol in Rose Quartz and install in your Puja Alter for peaceful, loving energies in the dwelling, harmony in relationships, enhancement of love between family members and married couples, compassionate behaviour, prosperity, good health, progeny, happiness. Worshipping the idol with pure intentions helps to fulfil desires. The Parvati idol in Rose Quartz is a brilliant gift for friends and family.

Parvati Idol Placement:

The ideal place to keep a god idol is on a dedicated altar for prominence and respect, in a peaceful corner of the living room for daily worship and contemplation, or on a work desk or near the entrance of home/office for spiritual inspiration.

Height: 3.0 inches 
Base Dimension: 1.2 (L) x 1.9 (B) inches 
Weight: 146 gms

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