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Ruby Shivaling - 361 Carats

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Ruby Shivaling - 361 Carats

INR 38,000

Height of Shivling : 2.3 inches
Diameter of Base: 1.9 inches
Length of Yoni Base: 0.9 inches
Weight: 361.5 Carat (72 gms)

Product Code: RSY01


INR 38,000

Shivalingam made in 100% natural ruby gemstone.

Shiva lingam is the holy symbol of Lord shiva that is considered quite sacred and worshipped with devotion by the devotees. The sanskrit word lingam means symbol and Shiva means auspicious, so shiva lingam means Auspicious symbol. It is considered the foremost sacred symbol for shaivaites and has been worshiped for ages. The puranas like shiva maha puranam discuss about the superiority of linga worship.

Shivlinga stands for the union of Shiva consciousness with Shakti energy and that is the cause of the cosmos. It blesses the home with peace, harmony and prosperity and leads devotee to the Ultimate reality of Moksha, spiritual liberation.

Shivalinga made from gemstones are called Ratnaja lingams and bless the home with prosperity. This lingam is made from 100% natural Ruby gemstone from India.

Ruby is used to enhance the powers of the Sun. Ruby imparts prosperity, name and fame in political sphere.

Ruby is beneficial to those who are aspirants to high office. It also blesses good health.

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