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YP04 Shree Kailash Dhan Raksha Yantra - Pocket Size

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Shree Kailash Dhan Raksha Yantra Pocket Size

INR 415 - 565

Product Code: YP04

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A beautifully crafted Kailash Dhan Raksha Yantra, delicately carved on a copper plate and adorned with a gold finish. This small Yantra features a Kuber image on the back side, making it perfect to carry in your pocket or money purse, or to place on your puja altar, work desk, or shop. The Kailash dhanraksha Yantra offers a sense of opulence and safeguards against any form of negativity or hardship.


Om Kleem Harviraya Bhu Shankar Shankar Laxmi Kuru Kuru swaha 

Blessed and Energised



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