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Bloodstone Pyramids

Presenting Bloodstone pyramids, crafted neatly out of natural Bloodstone gemstone. The Pyramid structure attracts positive energies. The Bloodstone gemstone is said to purify blood, it promotes intuitive powers, gives courage, clears confusion, helps mental, physical, emotional renewal, calms down in crisis situations. Its quality of boosting physical endurance makes it the best choice for athletes/sportspersons. Bloodstone stands for justice and helps to ease legal issues.






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Rudra Centre Online Collection

Natural Bloodstone Pyramid - 112 gmsPyramid in Natural Bloodstone

INR 375 - 2,350

Product Code: GP35

Bloodstone Pyramid - 91 gmsPyramid in Bloodstone I

INR 400 - 2,875

Product Code: BSP09

Pyramid in Natural Bloodstone Set of 2

INR 420 - 2,015

Product Code: GP29

Bloodstone Pyramid - 31 gmsPyramid in Bloodstone - 31 gms

INR 650

Product Code: BSP34

Bloodstone Pyramid - 42 gmsPyramid in Bloodstone - 42 gms

INR 900

Product Code: BSP33

Pyramid in Bloodstone - 57 gms

INR 1,200

Product Code: BSP32

Pyramid in Bloodstone - 60 gmsPyramid in Bloodstone 60 gms

INR 1,260

Product Code: BSP19

Pyramid in Bloodstone

INR 1,475 - 2,900

Product Code: GP41

Pyramid in Bloodstone - 76 gms

INR 1,600

Product Code: BSP18

Pyramid in Bloodstone - 138 gms

INR 2,900

Product Code: BSP30

Pyramid in Bloodstone - 150 gms

INR 3,150

Product Code: BSP29

Pyramid in Natural Bloodstone - Set of 2 - IIPyramid in Natural Bloodstone - Set of 2 - II

INR 2,820

Out of Stock

Product Code: BSP17

Out of Stock


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