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Shamama Tul Amber Attar

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Shamama Tul Amber Attar

INR 630 - 10,645

Product Code: PIA05

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‘Shamama Tul Amber Attar has a exotic rich and natural fragrance that works onthe Manipura Chakra or Solar Plexus Chakra, which is the energy centre of one’s own power, self esteem, courage. Shamama Tul Amber Attar is made by blending a host of oils, herbs, spices and attars on a very precise proportions. The blend of this Attar also includes Saffron and Agarwood as ingredients, which are distilled in a special process. Shamama Tul Amber Attar is extensively used in the perfumery industry and in Skin care products. The aromatic Shamama Tul Amber Attar can be used as a perfume or as in Aromatherapy. 

Attar or Ittar, is concentrated perfume made from natural oils, extracted from herbs, plants, flowers, bark of tress and spices. They have been used since ages across the globe. As it is in concentrated form, applying or using only a droplet of it is enough to enjoy its long lasting aroma. 

Shamama Tul Amber Attar has many merits when used. It gives relief from tiredness, digestion problems, supports in healing Hypertension, Diabetes condition along with medical treatment. As Shamama Tul Amber Attar works on the Swadhishthana (Solar Plexus) Chakra it promotes self confidence, leadership qualities, helps to exercise one’s own power fearlessly and release timid attitude. 

The Shamama Tul Amber Attar is available in a beautiful bottle, with a Colden colour cap with a tassel and packaged in an attractive box. The Shamama Tul Amber Attar is a definite addition to your collection of Attars and serves as a good gift for loved ones. 

How to use Attar

  • Shamama Tul Amber Attar can be applied on body or clothes as perfume. The ideal way to apply it is to dab just a bit of it on the inner side of your wrists and before it dries, apply a bit behind earlobes with the inside of wrists.
  • Shamama Tul Amber Attar is used for Aromatherapy Add drops of Shamama Tual Amber Attar to water and use in Diffuser to fill the space with its fragrance and healing aroma.
  • Add drops of Shamama Tul Amber Attar to unscented massage cream, oils, lotions for relaxation and feel energetically rejuvenated. You can add a drop or two to bath water to get relief from tiredness.
  • Roll on the fragrant Attar or use the application stick to take a small drop on finger tip & apply behind ears and on wrist, for best result.


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