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Ruby is one of the most magnificent, expensive and sought-after precious stones in the world. According to legend, the name Ruby comes from the Latin word rubeus, which means red. This fiery gemstone was a favorite of Emperors and Royalty centuries ago, adorning their crowns, palaces, and jewelry, such as necklaces. The Ruby gemstone is respectfully known as Ratnaraj, which translates to "King of Gemstones."

  • About Ruby Gemstone
  • Who should wear the Ruby gemstone?
  • Ruby Benefits
  • Ruby Quality & Price
  • FAQs

Ruby gemstone is one among the panchratna or one of the five most precious gemstones in Vedic Astrology. The first ruby ​​mining took place in the 8th century BCE in Sri Lanka. Today, the main producers of rubies are Mozambique, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Burma. The name ruby ​​as it is used today comes from Rubens which means red in Latin. Since the dawn of time, the ruby ​​has been the symbol of desire, passion and also power. It was even long considered the most precious of stones.

In Vedic Astrology, Ruby stone is known as Ratnaraj which means ruler or king of precious stones and is associated with the planet Sun or Surya Dev. With 9/10 on the Mohs scale, ruby ​​is among the top three hardest minerals on the planet. Only a diamond or moissanite can scratch a ruby, the two stones above in this scale. Ruby represents the planet Sun and bestows good health and vitality on the wearer.

The best Ruby gemstones are known to energize and enlighten people. It lifts a gloomy mood and replaces it with a cheerful one. It is believed that the Ruby gemstone can protect a person from evil spirits while also improving financial stability. Individuals with a weak Sun in their birth chart can wear this gemstone to protect themselves from the negative effects of the Sun and also enhance a positively natal Sun.

Nowadays, Ruby's metaphysical properties are astonishing. This magnificent crystal radiates the pure Yellow cosmic ray with unrivaled radiance. It activates the Solar Plexus chakra, increasing vitality, throughout the entire mental and physical body. It promotes mental clarity, increased attention, and motivation, and gives the wearer a sense of power, a self-assurance and resolve that transcends timidity and drives one toward success.

Ruby stone ignites in us a strong desire to live our lives to the fullest. It motivates us to be more driven, inquisitive, courageous, and willing to follow our bliss wherever it may lead. As a fundamentally positive and fulfilling stone, it has no patience or tolerance for self-destructive or victim-oriented behavior. It shields us from negative energy and encourages us to transmute or let go of anything that does not bring us happiness or help us develop our life’s goals.

Ruby stone encourages us to participate actively in our communities and social activities. It stimulates the mind, allowing us to remain engaged, reflective, and capable of performing well under pressure. Ruby supports us to nurture a sense of nobility by serving those in need and leading by example. It serves as a reminder to act in accordance with our true values, as opposed to our base self-interest, and to cultivate the best aspects of ourselves and the world. Ruby encourages originality, goal-setting, and problem-solving activity. In addition, it is a wonderful abundance stone, assisting us in becoming wealthier and understanding how to use that wealth positively.

Ruby stone permits the sharing of loving energy regardless of past wounds, bringing up wrath or negative energy for transformation. It provides the fortitude to rise above martyrdom, choose whether or not to ruminate in agony, distress, or suffering, and fosters a positive and more fearless mindset. It inspires one to defend those who are imperiled, whether they are acquaintances, strangers, children, creatures, or the environment.

Ruby gemstone represents illumination in a person's existence. It encourages "following your bliss" and teaches one to appreciate the physical world and perceive the spiritual energy that permeates the realm of matter. It teaches how to conquer the transformation of thought and intention into physical manifestation in order to alter one's environment.

Ruby gemstone incorporates spiritual energy into our daily lives and teaches us how to live from a spiritual place without withdrawing from the world. It is an extraordinary talisman of manifestation that teaches us how to transmute our thoughts and desires into physical reality.

The metaphysical and spiritual properties of the manik stone are associated with power, passion, fortune, fame, energy, and vitality.

Other Names:Manik
Ruby Gemstone Planet:Sun
Vedic Rashi (Moon Sign):Leo
Lagna (Ascendants):Aries, Sagittarius, Capricorn.
Ruby Zodiac Sun Sign:Cancer
Ruby Gemstone Chakra:Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra
Birthstone of which Month:July


Although Ruby gemstone can be worn by anyone for its healing, mystic and other benefits, it is highly recommended that an astro and chakra expert consultation is sought before wearing Ruby. In Chakra science, it helps open and balance the Manipura Chakra. Thus, it is highly recommended for those looking for relief from stress, peace of mind and calmness.

One may also consult a Chakra analyst or a Vedic astrologer to check the compatibility of the stone. This gemstone blesses with a feeling of soothing and relaxing effect. You can take advantage of our expert advice on the suitability and compatibility of wearing this stone.

Ruby is an ideal gemstone for engineers, scientists, geologists, goldsmiths (jewelers), actors, authors, artists, government officials, politicians, dignitaries, merchants, CEOs and fame-seekers and stock traders.

Ruby is highly recommended for those suffering from chronic ill health, as well as for those prone to feelings of melancholy, hopelessness, and reduced vitality. Wearing a ruby gemstone aids in the physical healing of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Important Details:

Note that one should only wear natural, unheated, untreated Ruby gemstones so they can experience healing and empowerment. Rudra Centre only deals in 100% natural, unheated, untreated Ruby gemstones.

How many carats?0.50 carats and above
Which metal for the ring?Gold.
Color of Ruby (Manik):Red
Which finger to wear in:Consult Our Experts to know the correct finger.
When to wear (Day and Time):Sunday morning
Mantra For Ruby (Manik) Stone:Om Sum Suryaya Namah (108 Times)

Ruby Buying Guide

Check its Origin:

Today, the best quality original Ruby stones with good transparency and the desired red color come from the Mogok region in Burma. Thailand is also one of the good sources of natural Ruby and it comes in darker shades of Red to almost Violet in color. Sri Lanka is another location where it is mined and is mostly of a lighter shade of Red.

Other sources include Madagascar, Kabul (Afghanistan), Tanganyika, China and South India. Even though Madagascar rubies are new to the gemstone market, these Ruby types are of top of the line quality and have created its own popularity in a short span. They are fine, transparent and are free from inclusions, with rich Pink color and look similar to Burma Rubies.

Observe their Color:

Ruby's most significant qualitative characteristic is its color. The color of the finest rubies is pure, vibrant red to faintly purplish red. A color that is excessively orange or purple is deemed undesirable. The finest quality rubies have vibrant color saturation that is not excessively dark.

Notice their Clarity:

As inclusion-free rubies are uncommon, the trade anticipates that rubies will contain at least a few inclusions. Ruby's value is contingent on the visibility of its inclusions.

Examine their Inclusions:

Almost all natural Rubies contain flaws, such as color impurities and inclusions of rutile fibers referred to as "silk." These inclusions differentiate natural Ruby from synthetics, and when structurally aligned so that light reflects off the "silk" in particular ways, the inclusions increase the stone's rarity and value. Rubies with obvious inclusions or inclusions that diminish transparency or brilliance have a lower value.

See their Shape:

Several factors influence the design and proportion of available rubies. The crystal structure of a ruby determines its suitability for particular cutting. Ruby crystals are typically hexagonal in shape, but crystals from certain sources can be elongated.

Check the Carats:

For Ruby of gem quality, the raw Ruby is divided and polished into smaller stones of variable carat weight. In general, Ruby weighing 0.50 carats and above are appropriate for jewelry. Because Ruby is sold by weight, Ruby prices are calculated per carat. Stones of comparable dimensions but distinct varieties vary greatly in price. The more carats and clarity Ruby has, the higher its price.

Avoid Heated & Treated Ruby

Due to treatments the Ruby stone loses its natural composition and thus loses its natural frequency. These heated and treated Ruby do not offer any healing benefits and should be avoided.

Check for Lab Certificate

It is recommended that you should purchase Ruby gemstones along a lab tested certificate which can determine its authenticity, treatment status and origin. Rudra Centre has been dealing in natural unheated untreated lab certified gemstones for the past 25 years. Our Ruby is certified from trusted labs like GIA, IGI, GLI and IGITL.

Why buy Ruby from Rudra Centre?

We only deal with untreated and unheated gemstones from their natural sources, which we energize in accordance with Vedic Vidhi, after more than 20 years of research and 100.000+ satisfied, healed, and empowered customers.

Can I give my used Ruby gemstone to someone else?

You should avoid it if you are wearing it. However, if you have not used it for an extended period, you can pass it on to someone else. It is recommended to not wear it for at least 2 weeks before giving it to someone else. You can also follow the cleansing and reenergizing process mentioned in the benefits section.

General Benefits of Ruby

  • It attracts wealth.
  • It gives power of sight.
  • It enhances personal power.
  • It makes you feel brave and fearless.
  • It brings shine, luster, sparkle, and vigor.
  • It imparts discipline and confidence to the wearer.
  • It elevates personal autonomy over that of others.
  • It reduces stress, suspicion, anxiety, and anger.
  • It motivates one to take action to achieve his objectives.
  • It magnifies our motivation and sense of duty.
  • It releases dependency on others.
  • It instills self-respect.

Health Benefits of Ruby

  • It regulates the digestive system.
  • It helps to heal and alleviate GERD.
  • It heals the stomach and indigestion issues.
  • It heals liver ailments and the pancreas.
  • It heals problems of the small intestine.
  • It boosts the overall body’s energy.

Mental & Spiritual Benefits of Ruby

  • It invigorates the body, mind and emotions.
  • It brings balance to the Solar Plexus chakra.
  • It transforms mental impureness into mental purity.
  • It removes dependency on others.
  • It enhances emotional bravery.
  • It assists in grounding anxiety.
  • It restores lost hope.

Astrological Benefits of Ruby

  • It removes the afflictions of a weakened Sun in the birth chart.
  • It eradicates hardships from yearly Solar Returns and their resolutions.
  • It reinforces the brilliance of a natal strong Sun.

How to Energize & Recharge Ruby Gemstone?

Ruby purification alone is insufficient to obtain its desired benefits. Its energization is likewise essential. One must energize his or her Ruby stone jewelry prior to wearing it.

Perform the activation or energization rituals following the completion of the purification process.

To Cleanse your Ruby Dip it in Salt Water Solution (If possible, use unprocessed sea salt) OR you can perform the smudging technique using Sage or Palo Santo.

Keep it under Sunlight or Under Full Moon Rays for 10 – 15 mins.

Hold the Ruby in your hand and Chant the Ruby gemstone Mantra:

Om Sum Suryaya Namaha || ॐसुं सूर्याय नम || 108 times.

While chanting the mantra you can visualize white color positive energy surrounding your Ruby and restoring its powers.

Other Mantras of Lord Surya (Sun) you can chant are mentioned below

Vedic Stotra Mantra for Surya Planet

|| Namah Suryaya Shantaya Sarvaroga Nivaarine
Ayu rarogya maisvairyam dehi devah jagatpate ||

One who looks like the Hibiscus flower, Son of Kashyapa, full of radiance, Foe of darkness and the one who dispels all sins, I prostrate that Surya.

Tantrik Beeja Mantra for Surya/Sun

Om Hraam Hreem Hraum Sah Suryay Namah ||

You can choose to reenergize the Ruby on a Sunday.

Now, wear your Ruby to appease Lord Surya and receive its blessings.

How to check if Ruby suits you?

Preferably, a powerful gemstone such as Ruby should only be worn after consultation with an RRCT specialist. Nevertheless, it will be appropriate if worn according to RRCT, and we will add bhasm and energize it for only positive effects.

You can also give yourself at least 72 hours after embracing a Ruby to determine whether or not you are experiencing any negative effects. If after 72 hours of embracing the Ruby stone you do not feel even the slightest effect, you are safe to use Ruby, as this shows it is safe and sure for you and it will not negatively affect you in any way.

If after a few days of wearing you feel completely energized, inspired, and normal instead of confused, drowsy and numb, Ruby is a good choice for you. You will soon receive a subtle indication that wealth and good fortune are abundant in your life. Ruby has been considered a gemstone of luck and prosperity for centuries.

How to know if Ruby is working?

Within 10 days of wearing, you should start feeling invigorated at all levels. On mental, emotional, and physical planes, ruby is an extremely encouraging gemstone. You should also experience an improvement in your health, as well as a sudden increase in good fortune and wealth. Your presence should feel more vivacious and confident than ever, and you should become a magnet for others. You are suddenly the center of attention wherever you reside or work. In addition to your public charisma, your self-potential should emerge too. These are unmistakable indications that your ruby is working for you.

How long do the effects of Ruby last?

If cared for properly, a Ruby can be worn as jewelry for generations. You must wear it until your chakras are balanced. Typically, experts advise wearing gemstones for four years, after which they are no longer necessary.

For the best results it is highly recommended that one wears only 100% natural, unheated, and untreated Ruby gemstones. As per the Vedic scriptures, a heat treatment harms its sattvic nature, rendering the stone less effective and beneficial. Like other gemstones, the quality of Ruby is also determined by the four Cs (Color, Cut, Carat, Clarity).


The best quality Ruby stones are rich red in color with vivid and vibrant color saturation, hue and tone that is not too dark or light. The color should be evenly distributed with no visible color-zone.


Best quality Ruby stones have cuts that maximize the effect of hue, tone, saturation and surface area.


Ruby of 0.50 carats and above is most popular in Vedic Astrology. Significant smaller and larger rubies are used in contemporary jewelry. Generally, the price of Ruby rises as the size/weight/carat increases.


Rubies typically contain some inclusions. Thus, the rubies with some inclusions are readily accepted, traded and used. Rubies with least inclusions and best clarity and color are considered of premium quality.

Ruby gemstone Price

Ruby gemstone price is primarily determined by color, with Pigeon Blood red being the most expensive "red" ruby. After color, the exact price is determined by the cut and carat weight in the price matrix. It has a hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale, making it ideal for crafting exquisite jewelry. Rubies are available in a variety of sizes, but gem-quality rubies weighing over one carat are exceedingly rare and, not surprisingly, extremely expensive.

Regrettably, almost all ruby gemstones in the market are treated to increase its value. However, when a gemstone is heat-treated or undergoes the dying process, its healing properties are lost when it is worn. Ruby has numerous curative properties; to maximize its curative effects, only untreated Ruby stone should be worn.

The price of genuine, natural and unheated, untreated Ruby gemstones at Rudra Centre ranges from INR 43,450 to INR 5,14,800 (USD 543 to USD 6.435).

How to Identify or Test Original & Authentic Ruby?

The best way to check the authenticity of Ruby is by getting a Lab tested report from a reputed laboratory. Rudra Centre only deals with Vedic Astrology approved gemstones that are natural, untreated, and unheated. All our Ruby are certified by reputable labs like GIA, GLI, IGI and IGITL.

Look for flaws along with inclusions. Use a magnifying glass with at least 10x magnification to examine the Ruby carefully. Look for specks and blemishes, as they form with minute particles of other material. These flaws are strong evidence that a Ruby is genuine. Lab-created (fake) Ruby have no inclusions of this nature, and neither do natural Ruby, but if you find flaws, then your Ruby is genuine.

Examine the gemstone for air bubbles. Essentially, lab-created Ruby are glass that has undergone a process similar to that which forms natural Ruby. Since they are made of glass, they retain miniscule air bubbles after formation. If there are bubbles within the Ruby, it is not genuine. Be sure to inspect your Ruby from every angle by turning it over. There is a possibility that bubbles of air will only be evident from a single angle.

Look at how light is reflected by the Ruby. Turn off all the lights and shine your flashlight on the Ruby. If it is genuine, it will only reflect light of the same hue as itself. If it is a fake, made of glass, it will reflect colors other than the natural color of the gem.

Ruby Cleaning & Maintenance

It is always safe to wash ruby gemstone with warm soapy water.

In most cases, ultrasonic and steam cleaners are risk-free cleaning options for heat-treated, interlayer diffusion-treated, and untreated stones.

To properly clean ruby gemstones that have been fracture-filled, cavity-filled, or dyed, you should only use a damp cloth.

No, Ruby will activate and work only if it is in contact with your body at the correct position. To experience 100% results from Ruby you have to wear it as per RRST. Please consult our RRST counselors for guidance.

No, heated Ruby does not work.

If you have worn the Ruby continuously you may not need to re-energize it. It is advisable to energize it if you have not worn it for an extended period of time. You can follow the steps mentioned in the Benefits Section.

The best way is to get a lab test certificate from reputed labs like GIA, IGI, GLI and IGITL.

With proper care, the effects of Ruby will last for generations. The majority of the time, they balance the chakras, we learn the lessons and align with the planets, and we may no longer need them after a period of time.

Ruby weighing 0.50 carats and above are appropriate for harnessing its properties.

You can wash it with soapy water and use a soft toothbrush or cloth to remove stains, dirt, etc. You can read in detail in the Quality & Price Section.

For the best results, use the stone as a Ring or Pendant and it has to be worn as per Rudraksha Ratna Science Therapy, RRST, which is a scientific healing method devised by Sakhashree Neetaji. To know the right placement of Ruby gemstone, you may contact us as our team of experts will guide you.

You do not need to follow any precautions if you are wearing the Ruby as per RRST.

You can wear Ruby gemstone everyday as per RRST and ideally start to wear it on a Sunday morning.

Those who experience the psychological and physical issues described in the Benefits section, as well as those whose Manipura chakra is out of balance.

Yes, Ruby will suit you if you wear it as per RRST. Please consult our RRST counselors for proper guidance and how to wear the gemstone.

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Rudra Centre Online Collection

Indian Ruby - 3.20 caratsIndian Ruby - 3.20 Carats

INR 3,520

Product Code: RS194

Origin: India

Indian Ruby - 3.30 carats - IIndian Ruby - 3.30 Carats - I

INR 3,630

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Indian Ruby - 3.35 caratsIndian Ruby - 3.35 Carats

INR 3,685

Product Code: RS186

Origin: India

Indian Ruby - 3.60 caratsIndian Ruby - 3.60 Carats

INR 3,960

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Origin: India

Indian Ruby - 3.75 carats - IIndian Ruby - 3.75 Carats - I

INR 4,125

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Origin: India

Indian Ruby - 3.85 caratsIndian Ruby - 3.85 Carats

INR 4,235

Product Code: RS202

Origin: India

D-164-SIndian Ruby - 3.97 Carats

INR 4,365

Product Code: RS259

Origin: India

Indian Ruby - 4.20 caratsIndian Ruby - 4.20 Carats

INR 4,620

Product Code: RS236

Origin: India

Indian Ruby - 4.25 caratsIndian Ruby - 4.25 Carats

INR 4,675

Product Code: RS192

Origin: India

RS24-S1Indian Ruby - 4.30 Carats

INR 4,730

Product Code: RS24

Origin: India

Indian Ruby - 4.40 caratsIndian Ruby - 4.40 Carats

INR 4,840

Product Code: RS183

Origin: India

D-185-S1Indian Ruby Stone - 4.49 Carats

INR 4,940

Product Code: RS276

Origin: India


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