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INR 1,650
Dimension of Book: 9.75 (H) x 7.25 (L) inches
Width: 1.4 inches
Binding: Hardbound
Number of Pages: 1039
Product Code: BO82
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Translated by: M.N. Dutt
Edited by: K.L. Joshi
Published by: Parimal Publications
Agni Purana occupies an important place among the most popular works in the Mahapuranas exceptionally for its scientific tracts. It is also called agneya-Purana and is narrated by suta (Lomaharsana), a disciple of Vyasa, who received it from Vasistha to whom it was communicated by agni. It consists of sixteen thousand stanzas distributed in three hundred and eighty-three chapters. The contents of this Purana clearly show that it has no sectarial leaning.
It is first time that an authentic English translation of M.N. Dutt includes the Sanskrit text. The old usage of English version has been replaced by the corresponding modern usage in order that the contents of the translation may be easily made out even by a layman.
Dimension of Book: 9.75 (H) x 7.25 (L) inches
Width: 1.4 inches
Binding: Hardbound
Number of Pages: 1039
Language: Slokas in Sanskrit and Meaning in English
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