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Tulja Bhavani devi in pure silver locket

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Tulja Bhavani devi in pure silver locket

INR 1,900

Dimension: 25 mm (H) x 21 mm (L)
Weight: 9 gms

Product Code: TD01


INR 1,900

TuljaBhavani symbolizes the power of the Supreme Being that maintains moral order and righteousness in the universe. TuljaBhavani is also described as the impressive and formidable goddess in Hindu Puranas.

It is said that "She killed the Demon (asur) called Kukur, who, endowed with supernatural powers, had become arrogant and a great menace to the social and moral order of the day. When the Goddess appeared to kill him, the demon assumed the form of a ferocious buffalo (mahisha) and challenged her for a combat. She vanquished him in the battle and killed him and from then onwards, she became popularly known as "Mahishasur Mardini ", the one who killed the demon called Mahishasur."

Dimension: 25 mm (H) x 21 mm (L)
Weight: 9 gms

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