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Purple Agate Bangle - XIII

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Purple Agate Bangle (XIII)

INR 1,475

Inner Diameter: 54 mm 
Weight: 21 gms 

Product Code: GBC73


INR 1,475

Origin: India

An appealing Bangle made in Purple Agate Gemstone, displays the natural bands of colour, a characteristic of Agate stone, which looks excellent in this Bangle. The Bangle is apt as a costume jewellery and to take advantage of its several healing properties. The Purple Agate stone is highly protective, shields the aura of those who wear it. The Purple Agate Bangle stabilizes energies, relaxes mind, bestows wisdom, tranquillity, creativity.

Wear the Purple Agate Bangle and gift it to your loved ones.

Wearing guidelines: Wear on left hand.

Inner Diameter: 54 mm
Weight:  21 gms

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