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Super Collector 5 mukhi Guru bracelet from Nepal - Silver capping

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Super Collector 5 mukhi Guru Bracelet from Nepal - Silver Capping

INR 14,625


Bead Size: approx. 25 mm
No. of Beads: 7
Length: 8 inches
Silver Used: approx. 17 gms


Product Code: DR432


INR 14,625


An attractive Bracelet strung with superior quality, uniform lustrous rare Collector 5 Mukhi Rudraksha beads from Nepal, with perfectly crafted designer pure Silver caps on both ends of each bead. The clasp of the bracelet makes it easy and comfortable to wear. The big size of Super Collector 5 Mukhi beads helps to manifest the benefits of this Rudraksha faster, are rare and mature beads. The 5 Mukhi Rudraksha is ruled by planet Guru Brihaspati (Jupiter), the expansive and benevolent planet and the presiding Deity is Lord Rudra Kalagni(5 forms of Lord Shiva). Guru Brihaspati is the teacher/Guru of the Devas(Gods). The 5 Mukhi Rudraksha has been worn since ancient time to connect with one's Upa Guru, the higher self, especially for spiritual Sadhana. Guru Brihaspati imparts wisdom and knowledge of all 4 levels, sharpens intellect by removing dullness, helps to find one's own uniqueness, confidence, creativity. Read more about 5 Mukhi     

The Super Collector 5 Mukhi Guru bracelet works on the Vishuddha Chakra(Throat Chakra), clears, balances and heals it to enhance communication and creative self-expression by eliminating timid and shy disposition and suppression.    

Therapeutically, this bracelet helps to heal Asthma, ailments related to lungs and fortifies its function, regulates blood pressure, gives relief from diseases related to it Thyroid gland, lowers blood cholesterol and much more.    

As per Vedic Astrology, wearing the 5 Mukhi Guru Bracelet helps to get relief from ill effects of malefic Planet Jupiter/Brihaspati, when reflected in Birth chart/Kundli.     

Wear the Super Collector 5 Mukhi Bracelet for wisdom and knowledge of all types, enhancement of communication skills, increase in creativity, memory and grasping power, growth, prosperity, spiritual elevation. It is a must for those who are intending to participate in competitive exams.    

The extremely powerful Super Collector 5 Mukhi Guru bracelet from Nepal with designer Silver capping is favourable for everyone, especially for students, teachers, writers, singers, journalists, researchers, public speakers, counsellors and those who are in the path of spiritual quest/Sadhana.     

Origin: Nepal    
Mantra: Om Brim Brihaspataye Namaha    
Deity Mantra: Om Namah Shivaya    

Bracelet is strung as per Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapyâ„¢ wherein each bead follows the right clockwise orientation to make a proper circuit of energy and give you full results in the shortest period of time.     

Bead Size: approx. 25 mm  
No. of Beads: 7  
Length: 8 inches  
Silver Used: approx. 17 gms


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