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Pure Silver Abhishekam Set and Yone Base with black Narmada lingam

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Pure Silver Abhishekam Set And Yone Base With Black Narmada Lingam

INR 1,29,225

Dimension of Plate: 
Diameter: 9.8 inches 
Height: 0.8 inches

Water Capacity : Approx. 150ml  
Weight: 240 gms 

Dimension of Black Narmada lingam with yonibase: 
Height of Lingam: 2.1 inches 
Diameter of Lingam: 1.4 Inches 
Height of Yonibase till snake: 5.7 inches 
Length of Yonibase: 6.2 inches 
Base Dimension of Yonibase: 2.6 inches 
Diameter of Lingam holder: 1.3 inches 
Weight of Yonibase: 201 gms 
Weight of Lingam: 152 gms 

Dimension of stand and pot: 
Height of Stand: 7.2 inches
Height of Pot: 2.7 inches
Centre diameter of Pot: 2.5 inches

Total Height of Set: 9 inches
Total Weight of set: 868 gms 



Product Code: PST73B


INR 1,29,225

This blissful Abshishekum set contains Shivalingam, plate, three legged stand holding Jaldhara (water pot with hole for water to fall on lingam) made in pure original German silver. A perfect example of brilliant craftsmanship, the set looks magnificent with floral design embossing. The Shivalingam has silver Yoni base with a Spahtik (White crystal) lingam installed in it and a hooded snake coiling it. It is placed in the centre of plate below the tripod stand. The easy to maintain Abhishekum set with polished look and traditional design is a must buy for all devotees. 

Lord Shiva from time immemorial has been worshiped in the form of a lingam. Abhishekam is the process in which Shivalingam is worshipped by offering holy items like milk and water, but commonly with other liquids, including yogurt, honey and clarified butter as well along with chanting of hymns and mantras. You may worship Him every day or every Monday with mantra \'Om Namah Shivay\'. 

Dimension of Plate: 
Diameter: 9.8 inches 
Height: 0.8 inches 
Weight: 240 gms 

Dimension of Black Narmada lingam with yonibase: 
Height of Lingam: 2.1 inches 
Diameter of Lingam: 1.4 Inches 
Height of Yonibase till snake: 5.7 inches 
Length of Yonibase: 6.2 inches 
Base Dimension of Yonibase: 2.6 inches 
Diameter of Lingam holder: 1.3 inches 
Weight of Yonibase: 201 gms 
Weight of Lingam: 152 gms 

Dimension of stand and pot: 
Height of Stand: 7.2 inches
Height of Pot: 2.7 inches
Centre diameter of Pot: 2.5 inches 

Total Height of Set: 9 inches
Total Weight of set: 868 gms 


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