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Chakra Vastu

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Vastu Shastra And Chakra Vastu

What Is Vastu Shastra?


Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian science that ensures constructions and architectures across all directions are built as per the presiding deity of the energy of the direction, and, regularly energized to remove negative elements, obstruct negative energies and increase positive energies in one’s dwelling. Vastu Shastra or the Vastu Purusha’s every part of the body represent a different direction ruled by the presiding deity - this fundamental truth has its roots in the most ancient Vedic scriptures - the Vedas. Vastu Shastra therefore is about using the ‘Science of Architecture’, which contains a collection of rules and principles dedicated to the construction and architecture of a harmonious dwelling as found, and, complied from various Puranas and Agamas. All construction carried out in the Vedic period especially temples adhered to Vastu principles strictly which led to immense gains lifelong for the inhabitants.

Vastu Shastra uses shapes (mandalas), and directions, and calculates various energy principles (including the energy of the presiding deity) so that the constructions of houses and buildings are in alignment with the various elements of the laws of the universe, to ensure both sides co-exist in harmony and benefit from each other. Vastu Shastra helps one derive maximum benefits out of various energies that reside in various directions. It helps manage the energies and influences of various directions, elements, and more through principles of design, layout, measurements, construction, and space and geometry management to maximize the benefits of health, wealth, harmony, and happiness. Living in houses, flats, or using non-compliant vastu spaces affects the thought process of residents negatively which results in failures, losses, illness, mental disorders, stress in relationships, and even untimely deaths (particularly women).

Is Vastu Shastra And Vastu Purush Synonymous To Each Other?


Vastu Purush is said to be the ruling deity of a residential structure. He is believed to lie in the dwelling with his head towards Northeast and feet towards Southwest and facing downwards.

The Matsya Purana references his story as follows. There was once a war between Lord Shiva and the demon Andhakasura. During this heat-filled fight, sweat drops oozed from the body of Shiva and fell onto the Earth. Out of this sweat emerged a gigantic man expanding to cover the heavenly abodes of gods and demons. The gods thought this giant demon was sent by the demons to defeat them and the demons thought this huge God was sent to defeat them. The war between the two deities ceased.

Fearful that this man would eat all three lokas; 45 Gods, Astha Dikapalakas (Lords of eight directions), and other celestial beings pinned the man to the ground, head in the Northeast direction and legs in the Southwest direction. Unable to move, the man prayed to Lord Shiva and asked what his fault was? Lord Shiva realized that the cosmic being was not at fault, blessed him, and made him the Vastu Purush, the God of all constructions. He stated that he would be worshipped before and in all constructions. Vastu Purusha then stated the rules for all structures. Vastu Purush and other Deities’ position that pinned him down on every plot or structure is known as Vastu Purusha Mandala and their principles are followed while doing all construction.

Other Elements Of Vastu

Geopathic Stress Lines

According to Vastu Shastra, the flow of energy on the earth is in the form of huge grid lines from north to south and east to west. Geopathic stress zones are formed at the meeting points of these lines. Other than at the intersection of these lines, Geopathic stress is also caused because of the electromagnetic field of the earth. Many times due to underground water streams, caves, and mineral deposits, this stress is created. Geopathic Stress Zones can have short-term as well as long-term negative impacts on health. Geopathic stress affects the ability of a person to take right and positive decisions.

If the residents of a particular dwelling experience issues such as depression, headache, trouble sleeping, lethargy, and mental stress, one may be living in a zone which high geopathic stress. Other indicators include frequent breakdown of electrical equipment, uneasy or aggravated behavior in pets, cracks in construction, the area being accident-prone, and much more. In Vastu, the problem of negative energy arising from the geopathic stress zone can be solved in various ways such as - blocking or absorbing it.

Significance Of Brahmasthan

Lord Brahma rules Brahmasthan. It is imperative to preserve this central area and keep it devoid of any heavy concrete structures. You may install Vastu yantras that nullify the malefic defects of Vastu in the dwelling.

Significance Of Marmasthan

Marma in Sanskrit means open or exposed, and the word mostly refers to points in the human body that are located at the intersections of veins, muscles, joints, bones, ligaments, or tendons. In Vastu Shastra, Marmasthan is the crossing point of longitudinal and latitudinal lines in the Vastu Purusha mandal. They are sensitive points in a house or a dwelling and certain rules are to be followed for them as per Vastu Shastra.

Vastu Tips

  • Make sure when you sleep; your head is southward or eastward. This will let you move into a peaceful state of mind
  • Keep in mind that meals should be taken facing east. This will make taste better and help you digest the food
  • While taking water or preparing meals, ensure you avoid facing southwest and face only east
  • The Northeast is a zone of positivity. It would be advisable to have storage of water there
  • The kitchen should be placed in the direction of the fire element, which is Southeast, to ensure good health of the dwellers
  • It is imperative that the central area is devoid of any heavy concrete structures. This area is Brahmasthan. You may install Vastu yantras that emit positive radiations.
  • It is good to use wooden beds without storage space instead of metal ones
  • An image of lord Hanuman placed southward will ensure you stay mentally as well as spiritually stronger. Kuber idol is North ensures money in the house, and Ganesh Idol in South West ensures stability.

What Is Chakra Vastu?


Chakra Vastu is a science that maps the 7 Chakras (subtle energies in the human aura) with the Vastu Shastra (or the Vastu Purush). The rules and principles of Chakra Vastu, in alignment with the constructions of houses or flats ensures harmony of the residents with various elemental energies leading to health, happiness, growth, and abundance in all aspects of their life. It is the science of harmonizing different energies and removing blockages for the free flow of universal energies at a dwelling and into one’s aura.

Energies and influences of the Chakras: Five Elements (Panchatatva); 9 Planets; 16 Directions; 45 Presiding Deities, 7 Colors (light from Sun), and more play a very vital role in any dwelling. This balance and free flow of energies help one reap maximum benefits such as good health, peace of mind, cordial relationships, auspiciousness, growth, prosperity, success, and happiness. Rectifying Vastu errors essentially also leads to the removal of blockages, thus solving issues and problems such as health, wealth, and progress.

Sakhashree Neetaji has devised Chakra Vastu. The secrets of Chakra Vastu were revealed to Sakhashree in her deep meditative state. The knowledge associated with Chakra Vastu has been then extensively researched and tested. Chakra Vastu is a science that is simple to understand and implement. It promotes the union of us with nature (Chakras of the Universe).

With Chakra Vastu, we map and understand the macrocosm and microcosm of the Chakras of the dwelling (Chakras of Vastu Purush) and orient us to live our lives the way the universe wants us to live, this ensures balance and harmony of various energies leading to happiness, prosperity, harmony, growth and good health.

To gain maximum benefits and get optimal results from these energies, each corner and area is used for a particular activity. For instance, the Crown (Sahasrara) Chakra of the Vastu Purush is in the Northeast direction, and it is the most suitable direction for mediation purposes and to build a puja room. Similarly, it’s best to have a kitchen in the direction where the fire element or Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra is located in the dwelling.

Everything in this universe is made up of the Panchabhuta or the five elements. The five elements exist both as themselves and as all other objects. The five elements, namely Sky (Akash), Air (Vayu), Fire (Agni), Water (Jal), and Earth (Prithvi) are the basis of all creations. They are the building blocks of nature and all matter. These five elements have varied characteristics, knowledge, balance and harmony of these elements lead to health and happiness.

The balance or imbalance among the Panchtatva makes one’s space harmonious for the in-dwellers or creates problematic life situations for them. This imbalance happens when a direction is not used for its intended purpose or if the direction is extended or cut. Thus an underground water tank in the South zone will cause anxiety, instability, and lack of orders. Similarly, the fire placed in North zone (Ether) will block new opportunities and cause impatience and disturbed sleep, as they are attributes of this zone.

Vastu Purush is said to be the ruling deity of a residential structure. He is believed to lie in the dwelling with his head towards Northeast and feet towards Southwest and facing downwards.

Core Elements Of Chakra Vastu


Everything in this universe is made up of the Panchabhuta or the five elements. The five elements exist both as themselves and as all other objects. The five elements, namely Sky (Akash), Air (Vayu), Fire (Agni), Water (Jal), and Earth (Prithvi) are the basis of all creations. They are the building blocks of nature and all matter. These five elements have varied characteristics, and knowledge, balance and harmony of these elements lead to health and happiness.

The balance or imbalance among the Panchtatva makes one’s space harmonious for the in-dwellers or creates problematic life situations for them. This imbalance happens when a direction is not used for its intended purpose or if the direction is extended or cut. Thus an underground water tank in the South zone will cause anxiety, instability, and lack of orders. Similarly, the fire placed in North zone (Ether) will block new opportunities and cause impatience and disturbed sleep, as they are attributes of this zone.

Chakra Of Vastu Purush And Directions, Deity And Elements

  • In the Chakra Vastu Mandala, the Head of the Vastu Purush lies in the North-East direction, which is apt to make the entrance as all energies enter the body or home through this direction.
  • The Stomach of the Vastu Purush lies in the South-East direction, which is apt to make the kitchen as the zone is ruled by the Agni element.
  • The Feet of the Vastu Purush lies in the South-west direction, apt for energies of Support and Stability. Thus, this direction is suitable for the owner or breadwinner of the dwelling to reside.
  • The Heart of the Vastu Purush lies in the North West so this zone signifies movement and desire fulfilment.
  • The Throat of the Vastu Purush lies in the North direction, so this zone is the center of knowledge and communication.
  • The lower abdomen of the Vastu Purush lies in the West directions, so this zone signifies creativity, joy, union and sexuality.
  • The lower pelvic region of the Vastu Purush lies in the South, so this zone is associated with work, strength and health.
  • The lower Heart region of the Vastu Purush lies in the East direction and this zone is associated with divinity and auspiciousness.

The Sun is the most vital source of energy and light. It is difficult to imagine life on Earth without it. The Sun’s rays can be split into seven plus two colors. From the very beneficial ultra-violet rays in its eastern side corresponding to north-east and infra-red in the opposite south-west side, the Sun’s rays split into violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red (VIBGYOR). The color pink, which comes from the intense ended colors’ interference, manifests in the East direction.

Below are the details of chakras, colors, and directions as per the Sunrays falling in the dwelling:

The 24 hours of 1 solar day are divided into eight parts associated with the eight cardinal directions. In each of these eight periods, the Sun is positioned in one of the cardinal directions. Therefore, the room most likely to be used during that period is located in this direction.

Utilizing Different Directions As Per Sun’s Movement

Pooja Room ‘Pooja’ Room or meditation room in the Northeast

Pooja Room ‘Pooja’ Room or meditation room in the Northeast

The time period from 3 am to 6 am, which is just before sunrise is called ‘Brahma Muhurta’. At this time, the Sun is in the Northeastern part of the house. These hours are ideal for Yoga, meditation, or study as it is tranquil and peaceful. Therefore, the Northeast corner is the best position for the ‘Pooja’ room or prayer/ meditation room.

Bathroom vastu Bathroom, doors/windows in the East

Bathroom vastu Bathroom, doors/windows in the East

From 6am to  7;30am, the Sun is in the eastern part of the house. This is when bathing and preparing for the day, so east is a good location for a bathroom used for bathing purposes only. Besides, there should be many openings and no obstructions in the East so that the morning sun’s beneficial rays will engulf the house.

Kitchen in the Southeast

Kitchen in the Southeast

The time between 7.30 am and 9am, when the Sun is in the Southeast part of the house, is the best time for preparing food to be eaten later in the day. The Sun emits more ultra-violet rays in the morning hours than any other time of the day, which positively affects the human body and the environment surrounding him. These rays have a tendency to kill bacteria.

Room, office and storeroom in the South

Room, office and storeroom in the South

The period between 9:00 am and noon is the time for work. The Sun is now in the South, and hence this is the best position for an office and a room where one needs to work. It is also ideal for storerooms that need to be moisture-proof.

Master bedroom in the Southwest

After lunch, it is time for rest, so the time between noon and 3 pm is called Vishranti, the resting period. The Sun is now in the Southwest section of the house, and so it is the ideal location for a Master bedroom.

Children’s bedroom, study room, toilets in the West

Children’s bedroom, study room, toilets in the West

The period between 3pm and 6pm is the time for children to study. The Sun is in the West, and this is the best location for a children’s bedroom or your study room.

Guest bedroom, living room, dining room in the Northwest

Guest bedroom, living room, dining room in the Northwest

Generally, the time between 6pm and 9pm, when the Sun is in the Northwest part of the house, is the time for recreation and dining. So rooms, where maximum movement is required, are constructed here.

Money safe, Children's room in the North:

Money safe, Childrens room in the North:

The time between midnight and 3 am, when the Sun is in the Northern section, is the time of darkness and secrecy. The North is, therefore, the best place to hide valuables and to keep them protected. It is also a good room for children to sleep.

Master bedroom in the South-West

After lunch, it is time to rest, so the time between noon and 3 pm is called Vishranti, the resting period. The Sun is now in the Southwest section of the house, and so it is the ideal location for a Master bedroom

Directions And Their Associates


Utilizing and balancing the directions and the attributes of the different directions with their corresponding chakras, presiding lokpalas, and elements are as below:

Directions  : North
Lokpalas  : Kuber
Related Chakra  : Vishuddha
Related Element  : Space
Attributes : Growth, Learning, Communication, Expression

Directions  : South
Lokpalas  : Yama
Related Chakra  : Muladhara
Related Element  : Earth
Attributes : Support, Stability

Directions  : East
Lokpalas  : Indra
Related Chakra  : Hritpadma
Related Element  : Air
Attributes : Desires, Luxury

Directions  : West
Lokpalas  : Varun
Related Chakra  : Swadhisthana
Related Element  : Water
Attributes : Identity, Creativity

Directions  : Northeast
Lokpalas  : Ishana
Related Chakra  : Ajna/Sahasrara
Related Element  : Space
Attributes : Spirituality

Directions  : Northwest
Lokpalas  : Vayu
Related Chakra  : Anahata
Related Element  : Air
Attributes : Trust, Relationships, Let go, Movement

Directions  : Southeast
Lokpalas  : Agni
Related Chakra  : Manipura
Related Element  : Fire
Attributes : Power, Action, Name, Fame

Directions  : Southwest
Lokpalas  : Nairuti
Related Chakra  : Muladhara
Related Element  : Earth
Attributes : Hard Work

Northeast (Ishanaya)

Northeast (Ishanaya)

The Northeast side is ruled by the presence of God-consciousness. Therefore, this is one of the most essential directions in Vastu and should be kept open and clean. This area may be utilized for meditation purposes, Puja room or entrance, or even living room. The Element present here is Spirit. In the Northeast direction, place Puja altar or Divine symbols. Keep this place open and spacious so that the rest of the dwelling is energized by the divine energies emanating from this area. You may keep Parad items, quartz crystals, and idols of Gods and Goddesses to energize this element.

East (Purva)

East (Purva)

The eastside is for fullfilment of prayers and desires. It is from this side that manifestation is going to happen in your dwelling. Also, the East is where the Sun rises, indicating life and health. This area may be utilized for the living room, study room, meditation purposes, Puja room, and entrance. The element present here is fire that can be enhanced by installing Yantras, Chowkis, Cowries, Rose Quartz gemstone, and Goddess Laxmi items.

Southeast (Aagneya)

Southeast (Aagneya)

The Southeast direction is ruled by fire; hence, it has an abundance of energy in it. This is the area from where Prana (energy) is distributed to the rest of the dwelling. Ideally, it may be utilized for the kitchen, boardroom, sales and marketing department, and conference room. The Southeast direction is ruled by the Fire element and should be balanced by lighting oil lamps, keeping pyramids, yellow gemstones, aura lamps, and using sufficient lighting. A balance of the fire element will improve the health of all the dwellers.

South (Dakshin)

South (Dakshin)

The South is the area that provides energy and stability to the dwelling. It is ideally utilized for the bedroom, director’s cabin, and storeroom. The element present here is earth. To enhance the earth element’s power, one can place Indoor plants, red gemstones, and copper items in this area.

Southwest (Nairutya)

Southwest (Nairutya)

The Southwest direction is the area that provides energy, career success, wealth, and stability to the dwelling. It is ideally utilized for the bedroom and the director’s cabin. The element present here is Earth. In the Southwest direction, balance the earth element by placing plants. Plants can absorb all kinds of negative elements and thus help in cleaning the environment. Also, horse shoes, brown and black gemstones, Iron items, and indoor plants are ideal for energizing the Southwest corner.

West (Paschim)

West (Paschim)

The God of Oceans, Lord Varuna, rules the West direction according to Vastu. This direction is best for creative pursuits. Children’s study rooms and designing rooms are best placed here. The element present here is Water. To balance the West’s water element, keep fountains or flowers floating in water containers in this area or Kurma idol. Rock salt lamps would be an ideal energizer in this area. Spray this area with bright orange colour or use orange gemstones and allow creativity to bloom here.

Northwest (Vayavya)

Northwest (Vayavya)

The Northwest direction is for air/wind. This is the most central to all elements and connects one to the energy of all rooms. This is the area of maximum movement. Here desires are fulfilled, and it is best to have a sales and marketing department, meeting room, living room, and dining room. To balance the Air element in the Northwest side, simply open the windows for some time in the morning. Let there be the circulation or ventilation of fresh air. You will find relationships improving when the air element is balanced. This is the direction of air, wind, or aroma. The energizers ideal for this element is Shells, Gomati chakras, Shaligram, and aromatic diffusers. Use an abundance of green colour or green gemstones to charge this area.

North (Uttar)

North (Uttar)

The element present in the Northside is Ether/Sky. This is the area for expression, creativity, and communication. It is best to have a study room, living room, boardroom, and staff cabins here. This is the area of sound, and the colour is blue. Use chimes and bells here and blue gemstones to energize this corner. Below are the most favourable and also avoidable directions for various rooms, sectors, and elements in the home.

Chakra Vastu Consultation


Chakra Vastu consultation is a detailed and in-depth study of the home or office. We would require your floor plan or 2D drawing is drawn to scale to commence the process of consultation. Below are the steps involved in the consultation process:

Step 1: Using your floor plan/layout, first we work out the Brahmasthan of the dwelling. This is done through the usage of the Vastu Shakti Chakra.
Step 2: Next the master plan is drawn pinpointing the location of all sectors and positions in the dwelling. This is again done through the usage of the Chakra Vastu Shakti Chakra.
Step 3: The position of the Vastu Purush is established, and his Chakras are mapped as per the dwelling.
Step 4: Floor plan with various directions, deities that reside in various directions and energy of the elements is worked out.
Step 5: Most ideal position for various sectors and positions in the dwelling is established, and the said is compared with the current set-up.
Step 6: A zone calculator is used to calculate the overactive or underactive state of various energies in various directions, and the graph is prepared.
Step 7: Defects and Doshas in the dwelling if any are worked out and understood in-depth.
Step 8: Issues faced and benefits required are taken into consideration when preparing the recommendations.
Step 9: Recommendations are made of the ideal possible changes that can be done and products, which can be used to reduce the malefic effect of wrong construction and to gain maximum benefits from various directions.

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Sacred Geometry, Auspicious Symbols And Figurines Used In Chakra Vastu

Once the house is built you can use energy products like yantras, gemstones, rudraksha, shaligram, shells, metals, auspicious symbols and sacred geometry to balance the direction, give the required element and generate positive energies. Some of the popular items used are as below:



A Swastik symbol is highly auspicious. It symbolizes the Sun God (Lord Surya). The four arms of the Swastik symbolize four directions - North, East, South and West, which connotes stability, firmness and strength. The Swastik is also one of the 108 symbols of Lord Vishnu.



The eastside is known for fulfillment of prayers and desires. It is from this side that manifestation is going to happen in your dwelling. Also, the east is where the sun rises, indicating life and health. This area may be utilized for the living room, study room, meditation purposes, Puja room and entrance. The element fire can be enhanced by installing Yantras, Chowkis, Cowries, Rose Quartz gemstone and Goddess Laxmi items.

Welcome Sign/ganesha Hanging


A welcome sign or a Ganesha hanging on the entrance of a home or workplace attracts auspiciousness. The main entrance is one of the most important aspects of a home thus, a welcome sign is desired.



A Kalash with water, coconut and mango leaves symbolizes life, fertility and abundance. The Kalash represents creation and is very auspicious. The Kalash symbolizes the earth, and the water in the Kalash symbolizes the primordial water from which life emerged.



Deity idols symbolize cosmic powers and forces of nature. They have great religious and philosophical significance. Various deity idols have varied characteristics and symbols, such as weapons, articles, animal/birds as vehicles with a specific significance.



Pyramids are energy nuclei. They harness cosmic energies and help cleanse the atmosphere and help keep it fresh and energized. The vibrations and energies that pyramids emit depend upon the shape, size, colour, material, direction and more factors of the pyramid.

Shree Yantra


Shree Yantra is the most powerful and auspicious of all Yantras. It is the genetic code of the cosmos. The Shree Yantra represents the energy of Goddess Shakti. It’s a unique source of positive and spiritual energy with no other parallel.

Shubh Labh


Shubh means auspiciousness and Labh means benefit. Shubh and Labh are also two sons of Lord Ganesha. Lord Ganesha is the God of good fortune and a good beginning. Thus Shubh Labh when inscribed invites auspiciousness and prosperity.



Natural gemstones are formed under high pressure, and temperature deep under the earth’s crust and thus is a high source of energy. Different precious and semi-precious gemstones emit different energies and frequencies which help balance the energies of the dwelling when placed in different corners.



Bells are auspicious; they cleanse the atmosphere and also make energy propagate. The sound that bells emit symbolizes AUM. Also, a bell’s curved body symbolizes infinity and its tongue represents wisdom. The ringing of a bell provides positive vibes.



The Trishul (Trident) symbolizes three Gunas which are Sattva, Rajas and Tamas, These Gunas have been mastered by Lord Shiva thus Lord Shiva is always depicted as having Trishul in his hand or by his side. The Trishul also represents Lord Shiva’s power to destroy all evil and ignorance.



Shankh has great spiritual significance, they symbolize prosperity and abundance. Shankh purifies the environment of negativities. Various Gods and Goddesses are often depicted holding with Shankh in their hands. Shankh is also used for Puja purposes.



Shaligrams are a representation of Lord Vishnu. They are found in the sacred river Gandaki. The mere sight of Shaligram is very auspicious and beneficial. Shaligrams purify the surroundings, in fact as per Garuda Purana, wherever 108 Shaligrams are kept that place becomes Vaikuntha.



Shivlingams represent the holy union between Shiva and Shakti. The Lingam symbolizes Tejas (energy) and Chaitanya (consciousness) and the Yoni symbolizes Maa Shakti, the female creative energy of the universe. Thus, the Shivling is a symbol of the union of the duality of the Shiva (The Pure One) and Shakti (sacred force or the cosmic energy).

Diya (Oil Lamp)


Fire and light cleanse everything and ward away darkness. The diya symbolizes the removal of ignorance and spread of knowledge and wisdom. Diya symbolizes the illumination of not only physical surroundings but also of mind, soul and spirit.

Flower / Plant Pot


Flowers have different colours as well as aromas thus they work on two levels. Different plants possess different properties; some plants are considered auspicious which while others are not. Thus varied plants affect surroundings differently.

Sripada (Goddess Laxmi Feet)


The Sripada or symbolic imprints of Goddess Laxmi’s footprint represent an invitation to good fortune, wealth, prosperity and abundance.

Wind Chimes


Wind chimes help propagate energies and attract auspiciousness. The soothing sound that wind chimes produce helps elevate individuals and enhance their moods.

Sea Shell


Sea shells are considered auspicious. They were also used as currency, and thus they symbolize wealth. They are also used in various pujas.



The feathers of various birds are auspicious as they are associated with various Deities. Feathers such as peacock feather attract unique frequencies, as the peacock symbolizes purity and positive energy.



Different metals emit different frequencies and vibrations. Few metals such as gold, silver, Punchdhatu and copper are considered auspicious, whereas other metals are not. Thus, different metals have the ability to affect the surroundings differently.



Coins made from various metals and with impressions of different Gods and Goddesses are auspicious. Coins symbolize wealth and Goddess Laxmi. Thus coins attract good fortune and prosperity.



A slight change in shape changes the wavelength of energy that is emitted by the object. Shapes such as Square, Rectangle, Circle, Oval, Pentagon, Hexagon and more, radiate varied energies. Various shapes and forms and conducive to various energies.



Various colours produce various vibrations and are also absorbed by the body. Different colours have different properties and can have a profound effect on the surroundings. Various colours have varied wavelengths and frequencies and thus have different effects.



Aromas from various oils, attars and fragrance emitting products have a physiological and physical effect on surroundings. Different aromas stimulate different energies and brain functions. Various aromas thus have the ability to impact the environment differently.


Mantras are energy-based sounds. Mantras, when chanted, heard or even viewed, provides vibrations and upliftment. Mantras, when chanted, emit really high vibrations that cleanse the surrounding environment of all negativity.



Horseshoes made from iron ward off evil and negative energies. It is often put up on the front door or wall to attract good fortune and to provide protection from bad luck and diseases.

Vastu Animal Figurines

Various animal figurines are made using varied materials are used in Vastu to work on the subconscious mind and bless one with benefits and positive traits.

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