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The Mystique of Gems and Stones

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The Mystique of Gems and Stones

INR 250

Dimension of Book: 8.5 (H) x 5.5 (L) inches
Width: 10 mm
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 704
Weight: approx. 310 gms

Product Code: BKG14

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Gems are used to dispel evil impact of planets occurring at various stages of a persons life. Gems also enhance already existing favourable aspects apart from their use in various diseases in the form of medicines. Certain gems are costly but can be substituted by cost effective gems but then all gems do not suit all persons alike. This books throw ample light on all the relevant aspects concerning gems.

This book will serve as a guide to the inquisitive readers who were feeling handicapped due to non-availability of a suitable book-this book fills this gap.

Dimension of Book: 8.5 (H) x 5.5 (L) inches
Width: 10 mm
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 704
Language: English
Weight: approx. 310 gms

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