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Punchmukhi Hanuman Photo in Golden Sheet - Large

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Punchmukhi Hanuman Photo in Golden Sheet (Large)

INR 275 - 1,250

Product Code: DGP39

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Punchmukhi Hanuman exquisitely portrayed in Golden Sheet. 

The five faced Hanuman is the most powerful form of Hanuman. The five faced Hanuman protect the house in which he is installed. The ten hands holding a bristling array of weapons are symbolic devices to keep all manner of threatened negativity away from the devotee. It is supposed to provide protection from fire, floods, cyclones and the entire gamut of natural calamities as well. This might be the most important protection from evil eye. 

The five heads represent the noble animals - horse, boar, lion, Vanara (not monkey) and man, each symbolic of manifold virtues like courage, steadfastness, valor, determination, intelligence. 

A perfect Deity photo for your puja altar. 


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