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The Secret of the Nagas - Shiva Trilogy II

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The Secret of the Nagas - Shiva Trilogy II

INR 295

No. of pages: 369 Format: Paperback

Product Code: BKB08


INR 295

The Secret of the Nagas is the second book of the Shiva Trilogy, the sequel to the No 1 national bestseller, The Immortals of Meluha. Shiva's hunt for the Naga who killed his friend Brahaspati and targeted his wife Sati, takes him down India's major river networks, searching for traitors and seeking allies in his war against evil. But evil is rising again, more potent than ever. A whole nation is dying. Another, suffering for no fault of its own. Everyone is suspect: new friends, old allies and even his philosopher guides. At every corner, Shiva finds evidence of Naga activity. A crown prince is murdered. A people held to ransom for a miracle drug made only by the Nagas. Shiva's journey takes him across the length and breadth of Swadweep, to the land of the Brangas and further south, deep into the Dandak forest. Shiva searches for the truth in a land of deadly mysteries only to find that nothing is what it seems. No. of pages: 369 Format: Paperback
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