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Rigveda Samhita - Set of 4 volumes

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Rigveda Samhita - Set of 4 volumes

INR 2,000

Dimension of each Book: Approx 8.75 (H) x 5.75 (L) inches 
Width of each Book: Approx 32 to 37 mm 
Format: Paperback 
Binding: Hardbound 
Total Number of Pages: 2413 
Weight: 2950 gms

Product Code: B74

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English Translation according to: H. H. Wilson and Bhasya of Sayanacarya 
Edited & Revised by: Ravi Prakash Arya and K. L. Joshi 
Published by: Parimal Publication 

Details: Rigveda Samhita - Sanskrit Text, English Translation, Notes & Index of verses. 

The Rigveda is the result of the efforts of 414 Rishis (saints). All these Rishis contributed their Mantras on wide range of topics, popularly knows as Devatas. All the other Vedas are based upon it. It is built around a science of sound which comprehends the meaning and power of each letter. Most aspects of Vedic science like the practice of yoga, meditation, mantra and Ayurveda can be found in the Rig Veda and still use many terms that come from it. 

The book contains Sanskrit text with English translation and notes for easy reading. 

Dimension of each Book: Approx 8.75 (H) x 5.75 (L) inches 
Width of each Book: Approx 32 to 37 mm 
Format: Paperback 
Binding: Hardbound 
Total Number of Pages: 2413 
Weight: 2950 gms

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