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1 Mukhi Half Moon Bhadraksha

The 1 Mukhi Half Moon Bhadraksha is controversially considered as a substitute for the rare and powerful One mukhi Nepali Rudraksha which is highly glorified in the Vedic scriptures as Shiva Swarup meaning Lord Shiva Himself. The significance of One Mukhi Rudraksha has been mentioned in various ancient Puranas and Upanishads including the Srimad Bhagwad Gita, Shiva Purana, Padma Purana and more. 1 Mukhi Half Moon Bhadraksha is available in different sizes and can be worn as Silver & Gold Pendants. If you are looking for 1 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha we recommend going for 1 Mukhi Java Rudraksha instead.

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About 1 Mukhi Half Moon Bhadraksha

The 1 Mukhi Half Moon Bhadraksha, also known as Kaju Dana, is a distinctive bead characterized by its larger size and numerous thorny protrusions. Resembling the Rudraksha beads in appearance, these beads are derived from the Elaeocarpus Serratus species found in South India and Sri Lanka. The bead is coarse in texture and looks like a cashew nut-shaped, elongated oval form. Unlike the Rudraksha beads, 1 Mukhi Half Moon Bhadraksha beads do not possess any healing properties.

Difference Between Bhadraksha & Rudraksha

We encourage people to learn the differences between Rudraksha & Bhadraksha especially if they are interested in wearing/investing in Rudraksha & experiencing its benefits because many traders sell Bhadrakshas as Rudraksha to devotees. Due to the popularity of 1 mukhi Rudraksha many people buy Bhadraksha bead instead which doesn’t have any healing properties unfortunately this mostly occurs in Nepal, Haridwar, Rishikesh, Varanasi outside Shiva Temples where local traders prey on naïve devotees.


  • The fruit has bright blue skin and is attributed to a natural phenomenon called 'structural coloration' rather than pigmentation.
  • The beads have a central cavity that turns into a hole when cleaned.
  • They have a number of facets or faces on the surface known as mukhis, which can vary. These faces are in the form of white lines on Indonesian beads and in a form of ridges in Nepal beads. These faces typically range from 1-21 Mukhi however in the recent years 21+ higher mukhis have also been found in nature.
  • Each face corresponds to a seed beneath it that lies in a compartment. Therefore 4 mukhi Rudraksha should have 4 seeds and 4 compartments.
  • The Rudraksha beads are used to prepare spiritual jewelry for mental and physical healing purposes, among other multiple benefits. Their therapeutic properties and spiritual significance make them highly valued.


  • The skin on the fruit is green in color and turn brownish when it is dried.
  • No central opening. When drilled, it pierces through the central seed of the bead.
  • Limited/ Fixed ridges on the beads on a tree ranging from 1 in number to a maximum of 9.
  • The ridges do not correspond to compartment with seed within the bead. The fruit usually posses a single seed within the fruit like a Mango.
  • These Bhadraksha bead are purely ornamental for the most part, and do not possess the powerful properties of the Rudraksha beads.

Reality of 1 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha

The 1 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha is highly esteemed in spiritual practices, often regarded as a symbol of divine connection and inner peace. Despite its revered status, genuine 1 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha beads are extremely rare and seldom found in the market. Many of the beads sold under this label are often misrepresented or counterfeit. Authentic 1 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha is distinguished by its natural, elliptical shape and a single cleft or line running from top to bottom, which signifies its unique status. However, due to its rarity, buyers should exercise caution and seek certification from reputable sources to ensure authenticity. If anyone was to find an authentic 1 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha the price will be very high, we recommend going for 1 Mukhi Java Rudraksha which is a much more affordable alternative and is very powerful.

Is 1 Mukhi Half Moon Kaju Dana effective?

The 1 Mukhi Half Moon Kaju Dana is a Bhadraksha and not a Rudraksha. Bhadraksha are fruits of a tree found in India that are identical to a Rudraksha but they don’t have any healing properties or benefits and wearing it is not recommended.

1 Mukhi Half Moon Bhadraksha price varies from INR 2,250 to INR 15,000 depending upon the size of the bead. The bigger the size the higher the price. The beads have been divided into Small (around 24 mm), Regular (around 28 mm), Large (around 32 mm), Collector (around 40 mm) & Super Collector (> 42 mm) size grades as per the size.  

There are no benefits as per our research. You can place the 1 Mukhi Half Moon Rudraksha on puja altar. You can wear 1 Mukhi Indonesian Rudraksha instead.  

1 Mukhi Rudraksha is a very rarely found rudraksha in Java, Indonesia. It is half ellipse in shape like that of an eye, reason why it is considered by yogis as the eye of Shiva or Shivanetra.

  • It fulfils all the desires of the wearer.
  • It provides total material and spiritual success.
  • It cures migraine within 7 days of wearing.
  • It profoundly and permanently transforms and heals karma.
  • It removes miseries and sufferings from the person’s life.
  • It destroys sins and past karma by antahkarna shuddhi.
  • It dramatically raises the awareness of the wearer.

How to identify 1 Mukhi Half Moon Kaju Dana Bead?

The 1 Mukhi Half Moon Bhadraksha is easily available in the market. It is oval shaped like the cashew nut and is coarse in texture. It doesn’t have a natural hole.

Things to check before Buying 1 Mukhi Half Moon Bhadraksha

The 1 Mukhi Half Moon Rudraksha should have a half-moon or crescent shape. A genuine 1 Mukhi will have a single clear line running from top to bottom.
It should have a natural color and texture. It shouldn't be artificially polished or dyed.
Check for cracks, holes, or damages on the surface. It should feel solid and substantial.

Other Fake 1 Mukhi Rudraksha

Many times, berries & nuts which resemble Rudraksha like betel nut, areca nuts are manipulated and an artificial line is carved to sell them as 1 Mukhi Rudraksha
Many traders manipulate real Rudraksha like 5 mukhi Nepal Rudraksha, they shave off the 4 mukhis using a sandpaper and sell that as a 1 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha
Many times they carve a line on a underdeveloped 5 mukhi Rudraksha where the Mukhis have not properly developed.

We strongly recommend devotes to buy Rudraksha from a trusted source like Rudra Centre to avoid such mishaps.

How to clean 1 Mukhi Half Moon Bhadraksha?

  • Dip the beads in lukewarm water for 15 mins.
  • Clean any molds visible of the surface using a toothbrush.
  • Dry them under the shade of the Sun (indirect Sunlight) or you can also use a dryer or hairdryer.


No 1 Mukhi Half Moon Bhadraksha does not have any healing properties. You can check 1 Mukhi Rudraksha from Java for healing properties and immense benefits. Read More.

1 Mukhi Half Moon Kaju dana is a Bhadraksha.

1 Mukhi Rudraksha blesses one with Material as well as Spiritual Fulfilment. All Rudraksha are blessed by Lord Shiva, we all are aware that he lived a complete fulfilling life and had wife & children as well. Our client feedback suggest that wearing 1 Mukhi Rudraksha has improved their family life.

1 Mukhi Round Rudraksha does not exist. Natural 1 Mukhi Rudraksha is in a half-ellipse shape, representing the third eye of Lord Shiva. If you see the rest of the Rudraksha beads, 2 Mukhi is in an ellipse shape, 3 Mukhi is triangular, and 4 Mukhi is squarish and by this logic 1 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha will be Half Elliptical in Shape.

1 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha is extremely rare and cannot be found in the market easily. We recommend investing in 1 Mukhi Java Rudraksha instead which is a much more affordable alternative.

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Rudra Centre Online Collection

R01S-S-NEW1 Mukhi Half Moon Small

INR 2,250

Product Code: R01S

Bead Size: 24 mm

Size Grade: Small

1 Mukhi Half Moon Regular1 Mukhi Half Moon Regular

INR 2,850

Product Code: R01

Bead Size: 28 mm

Size Grade: Regular

R01L-S-NEW1 Mukhi Half Moon Large

INR 5,100

Product Code: R01L

Bead Size: 32 mm

Size Grade: Large

R01C-S-NEW1 Mukhi Half Moon Collector

INR 9,000

Product Code: R01C

Bead Size: 40 mm

Size Grade: Collector

R01SC-S-NEW1 Mukhi Half Moon Super Collector

INR 12,500

Product Code: R01SC

Bead Size: 42 mm

Size Grade: Super Collector

k-28328-S1 Mukhi Half Moon Super Collector - VII

INR 12,500

Product Code: R01SCG

Bead Size: 41 mm

Size Grade: Super Collector

k-28329-S1 Mukhi Half Moon Super Collector - VIII

INR 12,500

Product Code: R01SCH

Bead Size: 41 mm

Size Grade: Super Collector

k-28330-S1 Mukhi Half Moon Super Collector - IX

INR 12,500

Product Code: R01SCI

Bead Size: 42 mm

Size Grade: Super Collector

k-28331-S1 Mukhi Half Moon Super Collector - X

INR 12,500

Product Code: R01SCJ

Bead Size: 42 mm

Size Grade: Super Collector

k-28334-S1 Mukhi Half Moon Super Collector - XIII

INR 12,500

Product Code: R01SCM

Bead Size: 43 mm

Size Grade: Super Collector

k-28336-S1 Mukhi Half Moon Super Collector - XV

INR 12,500

Product Code: R01SCO

Bead Size: 43 mm

Size Grade: Super Collector

k-28327-S1 Mukhi Half Moon Collector - I

INR 9,000

Out of Stock

Product Code: R01CA

Bead Size: 40 mm

Size Grade: Collector

Out of Stock


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