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The Laws of the Spirit World

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The Laws of the Spirit World

INR 299

Dimension of Book: 8.5 (H) x 5.5 (L) inches 
Width: 20 mm 
Format: Paperback 
Number of Pages: 342 
Weight: 380

Product Code: BO70


INR 299

Written by:Khorshed Bhavnagri 
Published by: Jaico Publishing House 

The Laws Of The Spirit World by Khorshed Bhavnagri is an examination about life after death, and the soul's journey through various realms, which were revealed to the author through a telepathic revelation.  

In The Laws Of The Spirit World, author Khorshed Bhavnagri talks about spirituality, and how people should lead life on earth. The book delves into many philosophical and spiritual realms such as life-after-death, good versus evil, and freewill.  

Bhavnagri was inspired to write this book after her two sons, Vispi and Ratoo, were killed in a fatal car crash on February 22, 1980. A month after her sons passing, the author claims that she received messages from her boys asking her to communicate with them through automatic writing. The author further states that her sons were trying to guide her through her mission on Earth, which was to spread spirituality and to stay on God's path. Through telepathy and automatic writing, Bhavnagri put together the contents of The Laws Of The Spirit World.  

According to the The Laws Of The Spirit World, there are seven realms of existence in the spiritual domain. The first three realms are similar to Hell, and the point is to progress towards Heaven. The text examines questions such as does a god-fearing person ever try to fool god and what is a good deed The author also stipulates that on Earth, evil doers have no recollection of their sins. However, after death, these individuals have to constantly confront the memories of their sins.  

After reading The Laws Of The Spiritual World, readers will be forced to rethink their position on concepts such as god, free will, and the meaning of life.  

About Khorshed Bhavnagri:  
Khorshed Bhavnagri was an author, and a native of Mumbai, India.  

After the tragic passing of her two sons in 1980, she was spiritually and psychically guided to write The Laws Of The Spirit World. This helped her and her husband cope with the death of their two sons. Khorshed Bhavnagri was married to Rumy Bhavnagri. She passed away in 2007.  

Dimension of Book: 8.5 (H) x 5.5 (L) inches  
Width: 20 mm 
Format: Paperback 
Number of Pages: 342 
Weight: 380

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