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Pyramid in Natural Orange Jade - 13 gms

INR 195

Height: 0.7 inches 
Base dimension: 1 (L) x 1 (W) inches 
Weight: 13 gms

Product Code: GP78


INR 195

Jade is related to heart chakra and can attract and enhance love of all kinds It is also a stone of fidelity and generosity . Jade is an ancient stone that has historically been used to attract money. Jade is also a protective stone, guarding against accidents and misfortune. 

The pyramid corners are the symbols of peacefulness, seriousness, wisdom and truth. Its conical part is the symbol of tri-level spiritual power. The northern part of the pyramid represents heat, southern represents cold, and eastern is for light whereas the western part stands for darkness. 

Uses of Pyramid:

  • When kept in the Northeast corner a sense of well being is felt by family members.
  • When kept in the Southwest corner in bedroom to ensures sound sleep.
  • House wives feeling tired and restless should keep one in the Southeast corner of the kitchen to become energetic.
  • Use it in study rooms of kids to have more concentration in their studies.
  • Keep it in your office cabin in the Southwest corner for smooth running of the business.
  • To get rid off black magic, bury four pyramids in the four corners of the house.

Height: 0.7 inches 
Base dimension: 1 (L) x 1 (W) inches 
Weight: 13 gms

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