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Sphatik Crystal Laxmi Charan - 8 gms

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Sphatik Crystal Laxmi Charan - 8 gms

INR 375

Top Diameter: 0.8 inch 
Height: 12.35 mm 
Weight: 8 gms 

Product Code: CS122


INR 375

Lakshmi Charan symbolizes the foot prints of MahaLaxmi, Goddess of wealth, prosperity, light, wisdom, fortune, fertility, generosity and courage.

Goddess Laxmi is "the Eternal Goddess of Wealth & Prosperity". She bestows wealth, prosperity and good fortune. In this idol Her Lotus feet are worshipped by carving them in pure crystal. Quartz (crystal) is a natural gemstone and has power to retain the energy of mantra chanting.

Laxmi Charan Paduka Placement:

The ideal place to keep a god idol is on a dedicated altar for prominence and respect, in a peaceful corner of the living room for daily worship and contemplation, or on a work desk or near the entrance of home/office for spiritual inspiration.

Top Diameter: 0.8 inch 
Height: 12.35 mm 
Weight: 8 gms

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