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Ruby & Sapphire Faceted button shape Necklace

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Ruby & Sapphire Faceted Button Shape Necklace

INR 26,035

Bead Size: 6 mm to 11 mm 
Length: 21 inches 
No. of Beads: Approx. 83 
Silver Used: 2 gms 
Weight: approx.415 carat 

Product Code: RN04


INR 26,035

This powerful Necklace brings success, power, hope, fame and makes the wearer shine in life. It is made of oval beads of Ruby Gemstone which can be worn with any attire. Ruby gemstone is associated with planet Sun, which is considered the soul, that makes this necklace very powerful. The gemstone bestows good health, energy, vitality, wisdom, attractive personality, hope, positivity, power, sharpens intellect, enhances leadership qualities, creativity. Wearing this Ruby necklace adds to your style quotient and ushers prosperity, name, success, promotion, strengthens the will power, instils confidence, helps to make quick and clear decisions, uplifts mood and makes life brilliant.

Spiritually, the Ruby stone urges to be more giving and to serve the Divine by serving others.

As per Vedic Astrology, Ruby gemstone can be worn to increase the power of planet Sun and to get respite from the negative effects of weakly placed Sun in your Birth chart.

The Ruby gemstone is associated with the Solar Plexus or Manipura Chakra, cleanses and balances it and helps to stay in your own power, be willing to take action, be confident about decision that you make, and to remain positively inspired.

The Ruby necklace is beneficial for support in healing Eye problems, diseases and ailments related to the skeletal and digestive system, and is said to boost the blood circulation.

This Ruby necklace can be especially favourable for government officials, politicians, diplomats, merchants, actors, artists, engineers etc., and can also be worn by those who are aspiring for higher portfolio.

This Ruby Necklace is a valuable addition to your jewellery collection.

Bead Size: 9 mm to 11 mm
Length: 21 inches
No. of Beads: Approx. 61
Silver Used: 5 gms
Weight: approx.450 carat
Design - Made in thread with clasp to be worn close to neck

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