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Turquoise stone is associated with many myths and legends. In ancient Egypt, where it was first discovered more than 6000 years ago, the stone was associated with protection. Turquoise stone has been discovered by archaeologists in many ancient Egyptian tombs; even Pharaoh Tutankhamun's mask had Turquoise stones. The charming Turquoise has been popular, since ages, as it makes attractive jewelry. The name Turquoise is taken from French, 'Pierre Turquoise' translating to 'Turkish stone' as it hails from Turkey and the Turkish traders were one of the first to introduce the stone to other parts of the world.

  • About Turquoise Gemstone
  • Who should wear Turquoise gemstone?
  • Turquoise gemstone Benefits
  • Turquoise Quality & Price
  • FAQs

Turquoise gemstone is an extremely wise stone. It improves communication between the physical and spiritual realms. It possesses a purifying essence and shields us from harmful external influences. When we are spiritually exhausted and in need of nourishment and restoration, turquoise infuses us with a cool, revitalizing energy. It harmonizes and aligns our chakras, meridians, and male and female energies.

Turquoise enables us to articulate our Truth with clarity and assurance, while remaining receptive to new ideas. Turquoise encourages us to continue to learn and develop throughout our lives, gaining increasing mastery. It promotes compassion, generosity, and benevolence toward all sentient beings. Bright blue stones are believed to have 'male' energy and evoke the vastness of the sky, whereas green stones are believed to have 'female' energy and evoke the abundance of the Earth.

Turquoise is an excellent stone for emotional balance, enabling us to feel calm and at ease. It reduces stress and provides us with renewed vitality to confront any challenges we may face. Turquoise delicately dissipates any tendencies toward self-sabotage and martyrdom, instead encouraging us to seek out elegant answers to any problems we may be experiencing and to act in line with our Highest Good.

Turquoise fosters self-forgiveness, acceptance, and affection. It enables us to let go of remorse and be receptive to the affection of others. Additionally, turquoise assists us in forgiving others for their mistakes and gaining a broader perspective. Blue stones are especially useful for communicating openly and honestly about challenging emotional topics while the green ones motivates us to communicate from the heart and to be sincere and honest, particularly when addressing emotionally sensitive subjects.

The mineral composition of this gemstone is Copper-Aluminium Hydrous Phosphate. The color ranges from a Sky Blue or Persian Blue (popular term) to Bluish Green, often having matrix patterns. The raw Turquoise stone is opaque, in shades of Blue, Bluish Green, Green. With a hardness of 6 in the Mohs scale, makes it relatively soft. The fondness of this gemstone and its color led to the Turquoise being named after it. Cutting across cultures all over the world since it was first introduced, it has been tagged as a symbol of protection, wisdom, tranquility and lasting love.

Turquoise gemstone has been associated with the sky and the ocean and a mixture between both by many writers and philosophers. Many civilizations considered Turquoise a sacred stone. This belief comes in particular from its ability to drive out negative energies to then convert them into positive ones. As a pendant, the stone acts on the whole body and protects it from negativity. By sleeping near a Turquoise stone, sleep comes more easily. The nights are restorative and bad dreams do not disturb the native.

Other Names:Firoza
Turquoise Gemstone Planet:Jupiter
Vedic Rashi (Moon Sign):Aquarius
Lagna (Ascendants):Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
Turquoise Zodiac Sun Sign:Sagittarius
Turquoise Gemstone Chakra:Thymus Chakra
Birthstone of which Month:December


Although Turquoise gemstone can be worn by anyone for its healing, mystic and other benefits, it is highly recommended that an astro and chakra expert consultation is sought before wearing Turquoise. In Chakra science, it balances the Thymus Chakra.

Thus, it is highly recommended for those looking for blessings of intellect and enhanced communication. One may also consult a Chakra analyst or a Vedic astrologer to check the compatibility of the stone. This gemstone blesses with the power of compassion, spiritual growth, immunity and unconditional love.

Turquoise is a stone which can be worn by anyone as it does not have any negative side-effects. People related to the education sector, law, accountancy stand to gain from wearing Turquoise stone.

The Feroza Ratna is advantageous for those involved in creative fields such as the Fashion industry, Film or Television, authors, writers, jewelers, designers, artists, painters, etc.

Also it is recommended for those who have difficulty expressing themselves and are poor communicators may wear the gemstone. Turquoise leads to success through speech.

Turquoise Birthstones month is the month of December, so those born in the month can wear it as a lucky charm.

Important Details: 

Note that one should only wear natural, unheated, untreated Turquoise gemstones so they can experience healing and empowerment. Rudra Centre only deals in 100% natural, unheated, untreated Turquoise gemstones.

How many carats?5-7 Carats
Which metal for the ring?Silver.
Color of Turquoise:Blue and Bluish Green
Which finger to wear in:Consult Our Experts to know the correct finger.
When to wear (Day and Time):Thursday morning
Mantra For Turquoise Stone:Om Brim Brihaspataye Namah (108 Times)

Turquoise Buying Guide

Check its Origin:

The best turquoise is found in Mexico, Iran, and the United States. It can also be found in Australia, Belgium, Chile, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, Poland, Portugal, and the United Kingdom. Experts can occasionally identify the deposit just by observing the color. The Turquoise stones from Egypt are greener in color.

Sleeping Beauty Turquoise is mined in Arizona and is noted for its vivid robin's egg blue hue that is highly pure and has nearly no matrix.

Observe their Color:

Although turquoise is best known for its blue colors, it also occurs in blue-green, green, and even yellowish green hues. Bright blue is the most valuable hue. Green tints resulting from chromium or vanadium impurities are less valuable, but they have their own fanbase.

Notice their Clarity:

Turquoise are opaque by nature but display a very good shine. Consequently, the price is determined by the purity of the color and the presence of veining. A stone with a uniform color is more valuable than one with color zoning.

Examine their Inclusions:

Turquoise contains inclusions, which are natural flaws or foreign materials trapped within a gemstone during its formation. These inclusions may differ in nature and form, and they can impact the value and appearance of the gemstone as a whole.

See their Shape:

Depending on how they are fashioned and cut, turquoise gemstones can take on a variety of shapes, such as cabochon, emerald-cut, oval, round, cushion, pear and multiple others.

Check the Carats:

For Turquoise of gem quality, the raw Turquoise is divided and polished into smaller stones of variable carat weight. In general, Turquoise weighing between 5 and 7 carats are appropriate for jewelry. Because Turquoise is sold by weight, Turquoise prices are calculated per carat. Stones of comparable dimensions but distinct varieties vary greatly in price. The more carats and clarity Turquoise has, the higher its price.

Avoid Heated & Treated Turquoise

Due to treatments the Turquoise stone loses its natural composition and thus loses its natural frequency. These heated and treated Turquoise do not offer any healing benefits and should be avoided.

Check for Lab Certificate

It is recommended that you should purchase Turquoise gemstones along a lab tested certificate which can determine its authenticity, treatment status and origin. Rudra Centre has been dealing in natural unheated untreated lab certified gemstones for the past 25 years. Our Turquoise are certified from trusted labs like GIA, IGI, GLI and IGITL.

Why buy Turquoise from Rudra Centre?

We only deal with untreated and unheated gemstones from their natural sources, which we energize in accordance with Vedic Vidhi, after more than 20 years of research and 100.000+ satisfied, healed, and empowered customers.

Can I give my used Turquoise gemstone to someone else?

You should avoid it if you are wearing it. However, if you have not used it for an extended period, you can pass it on to someone else. It is recommended to not wear it for at least 2 weeks before giving it to someone else. You can also follow the cleansing and reenergizing process mentioned in the benefits section.

General Benefits of Turquoise

  • It inspires new feelings of joy and hope.
  • It provides mental and emotional renewal.
  • It imparts extraordinary vitality and motivation to one's life.
  • It eliminates persistent procrastination and stagnation.
  • When the path in life is unclear, it clears the mind.
  • It eliminates all known and unknown forms of negativity.
  • It heals painful memories and emotions from the past.
  • It liberates the wearer from ties and expectations.
  • It eliminates negative memories and old grudges.
  • It grants the ability to manifest innermost desires.
  • It relieves the suffering of guilt and low self-esteem.
  • It imparts a healthy and lasting sense of confidence.

Health Benefits of Turquoise

  • It strengthens the immune system.
  • It relieves tension and chronic stress.
  • It relieves bronchitis and hay fever.
  • It is beneficial to the respiratory system.
  • It alleviates cardiovascular diseases.
  • It relieves tension and chronic stress.
  • It provides overall good health.

Mental & Spiritual Benefits of Turquoise

  • It brings balance to the Thymus chakra.
  • It bestows capability of creation and spiritual progress.
  • The wearer becomes a conduit for unconditional love.
  • It facilitates meditation and spiritual practices.
  • It grants the ability to make correct judgments.
  • It bestows sound judgment and self-assurance.
  • It confers the capacity to achieve enlightenment.

Astrological Benefits of Turquoise

  • It enlightens and strengthens a weakened natal positioned Jupiter.
  • It removes the negative effects of planets in the birth chart that are poorly aspected with Jupiter, thus releasing the negative pattern between both.
  • Since Jupiter is the most beneficent planet in nature, this gemstone enhances its propitiousness in the house it is born in as well as during Jupiter transits.

How to Energize & Recharge Turquoise Gemstone?

Turquoise purification alone is insufficient to obtain its desired benefits. Its energization is likewise essential. One must energize his or her Turquoise stone jewelry prior to wearing it.

Perform the activation or energization rituals following the completion of the purification process.

To Cleanse your Turquoise Dip it in Salt Water Solution (If possible, use unprocessed sea salt) OR you can perform the smudging technique using Sage or Palo Santo.

Keep it under Sunlight or Under Full Moon Rays for 10 – 15 mins.

Hold the Turquoise in your hand and Chant the Turquoise gemstone Mantra:

Om Brim Brihaspataye Namaha || ब्रंबृहस्पतये नम || 108 times.

While chanting the mantra you can visualize white color positive energy surrounding your Turquoise and restoring its powers.

Other Mantras of Lord Brihaspati (Jupiter) you can chant are mentioned below

Vedic Stotra Mantra for Brihaspati Planet

|| Devaanaancha Risheenaancha Gurum Kaanchan sannibham Bhudhdhi bhootham Thrilokesam Thannamaami Bhruhaspathim ||

I kneel to Brihaspati, lord of Jupiter, who is the preceptor of all gods and rishis. He has a golden skin tone and is the lord of intelligence who controls all three worlds.

Tantrik Beeja Mantra for Brihaspati/Jupiter

Om Gram Greem Graum Sah Guruve Namah ||

You can choose to reenergize the Turquoise on a Thursday.

Now, wear your Turquoise to appease Lord Brihaspati and receive its blessings.

How to check if Turquoise suits you?

Preferably, a powerful gemstone such as Turquoise should only be worn after consultation with an RRCT specialist. Nevertheless, it will be appropriate if worn according to RRCT, and we will add bhasm and energize it for only positive effects.

You can also give yourself at least 72 hours after embracing a Turquoise to determine whether or not you are experiencing any negative effects. If after 72 hours of embracing the Turquoise stone you do not feel even the slightest effect, you are safe to use Turquoise, as this shows it is safe and sure for you and it will not negatively affect you in any way.

If after a few days of wearing you feel completely energized, inspired, and normal instead of confused, drowsy and numb, Turquoise is a good choice for you. You will soon receive a subtle indication that wealth and good fortune are abundant in your life. Turquoise has been considered a gemstone of luck and prosperity for centuries.

How to know if Turquoise is working?

Within 10 days of wearing, you should start feeling much less prone to emotional ups and downs and instead much more emotionally balanced. You should experience a new breeze of mental clarity that enables you to see things from a higher vantage point. You should feel much more at ease and unconcerned in the face of life's challenges, and your physical strength should have considerably increased. Your social interactions may improve as a result of the development of new attitudes and emotions toward others. If you experience any of these signs then your Turquoise is working for you.

How long do the effects of Turquoise last?

If cared for properly, a Turquoise can be worn as jewelry for generations. You must wear it until your chakras are balanced. Typically, experts advise wearing gemstones for four years, after which they are no longer necessary.

For the best results it is highly recommended that one wears only 100% natural, unheated, and untreated Turquoise gemstones. As per the Vedic scriptures, a heat treatment harms its sattvic nature, rendering the stone less effective and beneficial. Like other gemstones, the quality of Turquoise is also determined by the four Cs (Color, Cut, Carat, Clarity). 


best quality Turquoise are medium blue in color with hue that is evenly distributed with no visible color-zone.


Best quality Turquoise stones have cuts that maximize the effect of hue, tone, saturation and surface area.


Turquoise of 5 – 7 carat is most popular in Vedic Astrology. Significant smaller and larger Turquoise are used in contemporary jewelry. Generally, the price of Turquoise rises as the size/weight/carat increases.


Turquoise gemstones are opaque in nature, but the best ones are smooth and clear with no eye-visible scratches or inclusions.

Traders deal in Turquoise stones which are synthetic to natural but which are treated/heated and color enhanced, so it is immensely important to purchase only from a reputed dealer with certification from a reputed lab.

Turquoise gemstone Price

The price of Turquoise gemstone depends on its size, its cut, as well as its origin in terms of color and clarity. Sleeping Beauty Turquoise also known as Persian Blue or Sky Blue is the most sought-after and prized variety of the gemstone. Always procure unheated, untreated Turquoise in order to benefit from its outstanding healing properties.

When a gemstone is heat-treated or undergoes the dying process, its healing properties are lost when it is worn. Turquoise has numerous curative properties; to maximize its curative effects, only untreated Turquoise stone should be worn.

The price of genuine, natural and unheated, untreated Turquoise gemstones at Rudra Centre ranges from INR 300 to INR 12,980 (USD 3.75 to USD 162).

How to Identify or Test Original & Authentic Turquoise?

The best way to check the authenticity of Turquoise is by getting a Lab tested report from a reputed laboratory. Rudra Centre only deals with Vedic Astrology approved gemstones that are natural, untreated, and unheated. All our Turquoise are certified by reputable labs like GIA, GLI, IGI and IGITL.

Look for flaws along with inclusions. Use a magnifying glass with at least 10x magnification to examine the Turquoise carefully. Look for specks and blemishes, as they form with minute particles of other material. These flaws are strong evidence that a Turquoise is genuine. Lab-created (fake) Turquoise have no inclusions of this nature, and neither do natural Turquoise, but if you find flaws, then your Turquoise is genuine.

Examine the gemstone for air bubbles. Essentially, lab-created Turquoise are glass that has undergone a process similar to that which forms natural Turquoise. Since they are made of glass, they retain miniscule air bubbles after formation. If there are bubbles within the Turquoise, it is not genuine. Be sure to inspect your Turquoise from every angle by turning it over. There is a possibility that bubbles of air will only be evident from a single angle.

Look at how light is reflected by the Turquoise. Turn off all the lights and shine your flashlight on the Turquoise. If it is genuine, it will only reflect light of the same hue as itself. If it is a fake, made of glass, it will reflect colors other than the natural color of the gem.

Turquoise Cleaning & Maintenance

It is essential to give your gemstone a thorough cleaning in order to preserve its luster, as regular use can cause it to become dull. This washing enables it to purge itself from negative energies as well.

To clean Turquoise Jewelry use a soft toothbrush and dip it in water and gently rub the brush on the stone. Pat it dry with a soft dry cloth. Metal parts can be cleaned with a metal polish agent or a jewelry polishing cloth.

Turquoise gets damaged with chemicals so do not use any chemical to clean the stone.

No, Turquoise will activate and work only if it is in contact with your body at the correct position. To experience 100% results from Turquoise you have to wear it as per RRST. Please consult our RRST counselors for guidance.

No, heated Turquoise does not work.

If you have worn the Turquoise continuously you may not need to re-energize it. It is advisable to energize it if you have not worn it for an extended period of time. You can follow the steps mentioned in the Benefits Section.

The best way is to get a lab test certificate from reputed labs like GIA, IGI, GLI and IGITL.

With proper care, the effects of Turquoise will last for generations. The majority of the time, they balance the chakras, we learn the lessons and align with the planets, and we may no longer need them after a period of time.

Turquoise weighing between 5 and 7 carats are appropriate for harnessing its properties.

You can wash it with soapy water and use a soft toothbrush or cloth to remove stains, dirt, etc. You can read in detail in the Quality & Price Section.

For the best results, use the stone as a Ring or Pendant and it has to be worn as per Rudraksha Ratna Science Therapy, RRST, which is a scientific healing method devised by Sakhashree Neetaji. To know the right placement of Turquoise gemstone, you may contact us as our team of experts will guide you.

You do not need to follow any precautions if you are wearing the Turquoise as per RRST.

You can wear Turquoise gemstone everyday as per RRST and ideally start to wear it on a Thursday morning.

Those who experience the psychological and physical issues described in the Benefits section, as well as those whose Thymus chakra is out of balance.

Yes, Turquoise will suit you if you wear it as per RRST. Please consult our RRST counselors for proper guidance and how to wear the gemstone.

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Rudra Centre Online Collection

Turquoise - 3 to 4 caratsTurquoise - 3 to 4 Carats

INR 1,225

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K-26393-STurquoise Stone - 4.05 Carats

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Origin: Iran

K-26394-STurquoise - 4.25 Carats

INR 1,490

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Origin: Iran

Turquoise - 4.55 caratsTurquoise - 4.55 Carats

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INR 2,190

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Origin: Iran

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INR 2,205

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Turquoise - 6.35 caratsTurquoise - 6.35 Carats

INR 2,225

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Turquoise - 6.4 caratsTurquoise - 6.4 Carats

INR 2,240

Product Code: TGS33

Turquoise - 6.5 carats - ITurquoise - 6.5 Carats - I

INR 2,275

Product Code: TGS35

Turquoise - 6.6 carats - IIITurquoise - 6.6 Carats - Iii

INR 2,310

Product Code: TGS37


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