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Shree Satyanaaraayana Vrath Kathaa

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Shree Satyanaaraayana Vrath Kathaa

INR 50

Dimension: 8.5 (H) x 5.25 (W) inches
Depth: 4 mm
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 16

Product Code: BKB25


INR 50

Published by: Richa Prakashan

Among the kathas that are prevalent in India, 'Shri Satyanarayan Vrat Katha' is the most popular.Satyanarayana vrat is the easiest and most inexpensive way of self-purification and self-surrender at the lotus feet of Hari. One who observes it with full devotion and faith is sure to attain his heart's desire. Our shastras state that during the 'Kalyug,' the fruit that one gets by hearing the 'Satyanarayan Katha' is enormous. The katha is dedicated to Lord Vishnu in his manifestation as Lord Satyanarayan. 'Satya' means truth, 'Nar' means a man and 'Ayan' means a place. Thus the place where truth resides in man is called Satyanarayan. The 'Satyanarayan katha' and the 'vrat' help us overcome vices like lust, anger, greed, attachments and ego.

This Book contain full details about the Satyanarayan Vrat Kathaa.

Dimension: 8.5 (H) x 5.25 (W) inches
Depth: 4mm
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 16

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